REAL men appreciation

Just because a boy has a car, place, job, and degree doesn't make him a man, let alone a "real" man.

A lot of boys get money from their parents, or get money from putting in work. That doesn't automatically make him a man.
only on NT can a girl make a post appreciating real man and have 7+ pages of people tryin to flame her.
Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Originally Posted by I DONT PASS

Originally Posted by The Minister

35 pages. 20 pages of simping and 5 of flames. 12 bans and 4 suspensions.

25 pages. 5 pages of simping and 10 of flames. 5 bans and 7 suspensions.

Where are you guys coming from with these outrageous numbers?? This thread wont last Monday
she posted her picture the beasts will come out.
the beasts will come out for what?
Originally Posted by shaqtus92

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by lovemysole

There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice #+@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy. Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!
I hope you are a woman....but here goes

A real man is someone you respect. A real man is like Shaft...the brotha's wanna be like him and the ladies wanna be with him. A real man has morals, values, and treats people how they deserve to be treated. A real man is hard working and makes the most of his situation.

Thats it. It aint about degrees, money, status, clothes, or material things.
You could'nt have put it any better my dude
which I think is what she saying about her real man.....

honestly, I feel ol' girl. Nowadays, depending on where you go, you are hard PRESSED to find a guy with a job, own place, etc. And she's a golddigger? Nah, I know some gold diggers....chicks whose first words are "girl, he in the league!" So being with a man who has a job is a gold diggernow!? Dam, that's sad. Do fellas want girls without jobs?? NO!!! Don't nobody really wanna be wit' an unemployed person. Do you have to have thebest job? No. Everybody gotta make due, everybody gotta pay bills.....if you working your job and doing what you are supposed to do, I can't do nothingBUT respect that. No, it's not your dream job, but just the fact that you going and not sitting back shows to me that when the going gets tough, you canput in work. And if you don't like your job, hope you doing something about it to try and look for better opportunities.

And it ain't 'bout paying for's about you. What you gon' do FOR SELF? Do you have a plan? Do you save money? How well do you budgetyour money? And in terms of education, I know some good dudes who don't have a college degree. Unfortunately, this is back in like mydad's generation, where you could still find a decent living without a degree. I don't know too many good "young" guys without a degree. Areal man respects his woman as just that---HIS WOMAN, not a girl who he keeps around because she's pretty to look at. A real man has morals andvalues....someone who you know would make a good father.

A real man should want someone who satisfies his intellect as well as his loins

Why did you post your picture though??? I'm still not sure on why that was necessary--
Originally Posted by I Drink Your Milkshake

Why did you post your picture though??? I'm still not sure on why that was necessary--
dont ask questions, just post yours
I saw the thread title and thought to myself "if NT isn't roasting this chick half to death they've gone soft"...

You made me proud
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

i don't think of an asian dude when I think a real man

well he got the reaction he wanted out of you. This clown has been coming with the borderline sneak disrespectful comments for awhile now.
Pinocchio is not a real man. He lies and his nose gets bigger.....that's unrealistic for a piece of wood, let alone that he's a damn talkin'puppet. Imagine if that little dood was real. Exactly, don't.
After the


Of this
Originally Posted by lovemysole

There is this guy that I've known for almost 7 years now and he is what I call a "real man" IMO. He graduated from UW Business School a year early, got accepted into his master's program and already has a job lined up for when he's done with his mater's from the firm that he interned at this summer. He has a job, his own place, a car and can clean and cook. He's not the cutest guy but he has a niiice *@@ build and is pretty tall for an Asian guy.

Where are the rest of you REAL MEN at?!!!


Upon Further Review


NT Has Ruled


Turn Over on Downs

Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

i don't think of an asian dude when I think a real man

well he got the reaction he wanted out of you. This clown has been coming with the borderline sneak disrespectful comments for awhile now.

hes a raciest plain and simple and should be banned
she said she's going to a CC thats turning into a 4 year LMAO......oh yea Trueshot is getting banned now cause he went at once a mod see thishe'll be gone for good
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