R.I.P Trayvon

Idk why but this made me laugh :lol:

After the verdict, a question that remains is will this verdict be appealed?

The state/prosecution cannot appeal a criminal verdict. The defense can appeal, but obviously not if the defendant is found not guilty.
if someone could answer this question for me :nerd:

when did GZ have time to take the safety of his gun and cock it back to load the bullet into the chamber?
now assuming he just had it on him, when did he knowingly take the time out to do this if TM was attacking him?
also assuming the he never had the safety on, again when would he have time to pull his gun out, cock it, and then shoot TM?
I am not a big gun person but I am assuming about 4 seconds max to load the bullet in the chamber without someone attacking you?
This is why I was happy when I found out it was all women.

There was reasonable doubt for sure.
It wasnt about GZ injuries, it was about how GZ felt at that moment.
If he felt threatened then he had the right to shoot.
I just hoped those women could see those lies and say screw reasonable doubt and convict him.
It seems as if they didnt even consider manslaughter
"tonight your going to die today"


This whole talk of feeling threatened has deep rooted psychological implications... There is fear of the black man essentially...don't care how you slice it. I know about the systematic attempts at thwarting a black man's attempt at success, because I lived it for one, and I've seen many fall victim to the traps. It's not hard to do, when you're a descendant of people promised 40 Acres and a mule after slavery but ended up as as sharecroppers in the same cycle of servitude, if not worse. Society at large has not, and will never come to grips with a culture that is so foreign from the status-quo, actually black culture sticks a middle finger up to the establishment. That's where the coolness, and everything else that is emulated derives from. In this case, it was about judgment, not in the sense of fairness applied by the judicial system, but it was a form of judgment based off appearances, a difference in character. Hence, the pictures being shown all across the internet of a young teen growing through his adolescent rebellion phase. How could you feel threatened by an unarmed man to the point of shooting to kill makes no sense to me at all. We have a kid that's dead....I think that's what I'm having a hard time grasping in this thread...dudes talking about self defense as if Trayvon was holding heat or even a box cutter for that matter. How was this even fair? If you can't see that Zimmerman was already mentally inept from the phone calls then I think as a society we're all on different wavelengths, but I thought at least the jury would be able to cut the bs in this whole case regardless of how the prosecution presented it...but come on, you can't have one minority on the jury? Get the **** out of here man...It's 2013. How did that **** even look man... I'm not leaving this up to the prosecution...can't do it at all. I'm not playing, or falling for these little hoodwinked games, and all this twisted rhetoric about the fairness of the justice system. This was clearly a dark moment for America....

My dad was in court the day of that South Park Mexican trial about him molesting that 9 year old girl. The jury was 12 40+ year old white women. Whether he did that or not, there was no way he wasn't going away for a long time.
if someone could answer this question for me :nerd:

when did GZ have time to take the safety of his gun and cock it back to load the bullet into the chamber?
now assuming he just had it on him, when did he knowingly take the time out to do this if TM was attacking him?
also assuming the he never had the safety on, again when would he have time to pull his gun out, cock it, and then shoot TM?
I am not a big gun person but I am assuming about 4 seconds max to load the bullet in the chamber without someone attacking you?

apparently as Ive been told in this thread, the type of gun he had didnt have an external safety on it and there was 1 already chambered
Was thinking the same how the **** is the jury evenly bias when they were all 5 caucasian women and the one minority and she was hispanic. Smh. Not one black person on the jury??? not one male on the jury? ...all men will tell you there's no reason to even worry about another man walking by with a hood that's no threat unless I have a personal experience with this individual to suggest other wise. Smh I'm from Sc whites still call black men Boy. Racism is very alive...
NC born and raised...

Dudes still riding around here with the Confederate flag on the truck...seen a dude with the flag waving on his truck recently.
America doesn't want to give you full equality. Why? Because it's been a majority white country for all of its existence. Majorities rule the roost. That's just how humanity operates. At the end of the day, majorities do whatever the hell they want because nobody can stop them. Unless the minority can physically impose its will on the minority (Syria, Bahrain,Jordan, etc.)

So instead of trying to work within the system and exploit it like other minorities in similar situations and carve out a niche, the Black community in America keeps asking for something that America can't/ doesn't want to give it. It's like going into McDonald's and asking for a filet mignon. No matter how much you try and ask or how long you stand there, you're not getting one. Not necessarily because McDonalds doesn't want to sell you one but because they can't. Not that's what McDonalds is built on. 

The problem is that the narrative in the US is about equality for all but when you look at the history, it's really no different than other countries. What America excels at is business first and foremost. In everything else, we're no different (and in some ways even worse) than others around the globe. 

Just think about it. The Black community is asking America to follow it's ideology of "equality" which was created by White men (some of whom owned slaves) while slavery was full blown. Something's wrong with that narrative. Clearly equality wasn't meant for all. 

The above doesn't mean that you can't try to reform the system. Of course you can and the majority will throw you crumbs every now in order to placate you. However, the main objective should be to learn to work the system and build a niche within it from which the minority can develop. 

In a few years we'll be having the same discussion. Nothing will change.  

When the US becomes a plurality of Whites and Hispanics in 30 years, do you really think much will change for Black people in the US? If anything it might even get worse because Hispanics can't feel the same guilt for slavery, Jim Crow, etc. 
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My dad was in court the day of that South Park Mexican trial about him molesting that 9 year old girl. The jury was 12 40+ year old white women. Whether he did that or not, there was no way he wasn't going away for a long time.
Dudes talking about the fairness of the judicial system...

Miss me with that. 
if someone could answer this question for me :nerd:

when did GZ have time to take the safety of his gun and cock it back to load the bullet into the chamber?
now assuming he just had it on him, when did he knowingly take the time out to do this if TM was attacking him?
also assuming the he never had the safety on, again when would he have time to pull his gun out, cock it, and then shoot TM?
I am not a big gun person but I am assuming about 4 seconds max to load the bullet in the chamber without someone attacking you?

Maybe someone with more gun knowledge can clarify, but I'm almost certain that I've read that the whole cocking the gun before firing thing (like in movies) is unnecessary with many modern pistols. As for the safety being off, that's an interesting point I hadn't considered. I wonder if that was brought up at trial as evidence that Zimmerman anticipated a serious altercation. I don't know that such evidence would ultimately matter, but it still seems relevant.

EDIT: blakep267 pointed out that Zimmerman's gun didn't have an external safety.
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People didn't call for the head of Casey Anthony
The Casey Anthony trial thread was only 20 pages


People seemed A LOT more outraged about this for some reason. Hmmm...
maybe because a lot of guys on this board can identify with Trayvon?
America doesn't want to give you full equality. Why? Because it's been a majority white country for all of its existence. Majorities rule the roost. That's just how humanity operates. At the end of the day, majorities do whatever the hell they want because nobody can stop them. 

So instead of trying to work within the system and exploit it like other minorities in similar situations and carve out a niche, the Black community in America keeps asking for something that America can't/ doesn't want to give it. It's like going into McDonald's and asking for a filet mignon. No matter how much you try and ask or how long you stand there, you're not getting one. Not necessarily because McDonalds doesn't want to sell you one but because they can't. Not that's what McDonalds is built on. 

The problem is that the narrative in the US is about equality for all but when you look at the history, it's really no different than other countries. What America excels at is business first and foremost. In everything else, we're no different (and in some ways even worse) than others around the globe. 

Just think about it. The Black community is asking America to follow it's ideology of equality which was created by White men (some of whom owned slaves) while slavery was full blown. Something's wrong with that narrative.  

The above doesn't mean that you can't try to reform the system. Of course you can and the majority throws crumbs every now and then to placate the minority. However, the main objective should be to learn to work the system and build a niche within it from which the minority can develop.

In a few years we'll be having the same discussion. Nothing will change.  
Great post and I agree...
Treyvon shoulda just turned the cheek and kept walking wherever he was going. You cats have personal negative experiences with people being scared of you so you opinions are bias.

There have been plenty of cases where minors are charged as adults, so 17 year old kid is irrelevant.

Treyvon was gonna get caught doin stupid stuff and didn't like it, so he attacked the dude trying to tell on him and got bodied = L

GZ was trying to help his fellow neighbors and report a criminal. He got attacked, caught a body, and ended up wit $300K = W

Should I care about or respect his family? I could, but they could have raised this young black man better too. Half of yall had yall minds made up as soon as you heard about the situation based only on race.
Makes no sense...doesn't even fit into the actual narrative. 
Treyvon shoulda just turned the cheek and kept walking wherever he was going. You cats have personal negative experiences with people being scared of you so you opinions are bias.

There have been plenty of cases where minors are charged as adults, so 17 year old kid is irrelevant.

Treyvon was gonna get caught doin stupid stuff and didn't like it, so he attacked the dude trying to tell on him and got bodied = L

GZ was trying to help his fellow neighbors and report a criminal. He got attacked, caught a body, and ended up wit $300K = W

Should I care about or respect his family? I could, but they could have raised this young black man better too. Half of yall had yall minds made up as soon as you heard about the situation based only on race.

Hahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:, the first sentence of your post man, OH THE IRONY. Considering how GZ reacted. Lord have mercy. Then you go on and continue further in the same reply to perpetuate this ignorance that TrAyvon (you can at least spell someone's name, surely) was a criminal. Yet we know who had a criminal record in this case prior to the incident. You cannot possibly be this dense, good job trolling though as you've elicited a response from me.
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I was just surprised. Seemed like that trial was just as interesting as this one. Both involved murdered children in FL and the perp ultimately walking.

You know you're trolling with that my dude. I see what ya'll dudes been talking about, and why I stayed out of this thread. 

Dudes try to bait you every which way...

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The Casey Anthony trial thread was only 20 pages


People seemed A LOT more outraged about this for some reason. Hmmm...

The cases are TOTALLY different and to this we still dont know how calyee died.
I dont think she killed her daughter.

Casey Anthony is only a threat to her children.
Zimmerman is a threat to any and everyone he deems suspicious, which can be anyone's children.
Treyvon shoulda just turned the cheek and kept walking wherever he was going. You cats have personal negative experiences with people being scared of you so you opinions are bias.

There have been plenty of cases where minors are charged as adults, so 17 year old kid is irrelevant.

Treyvon was gonna get caught doin stupid stuff and didn't like it, so he attacked the dude trying to tell on him and got bodied = L

GZ was trying to help his fellow neighbors and report a criminal. He got attacked, caught a body, and ended up wit $300K = W

Should I care about or respect his family? I could, but they could have raised this young black man better too. Half of yall had yall minds made up as soon as you heard about the situation based only on race.

dont do this bruh....get caught doing something stupid? you have no knowledge of that. Zimmerman wasnt reporting a criminal either... a perceived criminal, considering the history of the community, maybe. but it actuality the kid wasnt a criminal.

you have no empathy in your post, but i dont expect you too...this obviously has no impact on you or anyone you know one way or the other.

far as ya comments on his fam... a lot could be said about that but i dont think its appropriate at this time.
maybe because a lot of guys on this board can identify with Trayvon?

I was just surprised. Seemed like that trial was just as interesting as this one. Both involved murdered children in FL and the perp ultimately walking.

I was actually more disgusted just on a pure "how can you kill an infant" level by that than this case. However, people will naturally gravitate to cases where they have more in common with the victim. I have been in the situation Trayvon was in, several times, it freaks me out and makes me scared for my adult life that I could be gunned down bc I'm black, wearing a hoody, in a gated community. Just like the Jodi Arias thing disgusted me, those are one off instances as despicable as they were. There's no systematic discrimination against white males and infants. Not to minimalize those cases bc they deserved the attention they got, this case just touches a nerve with a lot of us bc we have been there, felt and experienced that many times.
That Casey trial pales big time in comparison to this...no pun intended. 

Well maybe a pun...*shrugs*
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