Real talk, what do you think is the best color on a car?

mrscampbellakasarahlee - You ain't lying about the being a girl part. I got pulled over once for speeding..doing 42 in a 35 zone and the copper was achick. I tried to see if it would work if the roles were reversed. I started licking my lips like LL Cool J, but she wasn't having it. I got the ticket anda "have a nice day, kid" comment.
30k on a evo?
Originally Posted by wj4

mrscampbellakasarahlee - You ain't lying about the being a girl part. I got pulled over once for speeding..doing 42 in a 35 zone and the copper was a chick. I tried to see if it would work if the roles were reversed. I started licking my lips like LL Cool J, but she wasn't having it. I got the ticket and a "have a nice day, kid" comment.
good try...

but i definitely got pulled over a couple weeks ago, i was kinda trapped doing about 85 in a 55, and i saw the trooper too, tried dipping off into traffic,anyways 2 seconds later he signals me over, when he walks up to the car and i open the window...all of sudden he checks me out, runs everything and says thatoh...yeah you have a tag light out...BS! everything was working fine on my car, i think he was being nice n decided to let me off lightly, with just aninspection ticket (no-cost).
white, but not pure/true white

ivory pearl white is classy and looks great
it depends on the car...
i love black but it's get dirty sooo fast
i have a blue car(that's my favorite color) and i can go longer without having to get it cleaned up and it wont look as bad as other cars...
Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

black on black...tints, rims, smoked tail n head lights...i want to get pulled over

Do they still pull people over for that? I want to do that but I may re think that if the cops are going to be in my ___ about it.
mmmm, it really depends on the state and their second car was black with illegal black tints, and i never had i problem (in NYC)
Oh OK. Do you have any pictures of the car? I'm trying to get some different ideas together for a paint job when I get a car.
yeah sorry i don't have pics... and Wj4 is right...(regarding the tints), i was lucky all those times (and being a female helps), so if you do any customizations on your car that are not legal, or have to meet certain standards just be prepared for those tickets/citations. PBA cards = get outta jail-free card

go for matte black...(depending on the car tho...)
Your good. I want to get a Charger and either get it painted Matte black or mix it in some how. I probably keep the head light the way they comebut I'm not sure. If anyone has ideas or pictures please provide?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mrscampbellakasarahlee

black on black...tints, rims, smoked tail n head lights...i want to get pulled over

Do they still pull people over for that? I want to do that but I may re think that if the cops are going to be in my ___ about it.
mmmm, it really depends on the state and their second car was black with illegal black tints, and i never had i problem (in NYC)
Oh OK. Do you have any pictures of the car? I'm trying to get some different ideas together for a paint job when I get a car.
yeah sorry i don't have pics... and Wj4 is right...(regarding the tints), i was lucky all those times (and being a female helps), so if you do any customizations on your car that are not legal, or have to meet certain standards just be prepared for those tickets/citations. PBA cards = get outta jail-free card

go for matte black...(depending on the car tho...)
Your good. I want to get a Charger and either get it painted Matte black or mix it in some how. I probably keep the head light the way they come but I'm not sure. If anyone has ideas or pictures please provide?
my truck is black on black 24s black windows and black tails i have never got pulled over for it even living in SoCal i think cops just dontbother pulling people over for it as long as your not doing anything else stupid...

my audi i orderd i had canceled because they are now on the lots in my area. still waiting for the price to go down a little more they called me this morningbut im sure it was the same ole BS
but anyways its going to be black,black in but im going with silver rims this time allitle more grown up hopefully i will have it an pics buy monday
im going for the same look of the GMG s5 on my a5

but if i had the extra cash it would for sure be, most people dont know but most cars that are matte are just vinyl wraps but it still cost over $4,000
Originally Posted by Slow Motion G35

matte red, white and blue....matte black is sooo played out

When did that happen? I don't want it now since nobody else hasit
. I only get popular stuff because I want to fit in so very verybadly.
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