real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

This is a thread about fkry @ this point.

I dont know why black men are getting the blame for black women being the way they are though.
This is an informative post---no need to lock this IMO. People are going to have their opinions. Just be respectful of other people's opinion though.

And LifeLessons---not calling you out or anything like that but I believe you and others that say black men are the reason why black women act like they do isa little inaccurate.

I will share my thoughts when I get off work.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

its funny though because in all honestly.....white girls are a whole lot more promiscuous then any other race.....i remember in hs my white friends stayed slaying some of the baddest white girls and i had no idea that those chicks got down like is just so casual to white people and white males don't look down on their counterparts like how black males look down on blk females who are the same way.....

and who's at fault for the way black women are? black males....too many of these females grew up w/o a father so they don't know how to treat a man and the same can be said about black men who be knocking these chicks down for a quick nut then get ghost when a child is born....
Aight let me get at this statement for a minute....I'll will try to make it short but please read....If I'm too long wit' it Iapologize....

How can black males can be at fault when they weren't allowed in the household in the first place?---especially in the past 40 years?--Let alone theopportunity to become a father---This was never the case before that time---the black male was the central figure of the household.

There was a great sense of pride and self-respect for the black community back then before the mid1960s, and it was because of the black man: He didn't take @#%! from nobody!--- Look at MLK , Malcolm, and other figures of that time. They wererepresentations of what the black man stood for back then.

However, ever since the Civil Rights Movement, the role of the black male has changed---and it is not our fault.

First off, im not playing the blame game nor am I racial and gender bashing, but I will say this---peep game----I will try to be short ...

Starting in the mid 1960s, at the peak of the Civil Rights Movement and Black Femeninist Movement, President Lyndon B. Johnson and the U.S. Governmentleglislated and issued financial support programs to women, especially women from impoverished communities---since blacks primarlily came from impoverished andlow-economic backgrounds during that time, the programs mostly benefited them.

However, these financial programs also known as welfare programs RESTRICTED males, particularly black males, from being in thehousehold----These programs require that the women can have children with the men but cannot have males in the household or else jeopardize recieving theirgovernment benefits (don't believe me?---there were Hollywood movies made about this!!). Sadly, black women fell forthe government's offer for the assistance---as a result, this started a downard spiral of fatherless households in later decades and in turn created this"hoodrat" phenomena and mentality.

Unfortunately, this way of thinking and way of life for black women has chased the black man away over time---and it dosen't just apply to black women fromeconomically deprived black communities either. This mentality afflicts even the most outspoken, financially successful, strong-minded, goal-orienated,well-to-do so-called "independent" black woman also.

Personally, I believe this was one of the tactics also used by the powers-that-be to divide and potentially destroy the black community---and even morespecifically, the black man. They knew the black man was the foundation of the black community at that time. They also knew that a black man was well-respectedby everyone in their community----so who did the governemnt target with hopes of deception, manipulation, division and control of the black community??---theblack woman. They did it through such government action such as the welfare programs----They knew the black woman would be vulnerable without the blackmale's strong presence and influenece in their household and commmuninties, and in society---why do you think there were assassinations of black leaderssuch as King, Malcolm, Medgar Evers, Fred Hampton, and other prominent young black MALE leaders???----The black womanbit HARD on the bait.

As a result, Today these tactics of intra-racial division among us still are being implemented both explicitly and implicitly (look at this post)...

We have made positive strides as black people---BUT that self respect, respect from/towardsourselves, and sense of pride, dignity, integrity, self-worth, and most importanly, our faith--- isstill lacking within us---both man and woman. And since the days of the Civil Rights era, a majority, if not all, has been REMOVED from us.

That Willie Lynch quote one of the NTers posted was on point...soooooooo on point.

I will chime in some more later...
Black girls gettin thrown under da bus in 09' on NT I see...lolz

I think as a society there's a real dis taste for em.......

Real talk though there's ist a bigger hater of black women then other

Black loyality whatsoever. Lol
this thread alone has shown me how ignorant people can be in regards to race... in any event mods need to lock this up...
Airmissionretro summed it up perfectly....

and ninjahood aint lying...either sistas are some of the biggest haters of other sistas out there...
Black men are men and they go with whomever they want that wants them back. Whether the woman is white or black, the only thing that matters is that they havea healthy relationship. I only date women that I want to date, why should an athlete be any different ? Why should they be scrutinized for doing what they wantif it's not illegal ?
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

We should just make a denounce black people forum

Not necessary...because yes, NT is a public forum where opinions are expressed

But in addition to opinions you have posers on here who say anything to get "e-fame"

Real Talk, I bet half of the dudes in this thread talking smack about black women:

a. Currently date a black girl (and can say w/e because she won't see this)
b. Would date a black girl (but hasn't for one reason or another)
c. got rejected (or heartbroken) by a black female (thus...the need for Mortons)

I'm really curious to see how many of theses "black men" would dare say any of this non-sense to their mothers, grandmothers or aunts...or nobetter...I would love to see the matriarch reactions
I haven't seen this much ignorance in one place since plies album release party

To all my black sisters I love y'all
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

We should just make a denounce black people forum
cosign. whenever the subject of black women come up, half the forum calls them ghetto, obnoxious etc when the subject of white women come up,dudes act like theyre God's gift to earth. #!$$ is pathetic
i'm sorry but alot of ya'll are full of so much %++#...

i went to a majority white school lived in majority white neighborhoods my whole these white chicks aren't as classy as you think...most ofya'll know that but get hype offf the ones who let you do whatever you want to her and drive the car her daddy bought her...i saw it on the regular...nowdo i think all white chicks are like that...of course not...but lets not act like anyone is an angel...
Originally Posted by MOEree5e


every girl in every race has their own personal issh with them!
I love WEMAN.....period.

how could someone be so one sided?!?
im 23 and was raised around all walks of life, and have had a chance to test drive, sample, and own alot of different shortees from all races, ethic and religious backgrounds! Best thing i could ever experience truthfuly....

Limiting your boundaries = Ignorance

c'mon folks......its 2009 for cryin out loud!

im black by the way......shout out to the Crayola Big Box (So Many Colors!!!...
Truuuuu, but i think maybe they feel white girls as exotic or didnt come across 2 many earlier in life. Hey u cant get mad at the next mansprefrence. You wouldn't settle for something you dont want right??? But me personally, i love my Black chicks and Domincans, umm umm
Everybody should date anyone they want without having to worry about skin color. Get with whoever makes you happy.
To dudes talkin about" I love my black women", how do you know you're not compatible with a girl in a different race better?
I'm black and I love black girls. I also love girls that are white,hispanic, asian,filipino,puerto rican,etc. There aren't too many great looking fullyblack girls where I live so I talk to different races of girls and mixed females. You guys need to broaden your horizons.
This thread is so sad. There are a lot of you dudes (especially my back brethren) that are media brainwashed without even realizing it. You don't evenrealize it because it's edged and embedded into your consciousness. You guys have a disdain for our own women and you try justify your disdain with mediahyped stereotypes. I feel for my black women because not only are they being downpressed by other races but even there own. Captivate your mind and understandand rebel against the media pressed stereotypes and love your sisters. Every one was once a baby so who are ya'll to judge someone based off their skincolor? There are a lot of undercover racist on this site and some of them are against their own race and I see it in my black brethren and it's sad anddepressing. The color of a man or woman's skin is of no more significance than the color of his or her eye. Judge a person based on who they are from thesoul. Brethren need to stick to your sisters and in due season you will bring great fruit and strong families. A lot of you dude need to face yourselves in themirror.

With all this in the bag, black women feel more pressure than any other kind of woman on this earth. It's very rare that you will see a black woman on tvwith her natural hair or even a dark skinned black woman. It's either straightened or there is weave. The reason for this is because of the media'sperception of "beautiful." The more a black woman looks like a white woman then the prettier she is. I see that crap on this very site and it'ssad. The black women are then pressured to fit in this mold of 'beauty" that society puts on them. They are forced to straighten their hair, bleachtheir skin, put layers of makeup on to make themselves look lighter, etc. They are forced to run away from themselves and thats why some of them feel like theycan't find a place where they belong. Even the black men force this issue on black women because they have been brainwashed to think, "the closer towhite you are then the prettier you are." It's so sad and depressing but I will always have hope for my people and I will always love my sisters.Spread the message of love and unity. JAH bless.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

This thread is so sad. There are a lot of you dudes (especially my back brethren) that are media brainwashed without even realizing it. You don't even realize it because it's edged and embedded into your consciousness. You guys have a disdain for our own women and you try justify your disdain with media hyped stereotypes. I feel for my black women because not only are they being downpressed by other races but even there own. Captivate your mind and understand and rebel against the media pressed stereotypes and love your sisters. Every one was once a baby so who are ya'll to judge someone based off their skin color? There are a lot of undercover racist on this site and some of them are against their own race and I see it in my black brethren and it's sad and depressing. The color of a man or woman's skin is of no more significance than the color of his or her eye. Judge a person based on who they are from the soul. Brethren need to stick to your sisters and in due season you will bring great fruit and strong families. A lot of you dude need to face yourselves in the mirror.
That doesn't really add up.
Dayum i really read some of the $hit bein said in this thread. Theres alot ignorant stuff bein said. First of as far as attractiveness, just my own presonalprefrence, i find black women, of all shades to be most attractive to me. There are definitely beautiful white,hispanic, and asian, and every other race ofwomen out there too. But just if i had my first choice based on physical appearance, cuz be real u never see a chick walkin down the street and say dayum shegot a bangin personality, it would be a black chick. And black chicks need 2 stop it talkin black men make you whatever way you are. You are the only ones whocan control yaself so stop it. And last, everybohdy got some crazy stereo types of white chicks. They come in all different pesonalities, so stop thegeneralizations. It comes down to first who you are physically attracted to, then if yall compatible personality wise. If a black dude want a white chick lethim be. Same for a white dude who wants a black chick. And black chicks need to be more accepting too, how many black chicks you see with another race?? I loveyall, but not alot. I think white people dip alot more into other races then most people. I dont see too many black women with anybody other then a black male,some but not alot. Maybe if black women started tastin the rainbow lol they might see what a black male sees in a white chick or another race. All in all, messwith who you want. Whoever you find attractive physically and mentally. But do walk around with blinders on or judge the next person for who they want to date,you can only control you.
Originally Posted by AF1 Beast

The Natural Mystic wrote:

This thread is so sad. There are a lot of you dudes (especially my back brethren) that are media brainwashed without even realizing it. You don't even realize it because it's edged and embedded into your consciousness. You guys have a disdain for our own women and you try justify your disdain with media hyped stereotypes. I feel for my black women because not only are they being downpressed by other races but even there own. Captivate your mind and understand and rebel against the media pressed stereotypes and love your sisters. Every one was once a baby so who are ya'll to judge someone based off their skin color? There are a lot of undercover racist on this site and some of them are against their own race and I see it in my black brethren and it's sad and depressing. The color of a man or woman's skin is of no more significance than the color of his or her eye. Judge a person based on who they are from the soul. Brethren need to stick to your sisters and in due season you will bring great fruit and strong families. A lot of you dude need to face yourselves in the mirror.
That doesn't really add up.

I'm telling my brethren to not abondon their sisters because of what they have been brainwashed to think about them. I have no problem with one being withwhoever makes them happy but don't dismiss someone based off their skin color. Therefore I believe if this happens, there will be more stronger blackfamilies. I just want my brethren to give my sisters a chance just like anybody else based off who they are.
Originally Posted by KiCkSaReMyLiFe

Dayum i really read some of the $hit bein said in this thread. Theres alot ignorant stuff bein said. First of as far as attractiveness, just my own presonal prefrence, i find black women, of all shades to be most attractive to me. There are definitely beautiful white,hispanic, and asian, and every other race of women out there too. But just if i had my first choice based on physical appearance, cuz be real u never see a chick walkin down the street and say dayum she got a bangin personality, it would be a black chick. And black chicks need 2 stop it talkin black men make you whatever way you are. You are the only ones who can control yaself so stop it. And last, everybohdy got some crazy stereo types of white chicks. They come in all different pesonalities, so stop the generalizations. It comes down to first who you are physically attracted to, then if yall compatible personality wise. If a black dude want a white chick let him be. Same for a white dude who wants a black chick. And black chicks need to be more accepting too, how many black chicks you see with another race?? I love yall, but not alot. I think white people dip alot more into other races then most people. I dont see too many black women with anybody other then a black male, some but not alot. Maybe if black women started tastin the rainbow lol they might see what a black male sees in a white chick or another race. All in all, mess with who you want. Whoever you find attractive physically and mentally. But do walk around with blinders on or judge the next person for who they want to date, you can only control you.

i agree with most of what you said but think about this...if you were a nonblack guy and saw a thread like this would you be inclined to date a black woman?there are plenty of dudes who can date different types of people without putting down another group...alot of those people don't seem to be on NT...
wow I really can't believe you guys had a post about black men and white women for this long

I prefer white women however if I caught a classy black girl, who was raised right, that knows what she wants to do I'll wife

doesn't matter I'll probably end up having a black(latina black) babymama and a white babymama
This thread has changed from a black athlete/white girl thread to a every race/white and black girl thread.
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