real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]There goes your answer.[/color]
cuz thats all black women right?

if they were any other race you wouldn't not date that whole race right?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Aye buddy.. that's a constant thing I see with Black females.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]On the train: Loud & Rude[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Street: Loud, Rude, Nasty language, Fighting[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Youtube: Huge scuffles, or shaking their #+*%+[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I mean, it's a CONSTANT THING.. Other races, here and there.. but with black females, you can almost always expect that type of behavior. At the end of the day, I never dated one and never will. I'll stick with white & latin chicks.[/color]

I know you love Latinas and I'm not trying to bring you to the other side or anything but you dont think thats a lil ridiculous? I can find plenty of Latinas that have do all that you posted. You live in NY to don't you? I KNOW you can find Latinas doing the same thing daily.
, dude is trynna stir you up...

if that's really how he views black women, whatever....

he can go ahead and be lost.....

because, quite the contrary, i don't see any black chicks doing any of that on the regular....

now, young broads, yes, i see them doing that all the time around these parts...

but specifically black women?

Just give me a woman that doesnt mouth off all the time understands that a man has to be a man and aint with me for my bread and we're good. I dont give adamn what color you are.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not at all, but 8/10 that's the case.[/color]

I hate when people throw out a random 'out-of-ten' to try and support THEIR opinion.

, right?

9/10 kids who type in italicized, red font are lame...

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not at all, but 8/10 that's the case.[/color]

I hate when people throw out a random 'out-of-ten' to try and support THEIR opinion.

, right?

9/10 kids who type in italicized, red font are lame...


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Aww.. some of you are hurt[/color]
.. eNPHAN you date a black girl right?
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not at all, but 8/10 that's the case.[/color]

I hate when people throw out a random 'out-of-ten' to try and support THEIR opinion.

, right?

9/10 kids who type in italicized, red font are lame...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Aww.. some of you are hurt[/color]
.. eNPHAN you date a black girl right?

i like how you accepted being one of the opposed to the 1......


me dating a black girl has nothing to do with your claims being broad generalizations of an age group rather than a race.

4+ years of state university, i never came across even ONE black chick like the ones you described...

middle school, maybe, but 20+????


but you go ahead and stick to whatever you want, bruh....
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Not at all, but 8/10 that's the case.[/color]

I hate when people throw out a random 'out-of-ten' to try and support THEIR opinion.

, right?

9/10 kids who type in italicized, red font are lame...

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Aww.. some of you are hurt[/color]
.. eNPHAN you date a black girl right?
i like how you accepted being one of the opposed to the 1......


me dating a black girl has nothing to do with your claims being broad generalizations of an age group rather than a race.

4+ years of state university, i never came across even ONE black chick like the ones you described...

middle school, maybe, but 20+????


but you go ahead and stick to whatever you want, bruh....

8/10 is a little high maybe like 7/10
It sounds like some of us are suffering from brainwash.

80 % of black girls are classless?.......

Out of all the Black girls I know (quite a few)....There were maybe three or four that fit into that category. I have no qualms with generalizations, but atleast be accurate.
I date whatever race cus what matter is the guy and how he presents himself.

But i unfortunately have a lot of guy friend who say they will not date black women and that bothers me.
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

I'm not a thug, a rapper, or a million dollar athlete. I'm just an average black man with a pretty good career, who's looking to settle down with a good black woman. I guess that's just not good enough for black woman now days.
To me this is the okie doke excuse maybe your just a shy unattractive cat using excuses??? I don't know but if all these black women had these high standards there should be so many more that their good dudes and not all these single mothers that are messing with dead beats. If messing with dead beats is high standard you must just be doing bad and if thats the case might as well go the Asher Roth route and be by yourself. Of course I don't know you but you don't have to be those things for a black chick or any other race of chicks to like you and it sounds like an excuse to me.

Man, never did I say that white women > black women or "I'm through with black women.". If you go back and look at my first post in thisthread, I said that I would love to be with a black queen that I can TAKE CARE of like a real man should. The only thing I'm saying is that I'm tiredof the mess I've had to deal with the black women that I've met(just because it's not your reality doesn't mean it's not mine). I don'teven like white women like that. I'm just tired of waiting.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

yall see black chicks act like this dont lie

i know... acting like we live around a population of Nubian Goddessesand Queen of The Earths...

now i have dated strong black women, and the mother of my child will be a black woman, no doubt.

but in this stage in my life, the women that are in my age group ain't worth two dead flies stuck together.
its funny though because in all honestly.....white girls are a whole lot more promiscuous then any other race.....i remember in hs my white friends stayedslaying some of the baddest white girls and i had no idea that those chicks got down like is just so casual to white people and white malesdon't look down on their counterparts like how black males look down on blk females who are the same way.....

and who's at fault for the way black women are? black males....too many of these females grew up w/o a father so they don't know how to treat a man andthe same can be said about black men who be knocking these chicks down for a quick nut then get ghost when a child is born....
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

yall see black chicks act like this dont lie

i know... acting like we live around a population of Nubian Goddesses and Queen of The Earths...

now i have dated strong black women, and the mother of my child will be a black woman, no doubt.

but in this stage in my life, the women that are in my age group ain't worth two dead flies stuck together. old are you?

seriously, loud, obnoxious, rude and ignorant? swear, the only black chicks fitting that category are in middle school....and it's still not ALL ofthem...or even a majority...

y'all just wanna justify the fact that you a.) can't deal with such a strong personality (which in itself is a generalization) or b.) are just natuallymore attracted to someone different than yourself...

but to sit up here and act like a majority of black women over the age of 18 are loud, rude, obnoxious and ignorant is plum ridiculous. (or even thatthey're more likely to be loud, rude, obnoxious and ignorant than any other race at that age, for that matter)

, like it's been said before, if you honestly think that a majorityof black women are like that, you MUST be hanging out in only the most ridiculous of places....

(im not saying that these individuals don't exist at all...just that they're no more frequent in black america than other never seen loud,obnoxious white girls? no?

(p.s. remember, i graduated from The Ohio State University... loud, obnoxious white people were far more frequent than loud, obnoxious black people, let alonewomen...)
I'm surprised this hasn't been locked yet. I've noticed that when it says "real talk" in the title it doesn't get locked as often.
Originally Posted by LifeLessons

its funny though because in all honestly.....white girls are a whole lot more promiscuous then any other race.....i remember in hs my white friends stayed slaying some of the baddest white girls and i had no idea that those chicks got down like is just so casual to white people and white males don't look down on their counterparts like how black males look down on blk females who are the same way.....

and who's at fault for the way black women are? black males....too many of these females grew up w/o a father so they don't know how to treat a man and the same can be said about black men who be knocking these chicks down for a quick nut then get ghost when a child is born....

Someone gets it. Not only that the most annoying women I have come to know have been white women. (I am half white if it matters)
most of yall messing w/ lil girls and not young women.....there's a difference....and some of yall aint good enough to pull a respectable chick causeyou're either lame/immature/etc.
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