real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

hell yeah...and to me it's like the podcasts are saying the SAME thing me and my boys all talk about. I was JUST talking to my boys about how some of the girls we know/date/dumped are just confused in the head and how now matter what, we try to tell them that we dont want a relationship or w/e it is, they wanna make us feel bad for not doing so...all because it doesnt match up with their agenda. It's also what Flex said in his "Play or Be Played" book how women look for men to cast in their personal soap operas. Then you got this SATC type @%$ where all these chicks is walking around talking about "I'm like Carrie, I only attract assh---. I wish I would find a good man".

BTW, when a woman says she wants a nice guy, it's a oxymoron SOMEtimes. Look @ her dating history and that's a bigger indicator of the types of men she's prone to date. That script is older than Hugh Hef.

Society has given women a lotta leeway. Us men (brothas in particular) dont have that. Theyd snatch our $*# up before they would a woman. That's why I say it's a buisness. As much as I'd like to find a girl to settle down with and all that, I'm choosy than a mutha. I'm not looking at myself now. I'm looking at myself in the next 5-10 years and what i wanna do with my life. Just off GP, I'm in the entertainment industry doing lifestyle marketing/promo for myself and Cornerstone Promotions. Chicks see the FB albums and stuff that I do and wanna be part of my life without

-actually trying to get to know me as a person
-showing me WHY I should even bother with them
-letting me know they're in it for anything besides the open bars, pictures and networking aspects.

All my boys doing us career wise and stuff....we deal with this all the time. For now, I'm glad being single (unless I tell my ex how I feel about her but w/e), but I like my options and freedom. It's not womanizing, it's discretion.
wait wait wait, open bars?

you always be MIA when i'm in the city...



"canibedown, canibecool, canibedown, huh?"
this is what i peeped:

there are more middle class, educated black women than there are middle class, educated black men, due primarily to the penal system, and lack of proper fatherfigures in black America.

therefore, black women have less to choose from, which makes me wonder, @%# IS UP WITH THE FALSE SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT?

T Pain had it wrong, the females should have been buying the drinks in the club all along.

black mothers tell their daughters, "find a man that can take care of you". they don't tell them to find a man with integrity, honesty, andcharacter.

anyways, i digress. false sense of entitlement is the problem, which in all honesty, other races of women don't seem to have nearly as much.
Yeah. A lotta "industry" events got free food and open bars.

A lotta chick wonder why I'm defensive and nonchalant when I first meet them. Its like chicks see my potential and that I don't broadcast who I knowand name drop like a lotta these clowns and are attracted to that.
To answer your question shortydoowop...

Black women make too many outlandish demands and wants without reciprocating---meaning women have unreasonable and unwarranted demands for black men, but inreturn don't put nothing on the table----sorta like what Nasheed was saying about women when they are "trumping the P_ssy card."

And that goes to our point about cooperation----if you come correct with me, expect the same in return.
SpringfieldXD wrote:
black mothers tell their daughters, "find a man that can take care of you". they don't tell them to find a man with integrity, honesty, and character.


With this statement... I think that if we were to ever increase the amount of black men who stay in the lives of their children (in addition to more blackmarriages staying together), it would be a decrease in the amount of black men who prefer not to or will not date black women, due to:

A young black girl seeing what a real man is like and gaining a greater perspective of what type of man she should be dating and why she should be dating himdue to his non-physical qualities opposed to his wallet size.


A young black boy who sees the love his father has for his mother, and how he treats her like a queen.

For the record, I'm not against interracial couples; I'm against people who won't date the same thing their mother is... I justdon't see myself who is not of a minority background, because honestly, due to the white girls I've met... there are things they can't relate to orempathize with due to me growing up as a black male.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Why did nobody answer me?

If the girls of NT state that us black men act like we're too good for black women, and should be realistic and get off our high horses...then why are black women not looked down upon or at least criticized when they display this same type of superior attitude over men ??
isn't that what this thread has turned into? even if it didn't trust it does happen...
Exactly...let's re-read ppl

The closest thing I'm seeing is stuff about cooperation and support from the different types of girls...I want a direct answer

pics ?
Ok. Ask the question again plz ...and out of respect for my relationship, no pics
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

With this statement... I think that if we were to ever increase the amount of black men who stay in the lives of their children (in addition to more black marriages staying together), it would be a decrease in the amount of black men who prefer not to or will not date black women, due to:

A young black girl seeing what a real man is like and gaining a greater perspective of what type of man she should be dating and why she should be dating him due to his non-physical qualities opposed to his wallet size.


A young black boy who sees the love his father has for his mother, and how he treats her like a queen.
I think the general failure of black relationships and marriage and lack of paternal presence in black communities is responsible for majority ofthe main problems in the black community, especially in less financially stable areas.

But it will take a lot to fix this due to how black males and females have been stereotyped for much of the past few years.

Not to bring Obama into every conversation, but I believe them being in office as a happily married couple and them going on dates and whatnot will be a HUGEpositive example to Black families.
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Prez T

they're literally thought of as the weakest subgroup of people...
SUCH a misconception . economically ? perhaps ... but socially not even close
i have this problem with my girl all the time....why the %*%% is everything a fight? just submit already....%*%%....we been together for 3 years and you can't just listen to what the %*%% i'm telling you? im 2 years your elder and i will never steer you wrong....damn
that is what the
were talking about man ... as hard as it is to face , her still being combative after 3 years is a sign of a lack of respect she has for you in some capacity

she stay apologizing tho....


Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

Not to bring Obama into every conversation, but I believe them being in office as a happily married couple and them going on dates and whatnot will be a HUGE positive example to Black families.
i sure hope so...
wow.. i just had to come in and co-sign most of the stuff i read here
i'm in an interracial relationship with a black girl from the west indies, who's only been in north america for less than 10 years and hasnt been muchinfluenced by some of the situations that were mentioned before. Although it seems that many of her friends are also single mothers, unwed,etc. even at olderages and it seems to be the norm.
i dont know her full dating history and if they've all seemed to be losers.. but i doubt it. the reason for the failed relationships.. who knows if whatshe says is the truth or not
everything i ask her she denies off bat.. and not just when it comes to serious talks, even daily conversation she acts like im interogating her and she willbe convicted if she agrees with something thats being asked. Which leads me to believe that everything she says could be attached from the truth, and after ayear + you begin to see the patterns and techniques one has in their arsenal.

i dont have much experience with black women (only been with 2) but i'd have to say that all the conceived notions of upset black women pertaining to menin general .. not just black men.. are on point. i also share the same feelings as a 'tired black man'

i'm expected to drop everything im doing to cater to her ALL THE TIME, and reciprication needs to be petitioned for before it is even considered.

there's too much stuff to rant about.. so i'll just keep reading and learn from my mistakes
although i love the good side of her, im disgusted by the rest.. screw face,teeth sucking,slick talk,irrelevant excuses, and lack of personal well being
i respect a woman with an opinion, but i cannot respect someone who does not express it with respect for another
this is definitely helping me with some closure to a relationship lost
Originally Posted by Sixfoot nathan

wow.. i just had to come in and co-sign most of the stuff i read here
i'm in an interracial relationship with a black girl from the west indies, who's only been in north america for less than 10 years and hasnt been much influenced by some of the situations that were mentioned before. Although it seems that many of her friends are also single mothers, unwed,etc. even at older ages and it seems to be the norm.
i dont know her full dating history and if they've all seemed to be losers.. but i doubt it. the reason for the failed relationships.. who knows if what she says is the truth or not
everything i ask her she denies off bat.. and not just when it comes to serious talks, even daily conversation she acts like im interogating her and she will be convicted if she agrees with something thats being asked

i dont have much experience with black women (only been with 2) but i'd have to say that all the conceived notions of upset black women pertaining to men in general .. not just black men.. are on point. i also share the same feelings as a 'tired black man'

i'm expected to drop everything im doing to cater to her ALL THE TIME, and reciprication needs to be petitioned for before it is even considered

there's too much stuff to rant about.. so i'll just keep reading and learn from my mistakes
although i love the good side of her, im disgusted by the rest.. screw face,teeth sucking,slick talk,irrelevant excuses, and lack of personal well being
i respect a woman with an opinion, but i cannot respect someone who does not express it with respect for another
this is definitely helping me with some closure to a relationship lost
In an effort to not turn this into an ANTI black women post...we should note that NOT EVERYONE is like this...

But to the NT females who feel we're talking to them, don't get gassed up and take this personally...but we all can't be lying about feeling thesame way...

There is a pervasive lack of respect...and a lack of reciprocity...but we still love ya'll...

...but why ya'll gotta make it so hard? Or is chivalry truly dead and we want 50/50 in the world...

OP CHANGE THE TITLE OF THE TOPIC...we on some whole other tip right now...
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

...but why ya'll gotta make it so hard? Or is chivalry truly dead and we want 50/50 in the world...

OP CHANGE THE TITLE OF THE TOPIC...we on some whole other tip right now...

i think alot of black women are on the defensive from jump...just watching people and how they act you think to yourself..."he's not about to playme" or you have this guard up and for alot of women that becomes who they are...

there's more but i'm not about to type and essay...
I mean it goes both ways guys....

There's someone in this thread who has posted making a joke about the lack of good black women in his age group....

He also gets serious and asks "how can we uplift our black women yada yada"

Yet he made a thread about having 2 girlfriends, girls, JOs or whatever....

But really? You want respect and understanding...

Yet you decide to be triffling and date multiple females at the same time? Where's the respect there?
i definitely refuse to believe that these characteristics hold true for most
but if a million and one claim it, and i as well am a participating spectator.. then the truth is out there and needs to be addressed
how can a man that has never met 'my' girl tell me so accurately about her behaviour? tit for tat

i love her still (in a sense).. but the attitude or whatever you want to call it is making it impossible to justify any further real investment
real talk

i cant give to anyone that has their hand out all the time, and when im in need the reasons i have to wait while she does nothing is endless
im sorry

some women just need to lay down their pride for one moment and realize that life could be more fair if you just fall back without skinning your teeth, damn
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

I mean it goes both ways guys....

There's someone in this thread who has posted making a joke about the lack of goog black women in his age group....

He also gets serious and asks "how can we uplift our black women yada yada"

Yet he made a thread about having 2 girlfriends, girls, JOs or whatever....

But really? You want respect and understanding...

Yet you decide to be triffling and date multiple females at the same time? Where's the respect there?
QFT. Hypocrites don't deserve any respect.
HKD, it's one of the many double standards between dudes and females. This topic is littered with them, but I never knew there was so many black dudes withsuch a negative, generalized view of black women.

I guess I have to remember some people live in ****hole $@* cities too though so that explains much of it too since they have a different frame of referencethan I. Dudes acting like they never seen

But this topic is still hardly any different from any topic on Stormfront where everyone is giving their 2 cent on why they're so much better than mudraces and following every post cosigning each other with e-high fives, and cliche response like this, /thread, QFT, smoky face emoticon, or even worse justquoting a person's post and that's all.
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

I mean it goes both ways guys....

There's someone in this thread who has posted making a joke about the lack of goog black women in his age group....

He also gets serious and asks "how can we uplift our black women yada yada"

Yet he made a thread about having 2 girlfriends, girls, JOs or whatever....

But really? You want respect and understanding...

Yet you decide to be triffling and date multiple females at the same time? Where's the respect there?

notice they were both white girls tho...
he knows a sista would havehis $#+% cut up on the lawn waiting for him when he got back from Cali...

that was a joke...kinda
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

HKD, it's one of the many double standards between dudes and females. This topic is littered with them, but I never knew there was so many black dudes with such a negative, generalized view of black women.

I guess I have to remember some people live in ****hole $@* cities too though so that explains much of it too since they have a different frame of reference than I. Dudes acting like they never seen

But this topic is still hardly any different from any topic on Stormfront where everyone is giving their 2 cent on why they're so much better than mud races and following every post cosigning each other with e-high fives, and cliche response like this, /thread, QFT, smoky face emoticon, or even worse just quoting a person's post and that's all.

To extent I can see the atmosphere being that way but this is how I feel:

Guys are attracted to skeezers knowing what they are before hand. Don't go into something half @ssed or with ulterior motives but then when a chick flipsthe script on you and suddenly you're being played for a its f- black woman and all of ya'll are this and that

I understand all girls aren't saints. But like I have said in this thread I have had guys tell me "I look like too much work" So you'retelling me that had I just let you use me at your discretion then you'd want to get to know me? That's unaccceptable. And idc if I'm called w/ename under the sun my morals are in tact and I know what's really good.

I am from hood, hell I still live here. And you know what?Ya'll dudes (general statement) aren't that stupid. You know who these girls are when youstart talking to them. You know the girl will argue with you, you know she's a hoodrat, but you don't care because some of you think bomb @ss sex isworth it. And quite frankly alot of men in this thread are full of it because ya'll don't even realize you are subconsciously attracted to that inwhich you are complaining about....
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by Sixfoot nathan

wow.. i just had to come in and co-sign most of the stuff i read here
i'm in an interracial relationship with a black girl from the west indies, who's only been in north america for less than 10 years and hasnt been much influenced by some of the situations that were mentioned before. Although it seems that many of her friends are also single mothers, unwed,etc. even at older ages and it seems to be the norm.
i dont know her full dating history and if they've all seemed to be losers.. but i doubt it. the reason for the failed relationships.. who knows if what she says is the truth or not
everything i ask her she denies off bat.. and not just when it comes to serious talks, even daily conversation she acts like im interogating her and she will be convicted if she agrees with something thats being asked

i dont have much experience with black women (only been with 2) but i'd have to say that all the conceived notions of upset black women pertaining to men in general .. not just black men.. are on point. i also share the same feelings as a 'tired black man'

i'm expected to drop everything im doing to cater to her ALL THE TIME, and reciprication needs to be petitioned for before it is even considered

there's too much stuff to rant about.. so i'll just keep reading and learn from my mistakes
although i love the good side of her, im disgusted by the rest.. screw face,teeth sucking,slick talk,irrelevant excuses, and lack of personal well being
i respect a woman with an opinion, but i cannot respect someone who does not express it with respect for another
this is definitely helping me with some closure to a relationship lost
In an effort to not turn this into an ANTI black women post...we should note that NOT EVERYONE is like this...

But to the NT females who feel we're talking to them, don't get gassed up and take this personally...but we all can't be lying about feeling the same way...

There is a pervasive lack of respect...and a lack of reciprocity...but we still love ya'll...

...but why ya'll gotta make it so hard? Or is chivalry truly dead and we want 50/50 in the world...
It's too late for that. What else don't you like about black women again? AND you don't love us because if you did you would havestopped and known that this is just the beginning so now it is what it is and the line has been drawn.

Note to the black men in here because clearly I wonder now who all is black: When you have your black daughters with whoever get ready for this kind of downingon the regular. Hopefully she can speak for herself and is strong(I know yall HATE THAT WORD) enough to take this BUT wait some of you in here will want her tosubmit to this kind of bashing just b/c somebody in your past #@$! on you...I forgot.

I mean it goes both ways guys....

There's someone in this thread who has posted making a joke about the lack of goog black women in his age group....

He also gets serious and asks "how can we uplift our black women yada yada"

Yet he made a thread about having 2 girlfriends, girls, JOs or whatever....

But really? You want respect and understanding...

Yet you decide to be triffling and date multiple females at the same time? Where's the respect there?
That's what I'm saying. No respect at all but that's how he likes em and picks them I guess. He doesn't have to come correct hejust has to lay pipe correctly. He knows his role there.
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

I understand all girls aren't saints. But like I have said in this thread I have had guys tell me "I look like too much work" So you're telling me that had I just let you use me at your discretion then you'd want to get to know me? That's unaccceptable. And idc if I'm called w/e name under the sun my morals are in tact and I know what's really good.

I am from hood, hell I still live here. And you know what?Ya'll dudes (general statement) aren't that stupid. You know who these girls are when you start talking to them. You know the girl will argue with you, you know she's a hoodrat, but you don't care because some of you think bomb @ss sex is worth it. And quite frankly alot of men in this thread are full of it because ya'll don't even realize you are subconsciously attracted to that in which you are complaining about....
This isn't adding up.
Originally Posted by p0tat0 5alad

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

I understand all girls aren't saints. But like I have said in this thread I have had guys tell me "I look like too much work" So you're telling me that had I just let you use me at your discretion then you'd want to get to know me? That's unaccceptable. And idc if I'm called w/e name under the sun my morals are in tact and I know what's really good.

I am from hood, hell I still live here. And you know what?Ya'll dudes (general statement) aren't that stupid. You know who these girls are when you start talking to them. You know the girl will argue with you, you know she's a hoodrat, but you don't care because some of you think bomb @ss sex is worth it. And quite frankly alot of men in this thread are full of it because ya'll don't even realize you are subconsciously attracted to that in which you are complaining about....
This isn't adding up.
Talk to me what's not adding up? The fact that I have guy friends who at some point was tryna get with me and decided that because i'm nota garden tool it wasnt worth it?

Or dudes needing to be a bit more selective?
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