R.I.P Trayvon

Treyvon shoulda just turned the cheek and kept walking wherever he was going. You cats have personal negative experiences with people being scared of you so you opinions are bias.

There have been plenty of cases where minors are charged as adults, so 17 year old kid is irrelevant.

Treyvon was gonna get caught doin stupid stuff and didn't like it, so he attacked the dude trying to tell on him and got bodied = L

GZ was trying to help his fellow neighbors and report a criminal. He got attacked, caught a body, and ended up wit $300K = W

Should I care about or respect his family? I could, but they could have raised this young black man better too. Half of yall had yall minds made up as soon as you heard about the situation based only on race.

View media item 420904.......that is the most asinine thing I have heard.......He was going to get caught doing stupid stuff??? Really??? Sounds like your opinions are pretty biased bruh......
Man I been trolling THEE hardest...
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Plenty of white people Asians etc at the rally in union square in new York. I think it's more of a cultural divide than straight race. Conservatives are treating this cowboy wanna be cop like a hero.
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Meth plays no games :lol:

The sad thing is, that America never wants to address it's deep rooted problems, whether it be issues of race, creed, etc. This allows for the same things that happened in the past to keep continuing and keep getting worse. It also allows those who aren't affected by America's problems to turn a blind eye or downplay the impact that it has on us as a society or to embrace the often seen and seldom unsaid.

The lengthy post about fear and blacks in general is correct. It has happened in South Africa after Apartheid, the whites there stated that they were scared of rebellion for all of the years of turmoil that they put the South African natives through and I believe that's what whites here fear but noone wants to say it. 2Pac said in Changes "I always gotta worry bout the payback, some buck that I roughed up way back, comin back after all these years....that's the way it is."

Is race, class, etc an issue in America without a doubt, that saddens me but what saddens me more in regards to this case is that a young life was taken that did not deserve to be taken at the hands of someone who hid behind a faulty legal system because he was afraid of consequences
How did Zimmerman hide behind a faulty legal system? He acted...was tried and the outcome was what it was. No hiding there imo. From what ive read of this case both parties seemed at fault to a degree. Why does race play such a prominent role in this case? Why does everyone assume Zimmerman acted this way because it was a young black male and not just a suspicious person? Nobody knows the answer to that last question but Zimmerman. We can assume all we want but it wont change the facts.
How did Zimmerman hide behind a faulty legal system? He acted...was tried and the outcome was what it was. No hiding there imo. From what ive read of this case both parties seemed at fault to a degree. Why does race play such a prominent role in this case? Why does everyone assume Zimmerman acted this way because it was a young black male and not just a suspicious person? Nobody knows the answer to that last question but Zimmerman. We can assume all we want but it wont change the facts.

In America, most young black males are suspicious and there's no denying that. That's the problem, the kid was minding his own business, something most African Americans can't do in peace in "certain" areas.
Picking Trayvon up in the in the rain?

Yeah right...that ain't happening. 

But what should have happened is Zimmerman should have been minding his own business...shouldn't have even come around Trayvon...just let him be on his way. Until you see some probable cause for intervention...like Trayvon walking up to a window peeking in...you know you're regular precursors to criminal activity. 

Trayvon didn't do any of those things, so where does Zimmerman get this idea of Trayvon is some criminal. 

Oh, that's right by the very same media that reported the trail coverage to incite feelings of racial tension, and then the media wants to turn around and continue to portray minorities, but largely African Americans in a negative light...it hasn't stopped.

You want me to believe Trayvon was a one man wrecking crew going around robbing houses, and most people who burglarize have a ******g bag to put all the items in...that maybe could be cause for suspicion but not when the alleged suspect is carrying skittles and a drink. 

I heard people referring to Trayvon as a suspect...of what?

Walking while black at night?
In America, most young black males are suspicious and there's no denying that. That's the problem, the kid was minding his own business, something most African Americans can't do in peace in "certain" areas.

You gotta be kidding me..

this is gonna get ugly..
In America, most young black males are suspicious and there's no denying that. That's the problem, the kid was minding his own business, something most African Americans can't do in peace in "certain" areas.

well said. damn shame tho. So the consensus here is had Trayvon been white this would have been handled differently? not plagin stupid askin a serious question.
Picking Trayvon up in the in the rain?

Yeah right...that ain't happening. 

But what should have happened is Zimmerman should have been minding his own business...shouldn't have even come around Trayvon...just let him be on his way. Until you see some probable cause for intervention...like Trayvon walking up to a window peeking in...you know you're regular precursors to criminal activity. 

Trayvon didn't do any of those things, so where does Zimmerman get this idea of Trayvon is some criminal. 

Oh, that's right by the very same media that reported the trail coverage to incite feelings of racial tension, and then the media wants to turn around and continue to portray minorities, but largely African Americans in a negative light...it hasn't stopped.

You want me to believe Trayvon was a one man wrecking crew going around robbing houses, and most people who burglarize have a ******g bag to put all the items in...that maybe could be cause for suspicion but not when the alleged suspect is carrying skittles and a drink. 

I heard people referring to Trayvon as a suspect...of what?

Walking while black at night?

Yep You didn't know man?? He was clearly WWB so Zim was justified in being suspicious, DWB (driving while black) is also cause to be pulled over for us. Smh
In America, most young black males are suspicious and there's no denying that. That's the problem, the kid was minding his own business, something most African Americans can't do in peace in "certain" areas.
I deny it...

But their only suspicious through the eyes of someone who adheres to white supremacy. 
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