real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

SMH at what this thread turned into.

I'm Asian, and I'd be willing to date any girl, regardless of race.

same here, but of course I do have my preferences.
I agree with what you said DB West. Its so true......

General Johnson, I have family like that too.

That is why people have to escape their comfort zones----people get too familiar with what they see in front of them and their environment and believe whatothers who are also living in that same level of familiarity influence their actions, perceptions, and prejudged views of how other people should live theirlives.

If someone is doing something better than me or is more successful than me---then I would listen then proceed to change---POINT BLANK.

What does one have to say to me if they are my equals??? *digresses*

Sadly, we tend to maintain that "section 8" mentality, and keep those social networks, or crassly adopt those "ghetto-like" characteristicswhen we acheive a certain socio-economic status. As a result, our circles and habits usually get us in trouble----This is a regular occurring theme for some inSports.

On a sidenote we, as a black community, embrace N**GA instincts entirely too much word to Chris Rock.

So I can understand why not only black athletes, but blacks that are successful, choose to date outside their race---cause in most cases, when one "makesit out", their whole environemnt and community "makes it out"---Its like an unfair obligation for these individuals----im not implying that itsthe reason but it might have some influence in the minds of some successful blacks.

As a result, some athletes may cut ties with some of their past or environment----and this usually creates problems for the women, usually the"loyal" black women that were once part of their social environment.

Like I pointed out and others have said before, with success comes more options and more opportunities. One would be a fool to not explore other possibilitiesand opportnities.

Once again there are exceptions---athletes and entertainers that came from poor environments are those first that come to mind.

Many athletes and Entertainers usually want to change their environments once they reach success. So they usually cut ties with their past environments andsocial networks----but like I stated before, we tend to accept, maintain, and embrace these "ghetto" instincts more than any other race and never"escape" our environment----and it hurts us in the long run.

We either have to change our way of thinking or expand our thinking capacity---because that's where it all starts: In the mind.

My mother is well traveled, well educated, an executive and is STILL a prejudiced.

She used to tell me all the time when I was a kid that the only two races are black and white. In her opinion if you aren't black, you're white.

Still love her to death though.

Wow that's crazy.

Where my parents from (South central Georgia), they still have segregated proms----the whites would have their prom that afternoon and then the blacks wouldhave theirs that night at the same spot.

Its just unfortunate that people still have this mentality in 2009.

Sad man
Originally Posted by airmissionretro


Wow that's crazy.

Where my parents from (South central Georgia), they still have segregated proms----the whites would have their prom that afternoon and then the blacks would have theirs that night at the same spot.

Its just unfortunate that people still have this mentality in 2009.

Sad man

There are parts of Alabama like that too. The southern part of Alabama has a lot of segregated cities.
I can also deter a possible reasoning for athletes wanting to date white women is the fact that white women were once upon a time "off limits" toblacks---you all read the books and watch the movies unfortunately about it.

Or at least I hope you all did...

History shows that black men were socially chastised and persecuted if not killed by their white counterparts if he was to be with a white woman or showed someinterest for a white woman.

Prime Examples: Emmet Till and Jack Johnson

So in defense to some athletes that dated white women---it was more of a denied curious quest or challenge for lack of better words for blacks to date whitewomen since they were percieved to be "highly valuable" to white men.

People always put more value on something that they cannot have or can't seem to get----this goes with ANYTHING in life. If something is unattainable orhard to reach, people will spend more time and energy and in some cases----money---- to get what they want---Fact.

And this is where success and money and having options comes in to play.

Apply this any other aspect or priority in life.
Originally Posted by oidreez

DatZNasty wrote:

We should just make a denounce black people forum
cosign. whenever the subject of black women come up, half the forum calls them ghetto, obnoxious etc when the subject of white women come up, dudes act like theyre God's gift to earth. %#+@ is pathetic

i know right
People have the right to change who they are.....

And every race IS God's gift to Earth. Its up to the individual to awknowledge His gift and share it with everyone else in a positive light....

Its sad that some individuals from some races don't want to accept God's gift and show no gratitude or praise for His givings.
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Blackmagnus is right---those days of courtship are over.

Its not like it was before the 1950s and 60s where you had to dress up in your 3-piece suit----smack some pomade on your finger wave and roll to the jukebox joint and court a woman, usually of the same race----date her for 4 years then marry her. Those days are gone.

You had to come CORRECT then----you had to put your A game on.

With technology now----and its opening to the different parts of the world and living a more liberal social state, esp in The Western world----people have the freedom to explore new social avenues and have a variety of people to choose to date now.

You have to screen people in ABUNDANCE these days.

Also, like people mentioned on here before, when one achieve financial success---they will have more OPTIONS in their dating preference. This means that their selection of many races and ehnicities of people will be in abundance. When a person has money----more than likely they get to travel and get out of their comfort zones (which is more of a serious problem for some races) and experience new things----explore different cultures-----this is how people grow and become more open-minded of society around them and most importantly---themselves.

Also, I find it disturbing that why would some date someone in order to "change" them---like they are The Saviour from Heaven or someone of that nature. I mean they have this ulterior motive for reforming someone like they need Detox or something. Especially if that person carries a bad reputation or comes from a #%4@ up background and has a screwed up past . Then when they do change someone, they throw them to the pits. I mean what part of the game is this---or life for that matter?

Life isn't a game.

You don't %@#$! with someone's mind like that----You don't know @$! a person is liable to do if you play with their heads like that----I know this is a cliché but a person has to be willing to change THEMSELVES before one "attempts' to change them. I do find more of one race of women trying to acheive this----I wonder if this is one of the reasons why some women of particular races would want to remain loyal to the men of the same race and vice versa beause I find not being physically attracted to another race is hard to believe----vagina is vagina and di*k is di*k---and like someone else mentioned: Its just the mind and the body that its in that makes them different.

Its cool to be loyal, but when your mental and physical well-being is in jeopardy, how cool is that loyalty then? Its a new day---theres a HUGE world out here---we are not in feudelism or in Ancient Rome. You are not BOUND to indentured servitude. I love Huey, Bobby Seale, Stokley, Martin, and Malcolm and Marcus---they did their job. We have liberities over here now so use them. You never know what you might like over the other side of rhe pastures---speaking of men and women of all races.

So I believe there is something more to this way of thinking for some.

You kind of rambled in this response and I don't know why . The whole paragraph on changing someone blew up your spot something crazy and I'm sorry ablack woman tried to change you in the past. I didn't do it.

Anyway, what I took from this overall post was that I shouldn't expect a black man to treat me with respect in trying to court me because he has so manyoptions these days and because I am black I am in the comfort zone that he will want to avoid now that he has money even though I have been exposed, I ameducated, I have money and security just by my birth. Since I don't want my mental and physical well being in jeopardy it seems from what you said I shouldforget about black men altogether because the successful ones won't want me and that I should just go to the other races that will appreciate me because Iwill probably have more in common with them anyway word to Halle Berry. Correct me if I'm wrong please?

Good thing my self-esteem is where it needs to be and that I have TRUTH and examples to debunk some of this craziness. I believe in not being close-minded andkeeping my options open to someone with my same interests, beliefs, morals regardless of race.
History shows that black men were socially chastised and persecuted if not killed by their white counterparts if he was to be with a white woman or showed some interest for a white woman.

Prime Examples: Emmet Till and Jack Johnson

So in defense to some athletes that dated white women---it was more of a denied curious quest or challenge for lack of better words for blacks to date white women since they were percieved to be "highly valuable" to white men.

People always put more value on something that they cannot have or can't seem to get----this goes with ANYTHING in life. If something is unattainable or hard to reach, people will spend more time and energy and in some cases----money---- to get what they want---Fact.
So it comes out from a black man...still competing with the white man eh?
If someone is going to date outside of there race that is what it isbut lets not use that as an excuse in this day and age. I'm sure those black men that actually love there white wives/gf's would have a problem withthat statement considering love is love. You surely just exposed a few people though for sure. On the flip side of that black women were raped time and timeagain during slavery and forced to have children they didn't want by the white slave masters while the black man was forced to stand by and watch adding tothe emasculation of the black man adding more shame to the fact that black men couldn't protect there women so if you want to use this argument tell it allabout why the white women are so highly valuable and why the white man fought tooth and nail to protect them and it's because they weren't the onesthat were being used and abused and the black man took on that way of thinking wanting to get on there level at least by your definition. I could haveinterpreted your definition wrong and if I have sorry.

I suggest we not even go here because this isn't even the proper forum to have a debate and I don't think you want to put it all out on the tablebecause it won't be pretty. I just think this is sad overall.

It also doesn't seem like you would have a problem with this statement by that response that you just gave:
What part of the "Moving On Up" song does she not get?
How everything is so full circle and and that was the first response to this thread.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Blackmagnus is right---those days of courtship are over.

Its not like it was before the 1950s and 60s where you had to dress up in your 3-piece suit----smack some pomade on your finger wave and roll to the jukebox joint and court a woman, usually of the same race----date her for 4 years then marry her. Those days are gone.

You had to come CORRECT then----you had to put your A game on.

With technology now----and its opening to the different parts of the world and living a more liberal social state, esp in The Western world----people have the freedom to explore new social avenues and have a variety of people to choose to date now.

You have to screen people in ABUNDANCE these days.

Also, like people mentioned on here before, when one achieve financial success---they will have more OPTIONS in their dating preference. This means that their selection of many races and ehnicities of people will be in abundance. When a person has money----more than likely they get to travel and get out of their comfort zones (which is more of a serious problem for some races) and experience new things----explore different cultures-----this is how people grow and become more open-minded of society around them and most importantly---themselves.

Also, I find it disturbing that why would some date someone in order to "change" them---like they are The Saviour from Heaven or someone of that nature. I mean they have this ulterior motive for reforming someone like they need Detox or something. Especially if that person carries a bad reputation or comes from a #%4@ up background and has a screwed up past . Then when they do change someone, they throw them to the pits. I mean what part of the game is this---or life for that matter?

Life isn't a game.

You don't %@#$! with someone's mind like that----You don't know @$! a person is liable to do if you play with their heads like that----I know this is a cliché but a person has to be willing to change THEMSELVES before one "attempts' to change them. I do find more of one race of women trying to acheive this----I wonder if this is one of the reasons why some women of particular races would want to remain loyal to the men of the same race and vice versa beause I find not being physically attracted to another race is hard to believe----vagina is vagina and di*k is di*k---and like someone else mentioned: Its just the mind and the body that its in that makes them different.

Its cool to be loyal, but when your mental and physical well-being is in jeopardy, how cool is that loyalty then? Its a new day---theres a HUGE world out here---we are not in feudelism or in Ancient Rome. You are not BOUND to indentured servitude. I love Huey, Bobby Seale, Stokley, Martin, and Malcolm and Marcus---they did their job. We have liberities over here now so use them. You never know what you might like over the other side of rhe pastures---speaking of men and women of all races.

So I believe there is something more to this way of thinking for some.

You kind of rambled in this response and I don't know why . The whole paragraph on changing someone blew up your spot something crazy and I'm sorry a black woman tried to change you in the past. I didn't do it.

Anyway, what I took from this overall post was that I shouldn't expect a black man to treat me with respect in trying to court me because he has so many options these days and because I am black I am in the comfort zone that he will want to avoid now that he has money even though I have been exposed, I am educated, I have money and security just by my birth. Since I don't want my mental and physical well being in jeopardy it seems from what you said I should forget about black men altogether because the successful ones won't want me and that I should just go to the other races that will appreciate me because I will probably have more in common with them anyway word to Halle Berry. Correct me if I'm wrong please?

Good thing my self-esteem is where it needs to be and that I have TRUTH and examples to debunk some of this craziness. I believe in not being close-minded and keeping my options open to someone with my same interests, beliefs, morals regardless of race.
History shows that black men were socially chastised and persecuted if not killed by their white counterparts if he was to be with a white woman or showed some interest for a white woman.

Prime Examples: Emmet Till and Jack Johnson

So in defense to some athletes that dated white women---it was more of a denied curious quest or challenge for lack of better words for blacks to date white women since they were percieved to be "highly valuable" to white men.

People always put more value on something that they cannot have or can't seem to get----this goes with ANYTHING in life. If something is unattainable or hard to reach, people will spend more time and energy and in some cases----money---- to get what they want---Fact.
So it comes out from a black man...still competing with the white man eh?
If someone is going to date outside of there race that is what it is but lets not use that as an excuse in this day and age. I'm sure those black men that actually love there white wives/gf's would have a problem with that statement considering love is love. You surely just exposed a few people though for sure. On the flip side of that black women were raped time and time again during slavery and forced to have children they didn't want by the white slave masters while the black man was forced to stand by and watch adding to the emasculation of the black man adding more shame to the fact that black men couldn't protect there women so if you want to use this argument tell it all about why the white women are so highly valuable and why the white man fought tooth and nail to protect them and it's because they weren't the ones that were being used and abused and the black man took on that way of thinking wanting to get on there level at least by your definition. I could have interpreted your definition wrong and if I have sorry.

I suggest we not even go here because this isn't even the proper forum to have a debate and I don't think you want to put it all out on the table because it won't be pretty. I just think this is sad overall.

It also doesn't seem like you would have a problem with this statement by that response that you just gave:
What part of the "Moving On Up" song does she not get?
How everything is so full circle and and that was the first response to this thread.

What the hell?

What school of thought are you from?

Thats what I'm talking about. Taking that crap too personally. If you don't like black men SO BE IT. But don't expect for dudes not to want toexpand their horizons when thats all they grew up around. Youre straight up ig'nant for that. Stop looking for preferential treatment. Be yourself and youwill be happy. Stop trying to ride other people just because he ain't feeling you. If you was really about all that "being educated and sophiscatedand special and nice and pretty " and all that nonsense you wouldn't have to say it. Stop proving every point with a lesser one. How you gonna mention"well i'm sorry a woman tried to change you... I didn't" SO?! He ain't talking to you. Thats your problem. You think everything is sopolarized...A GRAY AREA EXISTS that doesn't encompass everyone you're talking about. But ill be damned if you say what dude had to say is far from thetruth of a LOT of ya'll out there...

This isn't anti-black woman, this is anti-self depreciation.

Why worry about the next man/woman?
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

Originally Posted by oidreez

DatZNasty wrote:

We should just make a denounce black people forum
cosign. whenever the subject of black women come up, half the forum calls them ghetto, obnoxious etc when the subject of white women come up, dudes act like theyre God's gift to earth. %#+@ is pathetic

i know right

Dayum people really goin in on this thread. Truthfully i doubt its as deep as yall goin. Tru racism exist but come on yall. No one alive was a slave or evenclose to that time period. Yes our grand parents were around for civil rights and that era but come on now. Dont try to bring that slavery time metality intoit. We know nothing of that mentality. And i do feel like black women feel they own black men. There are few black women who date outside their race. And inNYC most the time hispanic is not really outside of your race, cuz they are very similar to black people here. Most the time you wouldnt really even know theywere hispanic until they said so or spoke the language. I lived upstate in Alb for awhile. There people are more intergrated then NYC. I knew alot of whitepeople there and alot of black females found some white boys "cute" from what i heard, but still they never tried to date them. Alot of these femalesdo stick to bum @$% dudes that fit the typical black male stereotype of a "thug/rapper/hustler" or whatever. Then i think dudes see this a start toplay that role, or date outside their race but still stick to the role cuz females flock to that image and then wonder why dudes treat them wrong. Yall femalesare part of the blame too. I ve heard alot of females complain their man is to "nice" or not hood enough alot. Not every, but more then i would everassume. Then you gotta start lookin at who your really lookin for to see why u get stuck with sum bums. I kno that Di*khead in the benz wit 22's is gonnaget way more then the "nice" dude in a focus or with a bus pass. But thats just a lil but or my perception. Trust me, i been in both roles.
Originally Posted by Capricorn1229

Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Also, I find it disturbing that why would some date someone in order to "change" them---like they are The Saviour from Heaven or someone of that nature. I mean they have this ulterior motive for reforming someone like they need Detox or something. Especially if that person carries a bad reputation or comes from a #%4@ up background and has a screwed up past . Then when they do change someone, they throw them to the pits. I mean what part of the game is this---or life for that matter?

You kind of rambled in this response and I don't know why . The whole paragraph on changing someone blew up your spot something crazy and I'm sorry a black woman tried to change you in the past. I didn't do it.

Anyway, what I took from this overall post was that I shouldn't expect a black man to treat me with respect in trying to court me because he has so many options these days and because I am black I am in the comfort zone that he will want to avoid now that he has money even though I have been exposed, I am educated, I have money and security just by my birth. Since I don't want my mental and physical well being in jeopardy it seems from what you said I should forget about black men altogether because the successful ones won't want me and that I should just go to the other races that will appreciate me because I will probably have more in common with them anyway word to Halle Berry. Correct me if I'm wrong please?

Good thing my self-esteem is where it needs to be and that I have TRUTH and examples to debunk some of this craziness. I believe in not being close-minded and keeping my options open to someone with my same interests, beliefs, morals regardless of race.
History shows that black men were socially chastised and persecuted if not killed by their white counterparts if he was to be with a white woman or showed some interest for a white woman.

Prime Examples: Emmet Till and Jack Johnson

So in defense to some athletes that dated white women---it was more of a denied curious quest or challenge for lack of better words for blacks to date white women since they were percieved to be "highly valuable" to white men.

People always put more value on something that they cannot have or can't seem to get----this goes with ANYTHING in life. If something is unattainable or hard to reach, people will spend more time and energy and in some cases----money---- to get what they want---Fact.
So it comes out from a black man...still competing with the white man eh?
If someone is going to date outside of there race that is what it is but lets not use that as an excuse in this day and age. I'm sure those black men that actually love there white wives/gf's would have a problem with that statement considering love is love. You surely just exposed a few people though for sure. On the flip side of that black women were raped time and time again during slavery and forced to have children they didn't want by the white slave masters while the black man was forced to stand by and watch adding to the emasculation of the black man adding more shame to the fact that black men couldn't protect there women so if you want to use this argument tell it all about why the white women are so highly valuable and why the white man fought tooth and nail to protect them and it's because they weren't the ones that were being used and abused and the black man took on that way of thinking wanting to get on there level at least by your definition. I could have interpreted your definition wrong and if I have sorry.

I suggest we not even go here because this isn't even the proper forum to have a debate and I don't think you want to put it all out on the table because it won't be pretty. I just think this is sad overall.

It also doesn't seem like you would have a problem with this statement by that response that you just gave:
What part of the "Moving On Up" song does she not get?
How everything is so full circle and and that was the first response to this thread.

First of all, I was speaking on where I stood on that matter during "my rambled response".

Also, that so-called ramble holds validity and ties in to this post. I will elaborate shortly....

Furthermore, you don't have to apologize to me about me "blowing up"----NO woman has EVER "tried" to change me---so let this talkabout your assumptions of my relationship affairs come to a close please.

And that's another thing about most black women: why do they have to TRY black men so much?----Test us all the time?---Talk so "greasy" and sosassy towards us?---say a lot of "out of pocket things towards us"?----slick talk???. I see black women don't test other races of males that way,especially the whites-----why is that?

This isn't just the hoodrats doing this either, suprisingly. I can expect this type of rebellious behavior from younger women and hoodrats, but I witnessand hear about this type of behavior from many so-called "mature" black women on the regular, especially the ones that you Capricorn1229 describe inyourself: the educated, the financially secured, exposed, etc...etc...etc...*digressing*

To answer your summary, from what I can comprehend----you've got to give respect in order to get respect---not allpeople are worthy of respect----Why should anyone be respected if they don't give respect in the first place---I don't know you so how do I know thatyou are WORTHY of my respect---or to any male in partcular, regardless of race??

(And at this moment, I don't really care if your'e worthy of my respect or not, I'm not here for YOUR sake)

So I can understand part of the rationale behind black athletes wanting to date other races---that respect is there initially. Athletes dont have: 1) the time; and 2) the patience, to deal with the lack of respect and lack of cooperation---which is what EVERY man should look for. The problem exists when men have to fight tooth-in-nail on aregular basis to get that cooperation and that respect----Why deal with this and continue to waste valuable time battling stubborness in order to vie forcooperation?----So what if you are educated, financially secure, and have exposure, or share the same interests....or whatever----If that cooperation and respect isn't there from the beginning, then being all of those thingsdosen't matter----No man from any race should want or tolerate a non-cooperative and disrespectful woman---point blank.

I see MORE of this from the Black community currently. I'm not saying it dosen't exist in other races, but within the Black communitythis occurs far too regular. Thats a problem and it's been like this for decades (More specifically since the mid 1960s). Respect for each other within theblack community throught the years have been reduced to a bare minimum. My question is where did all the respect go??---why has it dwindled down in the blackcommunity over the years and why must black men constantly "check" the lack of respect given from black women?---this has been a tireless andendless pursuit for YEARS now. What happened?

Secondly, I commend you for being such an exceptional black woman Capricorn----YOU are the epitome of the independent black woman.


There is no one stopping you from dating who you want to date----I'm not just talking about you, but to all black women: If you want to live in yourcomfort-zones and continue to resort to your regular habits, go right ahead----ain't no thang on me----just don't complain and act bitter about whyblack men treat women a certain way or why black men date other races.

Like I said, if that respect and cooperation isn't there from the beginning then it dosent matter what you have to offer or what both parties have incommon and share together. We don't want to spend our valuable time fighting for our respect because you all don't want to give it or want to make it achallenge to get it---I've got my education from school. We've been tested enough. Time is valuable and its something we can never get back.

Black women usually play that game of being carefree and nonchalant; and say how much you all don't care about who black men choose to date but I knowthat black women are among the most envious groups of people on the planet---especially of their own kind---I'm definitely not saying all women are, andeveryone shows some sort of envy to an extent (whether people want to admit it or not), but the majority of black women are and take their jealousy of othersway too seriously and to the extreme---we see it everyday in some fashion: implicitly or explicitly; publicly or secretly---it dosen't matter. I also saythis because we (black people) are our own biggest haters---yeah now i'm generalizing----so sue me----but we brought this on ourselves, sadly.

And I bet you athletes and other men of means (black, white, etc.) don't want to put up with this...I know i don't....

Don't worry I've got examples to back this statement up, if you want any. Honestly, I don't have to look too far to find some....

Lastly Capricorn1229----your statement about black athletes dating white women because of competitive reasons is absolutely wrong. If anything we are competingagainst our own selves, negatively (read my statement about jealousy among blacks). However, I accept your apology though...

In addition, you are absolutely right about the whole slavery issue---I definitely agree with you----but like you said its for another topic and I dont want tostray too far from this subject. But I will say this, when you are forced into submission, both in a mental and physical manner, under mortal circumstancesthere is no way to "protect" and fight back an immensly enormous technological savy group of people to prevent others from being harmed----and blackmale slaves were raped too, and the women slaves were also forced to watch. *digressing*

In my statement about blacks valuing white women, I was talking about issues that occured between blacks and white during the Antebellum and Jim Crow years,thats why I specifically pointed out Emmett Till and Jack Johnson as examples---the social climate was different since blacks were emancipated and supposedlyhad more liberties and freedoms----and this is during a time where life in America was in terms of "black vs. white."

I don't know anything about the song "Moving On Up" but I do know some damn "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" by some Aretha Franklin and many other soulmusicians that sung this before though-----shoooooot...

I will continue with more later....

EDIT: Damn i said i wasnt gonna OD in my reply
@ me

What does reading Sociology books on race and socio-economic behavior have to do with the lack of respect within the Black Community?

Anyone can extract some numbers and study some behaviors and throw their opinions in a book.
because white girls on avg are more cooperative than black girls

listen to Tariq's podcast on why black women aren't getting married . pretty much sums everything up
Who is this Nasheed dude? Is he a author or something?

Can someone summarize his podcast please. My flash player is not loading up properly.

Does he talk about the lack of respect among the black community---or constantly having to check women on a constant basis???
he's just some dude with knowledge on women...i'm sure he speaks on all types of women...he has a few as hell too...
Originally Posted by airmissionretro

Who is this Nasheed dude? Is he a author or something?

Can someone summarize his podcast please. My flash player is not loading up properly.

Does he talk about the lack of respect among the black community---or constantly having to check women on a constant basis???

Sweetheart that last comment goes both ways....
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