real talk: why do black athletes go with white girls ??

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

I'm merely telling you what I see everyday. Majority of black women think like Lauren London. Why do black women glorify Thuggery? A female friend of mine said she wants a thug and she's got a master's degree. Are black women more inclined to pick a thug over a clean cut dude.......I think so. Do I have to act like Plies or something? It pisses me off sometimes. It shouldn't be this hard to find a good black woman. All women of races carry some baggage. I believe the baggage of black woman is greater then all the other races.
Why do black men glorify it? Probably cuz that's what the girls want right?
If we're gonna talk about glorify violence its def. not a male/femaleissue, its a community issue. And thats a whole other thread.
Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

I'm merely telling you what I see everyday. Majority of black women think like Lauren London. Why do black women glorify Thuggery? A female friend of mine said she wants a thug and she's got a master's degree. Are black women more inclined to pick a thug over a clean cut dude.......I think so. Do I have to act like Plies or something? It pisses me off sometimes. It shouldn't be this hard to find a good black woman. All women of races carry some baggage. I believe the baggage of black woman is greater then all the other races.

Lol i never wanted a Thug... wth? CLEAN CUT FTW but i doubt its the majority of black women honestly. Maybe black women have alot more baggage but i wouldntblame black women id blame society
White girls obey... Hahahahahhaaaaa..

...Or cuz they got a white girl drivin with white girl in the trunk.
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

i'm gonna make a HUGE reach and generalization by saying this. BUT I think black women's exaggerated view of the perfect man comes from the fact that:
-A: black people have a much higher chance of not having a father present which leads to:
-B: lack of a father/real male image means they have no real men to base their view of a man on
-C: their view of man place goes from being a real man they've seen in their life to a man they've seen on TV/radio. and Since:
-D: whenever a child's parents are not with them, that space is filled by the people they're surrounded by. Girls who act wild on Maury yet have calm, nice parents act that way because they're influenced by their hoodrat friends more than their parents. In the same sense that a child who receives their views on love and society from the media instead of their parents will have a reflection of what they've been seeing all their life. That is, a sensationalized overblown unrealistic view on the world.
-E: If I recall correctly, black children watch alot more TV than other groups in America...and when coupled with A...that can produce heavy burdens on a child's expectations in life.

Now that ^ applies most certainly to both sexes, and all races. You got more than enough hispanic/white/asian kids running around in that ^ same manners, no social education except for what they've learned from their school environment and their neighborhood. But since we're talking about only black folk, you can see why some bum sloppy type black men [TNS] say they want halle barry with a larger butt...and why some Rasputia looking black birds expect Plies to show up in their panty drawer yellin out "WAZZAAAAMMM BEHBEHHHH"

If we put songs into this I have a catalog of misogynistic examples of what ya'll supposedly want in a woman...
And I'll CERTAINLY agree with that. That is at the very root of the problem in our culture...Glorification of a sexually irresponsible unrealistic form of woman leads men to want their girls just like that, which ultimately makes alot of girls themselves aspire to be bustitbabies and bustdowns...because they get the most attention.

yall again..
Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

I'm merely telling you what I see everyday. Majority of black women think like Lauren London. Why do black women glorify Thuggery? A female friend of mine said she wants a thug and she's got a master's degree. Are black women more inclined to pick a thug over a clean cut dude.......I think so. Do I have to act like Plies or something? It pisses me off sometimes. It shouldn't be this hard to find a good black woman. All women of races carry some baggage. I believe the baggage of black woman is greater then all the other races.
And if you think like that for real my dude...that woman you want isn't gonna come.

If you woulda said struggle you'd be dead on...

i agree black women been through alot... stuff your history books never touch on. If anything that has made us stronger. Been raising families on our own, beenthe backbone and staple of our families forever. The strength of a black women is tremendous and its sad that even the black man cant appreciate it. ESP. whenthere are more black women in college than men...and U cant find a good black women think about how we feel. not all of us want Thugs.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by 0cks

When's the last time you've heard some white dude screaming "I'M DONE WITH WHITE GIRLS!"? Pretty much it's "I'm done with XYZ" as it should be. Honestly I have never heard a white guy use the phrase "white girls" or "white chicks" in general. It's annoying how white folk can be judged as individuals but if you're black you're just one faceless entity, even by your own people. Some of ya'll dudes have been conditioned beyond belief.
thank you. this is very true
Yeah, sort of blew my mind thinking about the idea of a white man saying "I'm done with white girls".
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

i'm gonna make a HUGE reach and generalization by saying this. BUT I think black women's exaggerated view of the perfect man comes from the fact that:
-A: black people have a much higher chance of not having a father present which leads to:
-B: lack of a father/real male image means they have no real men to base their view of a man on
-C: their view of man place goes from being a real man they've seen in their life to a man they've seen on TV/radio. and Since:
-D: whenever a child's parents are not with them, that space is filled by the people they're surrounded by. Girls who act wild on Maury yet have calm, nice parents act that way because they're influenced by their hoodrat friends more than their parents. In the same sense that a child who receives their views on love and society from the media instead of their parents will have a reflection of what they've been seeing all their life. That is, a sensationalized overblown unrealistic view on the world.
-E: If I recall correctly, black children watch alot more TV than other groups in America...and when coupled with A...that can produce heavy burdens on a child's expectations in life.

Now that ^ applies most certainly to both sexes, and all races. You got more than enough hispanic/white/asian kids running around in that ^ same manners, no social education except for what they've learned from their school environment and their neighborhood. But since we're talking about only black folk, you can see why some bum sloppy type black men [TNS] say they want halle barry with a larger butt...and why some Rasputia looking black birds expect Plies to show up in their panty drawer yellin out "WAZZAAAAMMM BEHBEHHHH"

If we put songs into this I have a catalog of misogynistic examples of what ya'll supposedly want in a woman...
And I'll CERTAINLY agree with that. That is at the very root of the problem in our culture...Glorification of a sexually irresponsible unrealistic form of woman leads men to want their girls just like that, which ultimately makes alot of girls themselves aspire to be bustitbabies and bustdowns...because they get the most attention.
yall again..

Dude you write good things but this thread has been derailed into Dudes arguing with Harlemgirl about why so many women dont want normal men but thugs. You hitit on the head and I agree with everything you have. I still think no matter how hard Harlemgirl argues that their are good women out it still becomes a caseof what I HEARD and what I EXPERIENCED for the male NTers who agrue its hard to find them
I guess we gonna keep beating a dead horse and discussing the negetives of black culture.

Why do care if certain black women want a thug? Then she ain't for you. Remember you can have a degree, great car, great job and be lame as hell. So maybesome of you anti-thugs need to step your game up. I know plenty of regular black dudes with regular black women.

I'm mad we as a people keep putting each other down in this post. Nobody wants to talk about the other side because they are perceived as"perfect".
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Why do care if certain black women want a thug? Then she ain't for you.

Most important point made...Look out for YOURSELVES before you try to seek mutual pleasure with a partner...
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I guess we gonna keep beating a dead horse and discussing the negetives of black culture.

Why do care if certain black women want a thug? Then she ain't for you. Remember you can have a degree, great car, great job and be lame as hell. So maybe some of you anti-thugs need to step your game up. I know plenty of regular black dudes with regular black women.

I'm mad we as a people keep putting each other down in this post. Nobody wants to talk about the other side because they are perceived as "perfect".

Black women want thugs like other women want bad boy's. It excites them its their fantasy cause their exciting, dangours and more. Its just more out therein black culture due to Gangsta rap and other popular songs(Weezy Baby). They want to marry the straight ones but not the thugs cause the thugs are for fun nota lifetime. Its a sad thing
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

I still don't get how so many black dudes continue to generalize black women as worse than us. Do you !$$%** read the statistics?

That's not to say no black dude should ever get any play because as a whole we're so bad, I'm much more for letting people be judged on their own merit as an individual and not generalized, but it's amazing you don't see the same courtesy granted from the main people who are so commonly over-generalized in negative fashion, then yall turn around and do the exact same things.

Like white girls, do your thing, nothing wrong with that. Just stop lying and saying it's because there's no goal oriented, college educated black females because there's tons and in fact, many more than their are black men
Originally Posted by dreaface

Lol i never wanted a Thug... wth? CLEAN CUT FTW but i doubt its the majority of black women honestly. Maybe black women have alot more baggage but i wouldnt blame black women id blame society
Lol... I agree with that highlighted statements. BUT:

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

dudes are really on some other stuff in here...a normal goal oriented black female is really far and few between? and there are just so many more goal-oriented, respectful, etc black men that so many of you felt the need to give up on black women?

again...i'm not against interracial dating...just the reasons some of you are giving...

No, they are not few and far between. A Normal Goal Oriented Woman who is willing to give a man who is progressing towards where he wants to be in his life achance at building a relationship instead of always wanting a man who already has it all together even though she does not is few and far in between.Just because a black women is normal, goal-oriented, and intellectually attractive (thats a big thing for me) does not mean shedoesn't have flaws in the type of men she is attracted to. And if you think Im wrong about that, I can point out some that I knowpersonally.

In Short: Would you HONESTLY say there are an abundant amount of normal, goal oriented, intellectually attractive black women who want men whotruthfully are bringing as much to a relationship as the men they are attracted to? I would honestly have to say no.
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I guess we gonna keep beating a dead horse and discussing the negetives of black culture.

Why do care if certain black women want a thug? Then she ain't for you. Remember you can have a degree, great car, great job and be lame as hell. So maybe some of you anti-thugs need to step your game up. I know plenty of regular black dudes with regular black women.

I'm mad we as a people keep putting each other down in this post. Nobody wants to talk about the other side because they are perceived as "perfect".

Black women want thugs like other women want bad boy's. It excites them its their fantasy cause their exciting, dangours and more. Its just more out there in black culture due to Gangsta rap and other popular songs(Weezy Baby). They want to marry the straight ones but not the thugs cause the thugs are for fun not a lifetime. Its a sad thing

you don't say

Man I know why......I'm wondering why we wasting page after page talking about it.
to the dudes talking about female wanting thugs:

the image of a thug is one of protection. They don't want some simp or push over, there is a fine line between gentleman and doormatt , don't getwalked on. Can't be giving chicks what you think they want.

Just because a black women is normal, goal-oriented, and intellectually attractive (thats a big thing for me) does not mean she doesn't have flaws in the type of men she is attracted to

Well on the same token, just because you're going to college doesn't make you some prize catch of a man either. There could be tons of otherpersonality traits or things about you that make you undesirable.

Asian Men are considered the least desirable ethnic male group, and obviously we generalize all them as being geniuses and successful, so apparently it'smore just hoodrat black women who don't value education in a mate as the end all be all.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

dudes are really on some other stuff in here...a normal goal oriented black female is really far and few between? and there are just so many more goal-oriented, respectful, etc black men that so many of you felt the need to give up on black women?

again...i'm not against interracial dating...just the reasons some of you are giving...

No, they are not few and far between. A Normal Goal Oriented Woman who is willing to give a man who is progressing towards where he wants to be in his life a chance at building a relationship instead of always wanting a man who already has it all together even though she does not is few and far in between. Just because a black women is normal, goal-oriented, and intellectually attractive (thats a big thing for me) does not mean she doesn't have flaws in the type of men she is attracted to. And if you think Im wrong about that, I can point out some that I know personally.

In Short: Would you HONESTLY say there are an abundant amount of normal, goal oriented, intellectually attractive black women who want men who truthfully are bringing as much to a relationship as the men they are attracted to? I would honestly have to say no.

the normal part implied she didn't have flaws in the types she's attracted to...and yes to answer your last all really need to get offyour high horses as if you are such a great catch and we really can't keep up or don't want a 'regular' guy...
LifeLessons reached his post limit and asked my to post this for him

all those years of slavery and unjustice towards blacks have payed off, hell the media has alot to do with this too by projecting light as cansee this w/ tv shows and many race is so damn have black males who trash dark skin black women and then glorify light skinblack women...then you have this thread where you have black men just talking down black women like they are so horrible....and whats funny is that i knowpeople of other races who don't date their race but they NEVER bash the women of their race.....NEVER there's nothing wrong w/ dating outside yourrace....but to bash your own race in the process is sad
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

I guess we gonna keep beating a dead horse and discussing the negetives of black culture.

Why do care if certain black women want a thug? Then she ain't for you. Remember you can have a degree, great car, great job and be lame as hell. So maybe some of you anti-thugs need to step your game up. I know plenty of regular black dudes with regular black women.

I'm mad we as a people keep putting each other down in this post. Nobody wants to talk about the other side because they are perceived as "perfect".

Black women want thugs like other women want bad boy's. It excites them its their fantasy cause their exciting, dangours and more. Its just more out there in black culture due to Gangsta rap and other popular songs(Weezy Baby). They want to marry the straight ones but not the thugs cause the thugs are for fun not a lifetime. Its a sad thing

you don't say

Man I know why......I'm wondering why we wasting page after page talking about it.

Damn looking back at that thread my spelling was off. No Spell check in Google chrome
We are talking about it cause Nters are arguing if there is a goodamount of Good women as aposed to Hoodrats(the reason why black women are seen in such negative ways). I say its just hard to find them cause they just likeanyother womens like to have fun with bad boys at that party age of 16-27 as any other women as they do their career thing. Its just hard finding theproductive black woman who are acutally willing to give the average guy a whos doing something a chance before they already ran through a bunch of thugs
Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

I'm merely telling you what I see everyday. Majority of black women think like Lauren London. Why do black women glorify Thuggery? A female friend of mine said she wants a thug and she's got a master's degree. Are black women more inclined to pick a thug over a clean cut dude.......I think so. Do I have to act like Plies or something? It pisses me off sometimes. It shouldn't be this hard to find a good black woman. All women of races carry some baggage. I believe the baggage of black woman is greater then all the other races.
And if you think like that for real my dude...that woman you want isn't gonna come.

If you woulda said struggle you'd be dead on...

i agree black women been through alot... stuff your history books never touch on. If anything that has made us stronger. Been raising families on our own, been the backbone and staple of our families forever. The strength of a black women is tremendous and its sad that even the black man cant appreciate it. ESP. when there are more black women in college than men...and U cant find a good black women think about how we feel. not all of us want Thugs.
So what does it say about some of these college educated black women who aren't even giving college educated black men the time of day becausehe doesn't have money now it going to be a great man/husband/father one day? And it happens so often, all the black females who are in college who aredating guys who didn't even attempt to go to college, are perfectly fine with the job they have right now, and put more money into their cars than they doin their bank accounts are very intelligent. Could it be that People nowadays don't now how to be patient for delayed gratification (like someone alreadsaid)?

Right at this very moment, Willie Lynch is rolling in his grave with sheer happiness...
The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self refueling and self generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don't forget you must pitch...FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE...

People need to wake up and realize what's going on. From being attracted to "light skin" females (which includes latinas) and "whitewomen", to having some innate opposition to "black women"...

I realize that we all occasionally joke about these dynamics, I'm guilty of this, but honestly, I've read some very disgusting things in this thread.People need to open their eyes and SEE what's going on...

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

dudes are really on some other stuff in here...a normal goal oriented black female is really far and few between? and there are just so many more goal-oriented, respectful, etc black men that so many of you felt the need to give up on black women?

again...i'm not against interracial dating...just the reasons some of you are giving...

No, they are not few and far between. A Normal Goal Oriented Woman who is willing to give a man who is progressing towards where he wants to be in his life a chance at building a relationship instead of always wanting a man who already has it all together even though she does not is few and far in between. Just because a black women is normal, goal-oriented, and intellectually attractive (thats a big thing for me) does not mean she doesn't have flaws in the type of men she is attracted to. And if you think Im wrong about that, I can point out some that I know personally.

In Short: Would you HONESTLY say there are an abundant amount of normal, goal oriented, intellectually attractive black women who want men who truthfully are bringing as much to a relationship as the men they are attracted to? I would honestly have to say no.

the normal part implied she didn't have flaws in the types she's attracted to...and yes to answer your last all really need to get off your high horses as if you are such a great catch and we really can't keep up or don't want a 'regular' guy...
RamZ has a point but that has nothing to do with race....That's just how men and women operate. There are housewives that bring nothing tothe table but having kids and having sex. Let's be real here.

The man has always had to bring more to the table. That's just how it goes. Black, white, or green. And why is it like that? Cuz attractive womendon't have to put up with you when they can find a rich guy who looks just like you
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

So what does it say about some of these college educated black women who aren't even giving college educated black men the time of day because he doesn't have money now it going to be a great man/husband/father one day? And it happens so often, all the black females who are in college who are dating guys who didn't even attempt to go to college, are perfectly fine with the job they have right now, and put more money into their cars than they do in their bank accounts are very intelligent. Could it be that People nowadays don't now how to be patient for delayed gratification (like someone alread said)?
They don't have to give you the time of day. If thats what she wants let her be and go find someone who want you.
Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Originally Posted by dreaface

Originally Posted by HarlemKickDiva

Originally Posted by THE ANOMOLIE

I'm merely telling you what I see everyday. Majority of black women think like Lauren London. Why do black women glorify Thuggery? A female friend of mine said she wants a thug and she's got a master's degree. Are black women more inclined to pick a thug over a clean cut dude.......I think so. Do I have to act like Plies or something? It pisses me off sometimes. It shouldn't be this hard to find a good black woman. All women of races carry some baggage. I believe the baggage of black woman is greater then all the other races.
And if you think like that for real my dude...that woman you want isn't gonna come.

If you woulda said struggle you'd be dead on...

i agree black women been through alot... stuff your history books never touch on. If anything that has made us stronger. Been raising families on our own, been the backbone and staple of our families forever. The strength of a black women is tremendous and its sad that even the black man cant appreciate it. ESP. when there are more black women in college than men...and U cant find a good black women think about how we feel. not all of us want Thugs.
So what does it say about some of these college educated black women who aren't even giving college educated black men the time of day because he doesn't have money now it going to be a great man/husband/father one day? And it happens so often, all the black females who are in college who are dating guys who didn't even attempt to go to college, are perfectly fine with the job they have right now, and put more money into their cars than they do in their bank accounts are very intelligent. Could it be that People nowadays don't now how to be patient for delayed gratification (like someone already said)?
I'm so close to my post

Yes and although we've gone back and forth as far as our respective genders I think this is a problem with our generation...white, black,....everyone...

But I stand by the fact that only the weak minded and ignorant would justify it with words like "I'm done with black women" and "black womenbring too much drama"....not buying some of the ignorance in this thread....

I commend some of you guys for not buying it either...but I will say there are some good intelligent, attractive, goal oriented black women out bestfriends and I are a good group of them and I know we exist outside of our parameter
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen


Right at this very moment, Willie Lynch is rolling in his grave with sheer happiness...
The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self refueling and self generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don't forget you must pitch...FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE...

People need to wake up and realize what's going on. From being attracted to "light skin" females (which includes latinas) and "white women", to having some innate opposition to "black women"...

I realize that people sometimes joke about these dynamics, I'm guilty of this, but some of the ishhh I've read is honestly disgusting. Open your eyes people, open your eyes.


Only cause after that Greek thrread I never thought I would agree withyour stance on something.

But you do make a great point. And with all the things I've said in this thread... I hope I didn't come off as downing my race. I love Black Women...more than any type of woman in this world. Thats what I envision my wife and the mother of my children being. A black woman is all I've ever dated; a blackwoman is what I'm dating now. But with that said, for the sake of the thred, all I wanted to do was push an intellectual conversation, I'm sureyou've done that before...
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