Real Talk: What are Your Views of Homosexuality

Feb 27, 2004
Ok, first off, I've never been too into "gay rights" or really given a damn because like most hetrosexual males, I found the thought ofhomosexuality utterly disgusting and ungodly.

But what really challenged and completely changed my views on homosexuality was the thought that it was something people were born with. In other wordsit's biological.

Science now has pretty good evidence that homosexuality is actually biological. Studies have found that the prenatal androgenic exposure like testosterone canexplain homosexuality (Maucieri, Stone 2008). More specifically the exposure given during 5th months of gestation (Lippa 2003). Or how things like the order ofbirth can influence homosexuality. The more children a mother has the more likely Y-linked antibodies are to be exposed to the fetus (Maucieri, Stone 2008).

Science keeps finding more and more biological differences between gays and heterosexuals like the difference in size hypothalamic nucleus (Greenberg, Bailey1993). Greenberg and Bailey also cited that boys who are a bit feminine at an early eage usually turn out to be homosexualy in adulthood.

There's literally thousands of pieces of evidence that link homosexuality with being innate, something not caused by individual behavior choices orenvironment. I dont' have the time nor patience to cite all of them.

So why after it being pretty accepted in the scietific community that homosexuality is innate do we still hold prejudices against gay?

The Greenberg article I cited said it would call for too much policy change and attitude change in our government which it itself could contradict manypolicies we already have. The government would have to come out and say we were wrong you gays were right.

I think in our society it's accepted to be prejudice against gays. Hell, I'd go as far as saying it's almost not accepted to show acceptancetowards gay.

My biggest question I have for NT is if you believe homosexuality is biological then why are you still prejudice against them? Or better yet, why do you notDEMAND they get equal rights.

I think some think that if we openly accept gays then suddenly EVERYONE will be gay. Again, if homosexuality is a biological thing, people wouldn'tsuddenly choose to be gay in a wide scale sense.

Why do you not call out your friends and others for their negative attitudes towards gay?

My other question is if you do not believe in the biological explatation then why not?

I truly believe people just do not like to change their believes. One of my favorite quotes is from a psychologist who said, "When our beliefs arecontradicted by evidence in the world, it is better to adjust our beliefs than to deny the evidence and cling tenaciously to dysfunctional ideas."

It's almost 2009, can our society really afford to continue discriminating against homosexuals based purely on their negative biases?

For those who use religion to discriminate against gays, this is even really more curious.
Everybody points to the line from Leviticus chapter 20 to condem homosexuality.
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads
I feel people who use this line to justify their hatred of homosexuality must really not understand the bible and old testament, and mostimportantly the reason Jesus came.

My question to you is, knowing that all the sins in Leviticus are all weighted the same, no sin is greater than another, why do you feel it's ok to condemnthose who are guilty of this while you regulary commit other sins in Levitus as well.

I only give a pass to those who use this sins if they don't do any of the following ALL FOUND IN LEVITICUS AS WELL

Chapter 19:
Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.
Do not steal.
" 'Do not lie.
" 'Do not deceive one another.
" 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
I know almost every single person wears clothes of two different material.

You have to realize that the old testament was written in an entirely different time period where these laws where meant to protect Abraham's people. Thelaws are very practical, like not fraternizing with people with leporsy. These laws governed the people who believed in God (which weren't a lot at thistime) so things like a leporsy outbreak could really kill every christian at this time.

That's why Jesus came back and denounced those following the book of the law and not loving god with all your heart. Jesus broke these laws ALL the time.Ska help me out here, I know you're a lot more versed on this than I am.

Those who use the relgious argument to me are just using my Lord and savior as a scapegoat to hate others.

Well that's all I can think of for right now.

If it matters, no I'm not gay, I don't have a gay family member, and I have a few gay friends...but none that I even have their numbers in myphonebook.

I just think it's pathetic that we continue to openly discrimate against other human beings.

Please give me your thoughts, those for and against homosexuality.

P.S Was too lazy to do a works cited page. Finals are freaking over!

Thank you NT.

Sparknotes: I think homosexuality is innate(biological). Knowing this why do we continue to discriminate on gays? If you use leviticus to discrimate on gays then why do we do things also forbidden inLeviticus like wear clothes of different fibers without getting hated on?
I agree with the OP. Homosexuality is something your born with, and you don't choose to be gay for the most part. There are exceptions though. Sometimesyou CAN be a product of your environment.

To me, if someone I don't even know is gay, why should that bother me?
It's a free world man, I believe they have the right to do whatever they please. Who are any of us to judge, they don't have to answer to us
I didn't even all that crap you put, but I'm not gay so I don't give a *+#% about em. If guys want to have sex with other guys, that has nothing todo with me.
I don't get why people care so much about what they do in their private lives.
Originally Posted by One Love

No one is reading all that.
i sure didn't
That's why I put sparknotes at the end. And Daytona, I respect your stance, but why question is think of all those white people during slavery who thought,I'm not black so I don't give a **#* about them.

Yes, I just made a comparison between being gay and being black. Nobody have a heart attack now.
Gay people have a great sense of humor, well at least the gay people that I know. They joke about themselves being gay and such. I have no problem withhomosexuals, but I honestly have to admit I sometimes use the word in a derogatory manner like saying, that's gay, meaning stupid. But, I've changed myways though.

Originally Posted by XxHonchoxX

Gay people have a great sense of humor, well at least the gay people that I know. They joke about themselves being gay and such. I have no problem with homosexuals, but I honestly have to admit I sometimes use the word in a derogatory manner like saying, that's gay, meaning stupid. But, I've changed my ways though.

So do I. Stupid habits, I've really been trying to stop though. And again, I still have a bit of prejudice against gay, like I feel weirdbeing around one sometimes even though I try really hard not to.

I think I've just been conditioned to feel this way and if I try a bit harder it'll be gone, but who knows.
I don't dislike the ppl, I dislike the lifestyle. I don't think that homosexuality is biological. I've seen a few dudes and girls alike who go theother way after they've been dog out by the opposite sex. Sometimes it seems like a loud cry for attention cause most of the homosexual's I've comein contact w/ are mad flambuoyant like they screamin "Look at me, I'm g_!!!) What also upsets me is when they blame God for their chosen lifestyle. Idon't listen to science all the time b/c it will later on contradict itself. Not to mention ppl ignore key evidence so they can make a claim and say theyfigured somethin "important" out.

With that said I reiterate my opinion, I don't dislike the person, just their chosen lifestyle
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

That's why I put sparknotes at the end. And Daytona, I respect your stance, but why question is think of all those white people during slavery who thought, I'm not black so I don't give a **#* about them.

Yes, I just made a comparison between being gay and being black. Nobody have a heart attack now.

I think that comparison is fair, but not exact. I mean you're comparing slavery with gay rights. In a sense, it's similar, but not exact to the bone. Ithink what you meant was, during slavery there were a lot of things that black people couldn't do.

Not saying gays have that same problem, but a lot of civil rights such as marriage and adopting a child is something that they have recently been deprived of.

During slavery, a black man couldn't marry a white women. Who are we say a man/woman couldn't marry another man/woman?

Why does THEIR marriage bother US so much?

I think it's more of a fear. Ignorant people thinking if its OK for gays to do all this, then a lot of other people they're close with might"turn" gay.
IMO, i think its a CHOICE, and i think homosexuals are ppl, they can live their lives like normal ppl, but i dislike Flamboyant h0moe males, lesbians are koowit me and i'm koo with them.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

That's why I put sparknotes at the end. And Daytona, I respect your stance, but why question is think of all those white people during slavery who thought, I'm not black so I don't give a **#* about them.

Yes, I just made a comparison between being gay and being black. Nobody have a heart attack now.

I think that comparison is fair, but not exact. I mean you're comparing slavery with gay rights. In a sense, it's similar, but not exact to the bone. I think what you meant was, during slavery there were a lot of things that black people couldn't do.

Not saying gays have that same problem, but a lot of civil rights such as marriage and adopting a child is something that they have recently been deprived of.

During slavery, a black man couldn't marry a white women. Who are we say a man/woman couldn't marry another man/woman?

Why does THEIR marriage bother US so much?

I think it's more of a fear. Ignorant people thinking if its OK for gays to do all this, then a lot of other people they're close with might "turn" gay.
Completely agree brother.

And to those who keep complaining about the "great wall of text" I put in sparknotes, because I don't blame nters for not wanting to read longinformation with school being out!

As long as you ain't tryin to sword fight with me.... Then I'm cool with you being gay.

Why would a gay person try to swor.....OOOoooo
I knew this guy that was a homosexual, his name was Alex. Dude was really cool, he'd make everyone bracelets with any type of wording you wanted on them.He was in my art class in college, everyone loved him.

One day he didn't show up the class, and then the next day he didn't show up to class. Everyone was really worried because that wasn't like him. Acouple days later he shows up the class in a really expensive suit, I think it was zegna or something fancy.

He got one of the lead rolls in a ballet, and was going to travel the world and perform, they gave him a 200k advance, and he went crazy. He took the wholeclass out to eat that day. This was almost 4 years ago, dude is an amazing ballet dancer.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

That's why I put sparknotes at the end. And Daytona, I respect your stance, but why question is think of all those white people during slavery who thought, I'm not black so I don't give a **#* about them.

Yes, I just made a comparison between being gay and being black. Nobody have a heart attack now.

I meant that as in "Oh, they're gay? Who cares? Let em live." Gay dudes = less competition

I think they should be together if they want and have children and the rights of married couples or whatever, just don't call it a marriage though.
It's a choice.

Some girls are born with big !@*** and ****, but that doesn't mean they should go around flaunting their body.
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