R.I.P Trayvon

Just in reading a little bit, there is SO much grey area in the events that transpired that it's hard to say with 100% conviction that you know what happened. Maybe this is why the jury had their problems? I feel bad for Martin's family...I just hope that no one does anything stupid.
Some of the posts in here man :smh:

You don't have to agree that Zimmerman was guilty, but at least respect the Martin family. This dude really said so what if we lost a fry cook at McDonalds :smh: :smh: :smh: :smh:

Some people are trying really hard to push others buttons under racially veiled comments.

With that said, everyone is going to have different opinions on the matter, some more egregious and inflammatory than others, but what I don't get is how the blame is being deflected to the victim. That's what I don't understand. You wouldn't blame a victim of rape or robbery for something that happened to them.

I made that point before in this thread, a select few really sound like the types to blame rape victims for dressing in short skirts and drinking alcohol at night in a public bar area. Seriously, there is no hope for people who think like that.
Following someone, although stupid, is NOT A CRIME.  ANYWHERE!  It is not a crime.  By the way, I don't hear very many of you crying over the 20 homicides in Chicago in the first week of July.  Some of those victimes were way younger than Trayvon.  

So what you mean to tell me , is following someone is not provoking anything right??
"Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."

GZ started the confrontation, so if he ever felt his life was in danger, his life was in danger because of something he started and initiated, and his mishandling of the situation ended in TM's death.

And it's his mishandling of the situation that wants me to see him do time. I don't want a hot head who initiates confrontation and then kills his opponent roaming the streets a free man.

some dude clipped my car last night when I was at a stop sign and he was turning onto my street. he stopped, and instead of exchanging insurance information, every part of me wanted to run up on him. if I had done that and he ended up dead because I felt at some point in the confrontation that my life was in danger, that is entirely on me for initiating the confrontation and severely mishandling that situation.



Profiling is wrong at times, but it is also effective.  If there is a red head, middle-aged man robbing people in your neighborhood, are you telling me you would not be suspicious of red-headed, middle-aged man walking around in your neighborhood?  if you say no, sir, you are a better man than I. 

I am Indian and I get profiled constantly at airports and the subway and randomly.  But you know what, I don't get upset or cry racism because the extremists that want to hurt people in this country kind of look like me.  

Profiling has its advantages.  
in a study released in 2004 black and latino males are three times more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs than white males even though white males are four and a half times more likely to have drugs on them on the minute chance they're stopped.  yea, profiling is great.  you're happy to be profiled based on your religion and color?  you don't get upset?  if that's actually true and you're not just being an idiot for laughs, than the reason for that can either be that you really are an idiot or you've got no heart.  to accept that it's going to occur is one thing; as a black male i was taught that from a young age and have long since accepted that in white america, that's the way it is.  but it upsets me every single time and i WILL cry racism every single time because IT IS racist.  for a guy who says he's part of what's said to be the fiercest group of fighters ever known to greece, you sure sound like a coward.
This is a Trayvon Martin thread, not a Chicago killing thread

You may not think so but there is relevance there.

Black on black crime = no one cares

PERCEIVED White on Black crime = national news. 

Tell me how you know that nobody cares. What determines "caring" to you? And after you establish that, again, tell me how YOU know that nobody cares.

Give me legitimate, concrete examples of how nobody cares about black on black crime.

You know cant be this naive...more people die

In Chicago then Afghanistan...huge outrage over

Da war on terror...chief keef lookin cats wasting

Each other? Mehh not so much...

You live in Da Heightz though, b. How so you know what goes on in the black community in Chicago?

So because you don't see it on the news, nobody cares? I would say that you can't be that naive and I'd be right. You're just ignorant.
[quote name="LyonBC1"][quote name="BigRockford"]Pay attention to the fact that he was trying to hurt a stand up citizen[/quote]Stand up citizens try and fight cops? They get accused of domestic abuse?

Ill be damn sure my kids won't follow the GZ path. THATS what I'll do. Raise kids who don't lie to police about money and need restraining orders, and don't profile people and judge them on the color of their skin and assume the worst. Ill raise them not to have allegedly sexually assaulted family members, like George. Ill raise them to follow rules and if they are ever in positions of power, to not act without thinking o consequences. If on neighborhood watch, ill tell them to approach people, ask questions an present the fact that they are in fact a neighborhood watch member so as to alleviate as much fear as possible in either party so kids don't die.

How DARE you tell people not to have their kids go down the Trayvon path. A kid with As and Bs in the best public high school academically in Miami. [/quote]LyonBC1, *repped*
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Profiling is wrong at times, but it is also effective.  If there is a red head, middle-aged man robbing people in your neighborhood, are you telling me you would not be suspicious of red-headed, middle-aged man walking around in your neighborhood?  if you say no, sir, you are a better man than I. 

I am Indian and I get profiled constantly at airports and the subway and randomly.  But you know what, I don't get upset or cry racism because the extremists that want to hurt people in this country kind of look like me.  

Profiling has its advantages.  

in a study released in 2004 black and latino males are three times more likely to be stopped and searched for drugs than white males even though white males are four and a half times more likely to have drugs on them on the minute chance they're stopped.  yea, profiling is great.  you're happy to be profiled based on your religion and color?  you don't get upset?  if that's actually true and you're not just being an idiot for laughs, than the reason for that can either be that you really are an idiot or you've got no heart.  to accept that it's going to occur is one thing; as a black male i was taught that from a young age and have long since accepted that in white america, that's the way it is.  but it upsets me every single time and i WILL cry racism every single time because IT IS racist.  for a guy who says he's part of what's said to be the fiercest group of fighters ever known to greece, you sure sound like a coward.

They don't hear you though. As a human being, just like EVERYONE else, I shouldn't have to qualify and prove that I am non threatening or about to commit a crime; but I do and other black and brown minorities do as well. It sucks. Every time I hear or see a non minority say "I'm tired of racism, I'm sick of hearing about this stuff every day" I just look at them or say to myself, well gee you think I ENJOY being profiled and discriminated against? I wish it didnt exist 10,000 more times than they ever could.
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"Grey Areas"
Point is, this tragedy should have NEVER happened in the first place. The kid was minding his own business and presumed suspicious due to America's stigma on what a criminal looks like. That's an issue some of you will never understand and grasp, some of "us" can't mind our own business in peace.
When you leave your house you just want the whole world to be one way. But facts I've been followed by cops in my car & while I was walking and profiled because of my area I'm walking in or while I'm in a car and I'm driving, being pulled over having your car flipped inside out and questioned about guns, and being told we pulled you over cause your in a suspicious car on holidays, ruining your faith in justice, police have numerous reasons to harass black ppl. Call it what you want I've called the police only to be told do you want a order of protection after having a gun put in my face and i was then 20 he was almost 30 and didn't want to catch a fade infront his *****!? So I got one yep I'm black I'll need one in court to shoot someone. when your black you have to prove you're not guilty! when your white the state has to prove you guilty. If you don't understand black men are profiled to fit dangerous crime description. the way we talk, walk, and think. I am from Sc and live in Ny now and can say the cops in poor areas are not trying to help they could care less about African American safety. Grouping teenagers in one box every person is different if your judging based on appearance of any sorts your a racist. but don't worry If I'm in the streets one day and I stood up for my integrity like Trayvon and not run like a sucker I pray I receive justice word up.
They don't hear you though. As a human being, just like EVERYONE else, I shouldn't have to qualify and prove that I am non threatening or about to commit a crime; but I do and other black and brown minorities do as well. It sucks. Every time I hear or see a non minority say "I'm tired of racism, I'm sick of hearing about this stuff every day" I just look at them or say to myself, well gee you think I ENJOY being profiled and discriminated against? I wish it didnt exist 10,000 more times than they ever could.
man yup.  i remember my friend and i (white friend, for context) were at the mva in bmore, just walked in.  got my ticket, went to go take a seat and this woman (white, also for context) looks up and that familiar look of mixed up hatred and fear came upon her face with the quickness.  she clutches her purse to her side and instinctively leans her body away from me.  ALL of that was done and i don't think she had any idea.  i'm sure in her mind she smiled and made room for me to get by, like nice polite white people are taught to do.  if i would have told her what she actually looked like she'd either deny it loudly and tell me how many black friends she has or be appalled and would probably buy me a happy meal, word to white guilt but i just shook my head, kept it movin and my friend turns to me when we sit down like, 'damn man you see that lady?!  you get that a lot?!,' 
 he has no idea and it's a damn shame.
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^^ I know EXACTLY what you mean man. I've been walking down the sidewalk and visibly see people cross the street onto the other side where it's crowded just bc of some fear they have of something happening :lol: smh it's awful. I've been with a white girl before and felt like I had to outline my entire CV and provide recommendation letters just to get acceptance from her dad, when she had been with dudes who had been expelled and in juvie before. I wish we didn't have to go through this but unfortunately we get reminded every day of it.
I know people are saying they hope the laws change as a result of this trial, but I do not think that they will change much.  Maybe Florida will do away with the stand your ground law, but from what I understand in this case, that law did not play a role.  If the defense's story is believed to be true (which unfortunately it is hard to question since Trayvon cannot testify), then Martin was on top of Zimmerman.  If that's the case, then the stand your ground law doesn't apply.  In most (if not all states), the initial aggressor only has a duty to retreat if there is a clear line of retreat available.  If someone is on top of you, that clear line does not exist.  If Zimmerman was the first to escalate the situation to involve deadly force, then he shouldn't have a self-defense claim.  Again, we unfortunately will not now what actually happened in the altercation.  I'm not saying that the verdict was right or wrong, but I don't think this will do much to change any laws.
Being a parent has to be tough as hell these days...

I mean on one hand, most people our age do not want to fully grow up, and then you have to worry about all of the crazy things that your child could be exposed to (no relevance to this case). 

Then you have the relationship aspect...that's a whole different topic, but this is a family issue at heart, and regardless of race, if you view this in a universal framework it becomes even more frightening that a situation like this could happen, even more so in America, not exactly a country under constant military threats from outsiders, e.g., Iraq, but this happened over some ******g break ins that required more surveillance by the actual law enforcement in my opinion. Don't leave it up to a neighborhood watch dude carrying a gun with a history of violence. 

Are you ******g kidding me dude?

Let's be honest, how much does it cost to keep a unit of donut cops on alert for criminal activity?

I know in my community, if the area is hot, the cops make their presence felt whether it be in marked cars, or unmarked. 

The situation doesn't even add up...I'm 29 and me thinking about a fight with a 17 year old...and I weigh more, plus I have MMA training...hmmmmmm...no way I'm I losing that one. 

But in Zimmerman's case he took a L...

Probably got heated...pride was shot, because damn a 17 year old just beat the **** out of me....

His brother sounds like a ***** too...

All this judicial talk is obscuring the reality...

Carry on in fantasy land...

There are several alternate theories to the origins of this event worth looking into...
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Let's be honest, how much does it cost to keep a unit of donut cops on alert for criminal activity?

Every sub-division (including mine) that i know of has a neighborhood watch, it really isnt uncommon.
out of curiosity would the people that think everything zimmerman did was legal care to tell me what they would have done if a car was following them, at night, then the guy got out of the car to check you?
Maybe this ****** situation will at least yield a productive discussion on racism in America.  Obviously, it has been brought up here and in many other places because of the case.  However, due to the emotional nature of this case, the dialogue is less likely to be productive -- meaning that people are in an argumentative mood.  Hopefully, when emotions calm down a bit, a discussion will occur to help people understand/work towards eliminating racial tensions in America.  It will be interesting to see what happens if and when the civil rights suits begin.
Im angry, upset, feel defeated... my heart goes out to Trayvon's family.

I dont know where to place my anger and frustration. Of course Im naturally upset with Zimmerman, Jury, etc.

But im trying to be mature and thoughtful and say that the florida laws should capture a lot of my anger, but the more I think about it, i dont even know......

Self defense laws(which was Zimmerman's defense) protect a lot of people, probably have saved a lot of lives, so i dont know if getting rid of the law is the right call... and im not fully aware of what other ppl are suggesting happen in regards to laws...

Stand your ground law, is a different law, and Zimmerman didnt use that as his defense, if I am not mistaken.

And Zimmermans actions all led up to what happen that night, profiling, the getting out of the car, all that.... But in the court of law unfortunately, the jury instructions,and the jury bthemselves wasnt able to legally factor that in(which is BS). The totality of the whole situation should have been judged.... not just that moment during the altercation. Because it was just the altercation that was judged, there was really no way they could get a conviction unless the jury ignored everything else and just went with emotion

RIP Trayvon.....it's tough man.

This is why I was happy when I found out it was all women.
There was reasonable doubt for sure.
It wasnt about GZ injuries, it was about how GZ felt at that moment.
If he felt threatened then he had the right to shoot.

I just hoped those women could see those lies and say screw reasonable doubt and convict him.
It seems as if they didnt even consider manslaughter

"tonight your going to die today"

Aaron hernandez would have been better off committing his crime in Florida instead, smh!
He would have never been in custody and if he went to trial he would have been acquitted fooling with these Florida laws!

Cold game!

Gimmicky system
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