real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Why did nobody answer me?

If the girls of NT state that us black men act like we're too good for black women, and should be realistic and get off our high horses...then why are black women not looked down upon or at least criticized when they display this same type of superior attitude over men ??
isn't that what this thread has turned into? even if it didn't trust it does happen...
Exactly...let's re-read ppl
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Why did nobody answer me?

If the girls of NT state that us black men act like we're too good for black women, and should be realistic and get off our high horses...then why are black women not looked down upon or at least criticized when they display this same type of superior attitude over men ??
isn't that what this thread has turned into? even if it didn't trust it does happen...
Exactly...let's re-read ppl

The closest thing I'm seeing is stuff about cooperation and support from the different types of girls...I want a direct answer

pics ?
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Who is this Nasheed dude? Is he a author or something?

Can someone summarize his podcast please. My flash player is not loading up properly.

Does he talk about the lack of respect among the black community---or constantly having to check women on a constant basis???
he says EXACTLY what you said . literally . it almost sounds like you listened to his podcast and repeated exactly what he said
if youve never heard of him before , youd love his stuff . google 'mack lessons radio'

before i continue i wanna clarify that this is all in terms of speaking GENERALLY . Tariq summarizes the why black women arent getting married in a number ofways , but the main reason is their lack of respect for black men as a whole . this comes from the black community being heavily matriarchal and the fact thatmany women dont have a father figure in their lives and therefore have no idea how to deal w a black man . this manifests itself in the way many black womenconstantly try to diss and degrade black men they are involved with , try to 'change' us , try to baby and belittle us , test us , are much morerespectful to men of other races they date (esp white men) , snitch on us ( , all these video vixen tell all books , black female messageboards) , etc etc . one of his major points is how they dont understand the meaning of marriage : to love , HONOR , AND OBEY a black man . its easy for blackwomen to love a black man , but the HONOR (respect) and OBEY (submit to) part of it they have trouble with . a wild example , but have you ever noticed howblack women are much more likely to refuse to perform oral sex on black men then women of other races are ? its part of the block many of them have and tiesinto the issue of them having a hard time submitting to a black man

If the girls of NT state that us black men act like we're too good for black women, and should be realistic and get off our high horses...then why are black women not looked down upon or at least criticized when they display this same type of superior attitude over men ??
theres a diff between 'acting too good for' and 'being fed up with' that people have to recognize . if many black men timeand time again find themselves jumping through hoops and constantly being tested by black women they date , why dont they have the right to focus theirattentions onto other races ? if you loved sneakers and 95% of the time you tried on a pair of Nikes they were extremely uncomfortable , meanwhile otherbrand's sneakers were not only looked good , but were pleasant , comfortable , and prices were going down wouldnt you switch to another brand ?
I just downloaded Tariq's podcasts and all I have to say is WOW!! He speaks the gospel!!

I see great minds think alike.
I knew I wasn't one of the only people to peep this stuff out.

I will definitely listen to his podcasts and read his books.

I primarly experince this behavior from reading and experiences of many friends and relatives around my social environment throuhout the years.

Its realtalk....bottom line.
i agree, they have major issues with submitting, but i attribute it to the fact that they are a double minority

black AND female...

just imagine that tho...

we're black males....there's a certain level of fear in the minds of bigots and people who hate us....

there's a certain level of "he can beat my *+@" when dudes approach us...


none of that.

they're literally thought of as the weakest subgroup of people...

i have this problem with my girl all the time....why the %*%% is everything a fight? just submit already....%*%%....we been together for 3 years and youcan't just listen to what the %*%% i'm telling you? im 2 years your elder and i will never steer you wrong....damn

you just opened up some repressed frustration bro!

they're literally thought of as the weakest subgroup of people...
SUCH a misconception . economically ? perhaps ... but socially not even close
i have this problem with my girl all the time....why the %*%% is everything a fight? just submit already....%*%%....we been together for 3 years and you can't just listen to what the %*%% i'm telling you? im 2 years your elder and i will never steer you wrong....damn
that is what the
were talking about man ... as hard as it is to face , her still being combative after 3 years is a sign of a lack of respect she has for you in somecapacity
eNPHAN wrote:
i have this problem with my girl all the time....why the %*%% is everything a fight? just submit already....%*%%....we been together for 3 years and you can't just listen to what the %*%% i'm telling you? im 2 years your elder and i will never steer you wrong....damn

you just opened up some repressed frustration bro!




You have no idea how much that means to me.

Its seriously the most frustrating thing ever.
Originally Posted by StephonUrkel

y is this still open? the answer to the question is... to each his own

thats just blanketing and sugarcoating the real issue. back to the respect thing ...

do you know how many times ive heard BLACK women say to me that BLACK men aint
? ive never in my life heard a chick of any other racerefer to men of her own race as not being about
, or any other race of men for that matter . closest ive heard is certain girls saying they arent physically attracted to certain races , butthats much different . im just keeping it 100
Originally Posted by Prez T

thats just blanketing and sugarcoating the real issue. back to the respect thing ...

do you know how many times ive heard BLACK women say to me that BLACK men aint
? ive never in my life heard a chick of any other race refer to men of her own race as not being about
, or any other race of men for that matter . closest ive heard is certain girls saying they arent physically attracted to certain races , but thats much different . im just keeping it 100


not even just's in a woman's nature to "test" a man. it just is.
Eh, I guess.
Prez T wrote:
StephonUrkel wrote:
y is this still open? the answer to the question is... to each his own

thats just blanketing and sugarcoating the real issue. back to the respect thing ...

do you know how many times ive heard BLACK women say to me that BLACK men aint
? ive never in my life heard a chick of any other race refer to men of her own race as not being about
, or any other race of men for that matter . closest ive heard is certain girls saying they arent physically attracted to certain races , but thats much different . im just keeping it 100

thats what most of this thread has turned into...very few have come in and said they are just more attracted to __ than black women...
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Prez T wrote:
StephonUrkel wrote:
y is this still open? the answer to the question is... to each his own

thats just blanketing and sugarcoating the real issue. back to the respect thing ...

do you know how many times ive heard BLACK women say to me that BLACK men aint
? ive never in my life heard a chick of any other race refer to men of her own race as not being about
, or any other race of men for that matter . closest ive heard is certain girls saying they arent physically attracted to certain races , but thats much different . im just keeping it 100

thats what most of this thread has turned into...very few have come in and said they are just more attracted to __ than black women...
i did
I'm not even gonna touch on the Black woman respect thing. I'd be here all day.

I'll just say that a lotta young women come up without a positive male figure to guide them and show them how to relate to a man so it plays a role in howthey relate to young men as they grow up.
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

I'm not even gonna touch on the Black woman respect thing. I'd be here all day.

I'll just say that a lotta young women come up without a positive male figure to guide them and show them how to relate to a man so it plays a role in how they relate to young men as they grow up.
nah man this is true with girls who even grow up with all of that...

They just look at us with the

That respect thing is paramount.
Originally Posted by Prez T

they're literally thought of as the weakest subgroup of people...
SUCH a misconception . economically ? perhaps ... but socially not even close
i have this problem with my girl all the time....why the %*%% is everything a fight? just submit already....%*%%....we been together for 3 years and you can't just listen to what the %*%% i'm telling you? im 2 years your elder and i will never steer you wrong....damn
that is what the
were talking about man ... as hard as it is to face , her still being combative after 3 years is a sign of a lack of respect she has for you in some capacity

nah, even socially dog...

what's the stereotype of a woman?

what's the stereotype of black people?



they're stereotyped as stupid, ignorant, loud, rude and obnoxious, in this post, by fellow black people, alone!

imagine what other bigots think of them....

and i totally agree, it has a lot to do with girl is young...i know we both love each other i'm willing to work through suchthings....but damn if that %!$! isn't %!@**%$ frustrating....

we just got in an argument about me wanting to eat my lunch during a phone interview that the lady WANTED to schedule during my lunchbreak...

she was bugging and %!$! "that's tacky to eat on the phone", which i agree, but damn, did it have to end in us talking over each other andyou hanging up?


over a punk $*@ phone interview?


she stay apologizing tho....
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

you all are geniuses

and i'm just mars...lookin for a venus, you a genius...




It's like what Prez said.

you find the pair of kicks that fits you. Especially in this day and just hit me (once again) that you gotta date around. It aint like the old dayswhen you got tired of someone and there wasnt no one else.

esp a cat like me....the industry I'm in...i meet new people (especially females) all the's options...Ya'll wanna talk about men notwanting to put up with stuff...Black women have more options than they even realize. it's on them if they wanna be lame and stick with the "nogood" brothas.

Females in general are picky as hell but i think Black women sometimes overlook dudes a bit more. :-X

It's politics as usual.
I gotta go find me some of these fairy tale @%% fllawless everyraceotherthanblack women you dudes know
Shoot..I was watching a Oprah clip that said 70% of Black women are single...i was like

I do think Black women are loyal to a fault in that they're so focused on having a "Black Family" that they let all types of lames date theminstead of dating outside the race. It's also a factor of comfort zone and pardon my sexist statement, but this society provides more of a cushion on womencomfort zone wise than it does on men...especially Black men.

Chris Rock said it best. Men dont like to regress sexually and women dont like to regress financially
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I gotta go find me some of these fairy tale @%% fllawless everyraceotherthanblack women you dudes know
not a matter of flawless , everyone has their faults . many black men are just getting tired of being DISRESPECTED , and so have opted todate women of other races . at the end of the day , if you look at all the big issues and problems black men express in the way black women treat them , theyreall a product of disrespect . not absent-mindedness , not aloofness , not immaturity , not clingyness , but disrespect . thats why in my initial post i saidits because women of other races (esp white) are more cooperative / submissive than black women , especially the ones willing to date a black man

magnus is right too , black women aren't looking to date outside their race as much as they should be . dont sitaround upset you cant find a man yet you refuse to consider anyone outside your race . and thats another thing ... black women more have this'woe is me , its THEIR fault' mentality when it comes to why black men arent feeling em . if they stepped their game up it wouldnt be a problem .

yall should listen to Tariqs most recent podcast about why women are so confused
hell yeah...and to me it's like the podcasts are saying the SAME thing me and my boys all talk about. I was JUST talking to my boys about how some of thegirls we know/date/dumped are just confused in the head and how now matter what, we try to tell them that we dont want a relationship or w/e it is, they wannamake us feel bad for not doing so...all because it doesnt match up with their agenda. It's also what Flex said in his "Play or Be Played" bookhow women look for men to cast in their personal soap operas. Then you got this SATC type @%$ where all these chicks is walking around talking about"I'm like Carrie, I only attract assh---. I wish I would find a good man".

BTW, when a woman says she wants a nice guy, it's a oxymoron SOMEtimes. Look @ her dating history and that's a bigger indicator of the types of menshe's prone to date. That script is older than Hugh Hef.

Society has given women a lotta leeway. Us men (brothas in particular) dont have that. Theyd snatch our $*# up before they would a woman. That's why I sayit's a buisness. As much as I'd like to find a girl to settle down with and all that, I'm choosy than a mutha. I'm not looking at myself now.I'm looking at myself in the next 5-10 years and what i wanna do with my life. Just off GP, I'm in the entertainment industry doing lifestylemarketing/promo for myself and Cornerstone Promotions. Chicks see the FB albums and stuff that I do and wanna be part of my life without

-actually trying to get to know me as a person
-showing me WHY I should even bother with them
-letting me know they're in it for anything besides the open bars, pictures and networking aspects.

All my boys doing us career wise and stuff....we deal with this all the time. For now, I'm glad being single (unless I tell my ex how I feel about her butw/e), but I like my options and freedom. It's not womanizing, it's discretion.
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