R.I.P Trayvon

Did you all see the info from the fornesics guy that basically said the angle the bullet entered him and went through his shirt proved martin was on top of zimmerman and not the other way around?
This is why I was happy when I found out it was all women.
There was reasonable doubt for sure.
It wasnt about GZ injuries, it was about how GZ felt at that moment.
If he felt threatened then he had the right to shoot.

I just hoped those women could see those lies and say screw reasonable doubt and convict him.
It seems as if they didnt even consider manslaughter

"tonight your going to die today"

This whole talk of feeling threatened has deep rooted psychological implications...There is fear of the black man essentially...don't care how you slice it. I know about the systematic attempts at thwarting a black man's attempt at success, because I lived it for one, and I've seen many fall victim to the traps. It's not hard to do, when you're a descendant of people promised 40 Acres and a mule after slavery but ended up as as sharecroppers in the same cycle of servitude, if not worse. Society at large has not, and will never come to grips with a culture that is so foreign from the status-quo, actually black culture sticks a middle finger up to the establishment. That's where the coolness, and everything else that is emulated derives from. In this case, it was about judgment, not in the sense of fairness applied by the judicial system, but it was a form of judgment based off appearances, a difference in character. Hence, the pictures being shown all across the internet of a young teen growing through his adolescent rebellion phase.How could you feel threatened by an unarmed man to the point of shooting to kill makes no sense to me at all. We have a kid that's dead....I think that's what I'm having a hard time grasping in this thread...dudes talking about self defense as if Trayvon was holding heat or even a box cutter for that matter. How was this even fair?If you can't see that Zimmerman was already mentally inept from the phone calls then I think as a society we're all on different wavelengths, but I thought at least the jury would be able to cut the bs in this whole case regardless of how the prosecution presented it...but come on, you can't have one minority on the jury?Get the **** out of here man...It's 2013. How did that **** even look man...I'm not leaving this up to the prosecution...can't do it at all. I'm not playing, or falling for these little hoodwinked games, and all this twisted rhetoric about the fairness of the justice system. This was clearly a dark moment for America....
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No, because in front of the Community there is a big sign that say "Neighborhood Watch is in Effect".
Clearly dudes overlooked the sign and said...**** it I'm going to break in anyway.There's an element of society that doesn't respect laws like you and I...well I'm not straight edge all the way but you get the point.The boys staked out would have made a difference...dudes aren't breaking in houses where are police on alert in the same vicinity.
Clearly dudes overlooked the sign and said...**** it I'm going to break in anyway.There's an element of society that doesn't respect laws like you and I...well I'm not straight edge all the way but you get the point.The boys staked out would have made a difference...dudes aren't breaking in houses where are police on alert in the same vicinity.

The police dont even come around here because of the Neighborhood Watch. I personally dont even know who the "watch person" honestly, I hate HOA's and dont want to be involved. :lol:
This whole talk of feeling threatened has deep rooted psychological implications...There is fear of the black man essentially...don't care how you slice it. I know about the systematic attempts at thwarting a black man's attempt at success, because I lived it for one, and I've seen many fall victim to the traps. It's not hard to do, when you're a descendant of people promised 40 Acres and a mule after slavery but ended up as as sharecroppers in the same cycle of servitude, if not worse. Society at large has not, and will never come to grips with a culture that is so foreign from the status-quo, actually black culture sticks a middle finger up to the establishment. That's where the coolness, and everything else that is emulated derives from. In this case, it was about judgment, not in the sense of fairness applied by the judicial system, but it was a form of judgment based off appearances, a difference in character. Hence, the pictures being shown all across the internet of a young teen growing through his adolescent rebellion phase.How could you feel threatened by an unarmed man to the point of shooting to kill makes no sense to me at all. We have a kid that's dead....I think that's what I'm having a hard time grasping in this thread...dudes talking about self defense as if Trayvon was holding heat or even a box cutter for that matter. How was this even fair?If you can't see that Zimmerman was already mentally inept from the phone calls then I think as a society we're all on different wavelengths, but I thought at least the jury would be able to cut the bs in this whole case regardless of how the prosecution presented it...but come on, you can't have one minority on the jury?Get the **** out of here man...It's 2013. How did that **** even look man...I'm not leaving this up to the prosecution...can't do it at all. I'm not playing, or falling for these little hoodwinked games, and all this twisted rhetoric about the fairness of the justice system. This was clearly a dark moment for America....
Was thinking the same how the **** is the jury evenly bias when they were all 5 caucasian women and the one minority and she was hispanic. Smh. Not one black person on the jury??? not one male on the jury? ...all men will tell you there's no reason to even worry about another man walking by with a hood that's no threat unless I have a personal experience with this individual to suggest other wise. Smh I'm from Sc whites still call black men Boy. Racism is very alive...
Was thinking the same how the **** is the jury evenly bias when they were all 5 caucasian women and the one minority and she was hispanic. Smh. Not one black person on the jury??? not one male on the jury? ...all men will tell you there's no reason to even worry about another man walking by with a hood that's no threat unless I have a personal experience with this individual to suggest other wise. Smh I'm from Sc whites still call black men Boy. Racism is very alive...
NC born and raised...

Dudes still riding around here with the Confederate flag on the truck...seen a dude with the flag waving on his truck recently.
I look at some of these responses like what the **** did I just read?

What tables turned?

Oh...hypothetically speaking...

Stay in reality. 
Real curious to see the everyday life of Zimmerman from here on out. Will he have protection? How can he feel safe walking the streets?

Sad situation all around for the loss of a young kid, and that's my opinion on the whole trial. Not bothering to go further when I haven't closely followed the case enough.
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Here is another view of the situation.... Do you guys feel that if Zimmerman didn't have a gun on him he would of even approached Trayvon? I know Florida has a right to carry law, but something ain't right about shooting someone because you are getting beat up, when you are the one who went up to the guy to start the confrontation.
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Nothing will happen to him. This is the same guy that people gave money to for killing a kid. Guarantee there are yhose out there who would harbor him without a second thought.
Im angry, upset, feel defeated... my heart goes out to Trayvon's family.

I dont know where to place my anger and frustration. Of course Im naturally upset with Zimmerman, Jury, etc.

But im trying to be mature and thoughtful and say that the florida laws should capture a lot of my anger, but the more I think about it, i dont even know......

Self defense laws(which was Zimmerman's defense) protect a lot of people, probably have saved a lot of lives, so i dont know if getting rid of the law is the right call... and im not fully aware of what other ppl are suggesting happen in regards to laws...

Stand your ground law, is a different law, and Zimmerman didnt use that as his defense, if I am not mistaken.

And Zimmermans actions all led up to what happen that night, profiling, the getting out of the car, all that.... But in the court of law unfortunately, the jury instructions,and the jury bthemselves wasnt able to legally factor that in(which is BS). The totality of the whole situation should have been judged.... not just that moment during the altercation. Because it was just the altercation that was judged, there was really no way they could get a conviction unless the jury ignored everything else and just went with emotion

RIP Trayvon.....it's tough man.

This is why I was happy when I found out it was all women.
There was reasonable doubt for sure.
It wasnt about GZ injuries, it was about how GZ felt at that moment.
If he felt threatened then he had the right to shoot.

I just hoped those women could see those lies and say screw reasonable doubt and convict him.
It seems as if they didnt even consider manslaughter

"tonight your going to die today"


i was the complete opposite when I saw the jury... I was terrified. I couldnt believe that the state agreed to that jury from the jump.

My first thoughts were that a jury of 5 white women, the same demographic that is likely to clench there purse in the site of a young black male with Trayvon's appearance(at 17) is suppose to be objective? Is suppose to value his life?

I didnt really have hope in the jury until John Guy closing statement and that was because it was so emotional and all of them were mothers. But sadly this wasnt TV, and no matter how Guy's closing resonated with a lot of us.... they prosecution had very little to combat a SELF DEFENSE stance.

Like to those saying that the prosecution over charged and should have went with manslaughter from the jump, what makes you think that would have been more successful?

I feel like it was impossible to prove that Zimmerman was NOT in legitimate fear of his life. Like the law says all he has to do is perceive he is in danger. How do the lawyers PROVE otherwise? We cant count all the stupid stuff he did leading up to that point.

It just sucks all around man
This minority's humble opinion, nothing more:

George Zimmerman, the wannabe cop, SHOULD NOT have followed/harassed Trayvon;

HOWEVER, by the same token, Trayvon SHOULD NOT have chosen to stop, turn around, and pick a fight (as, I believe, the evidence suggests) if he wasn't prepared to accept the potential consequence(s) of any fight (which include death). He should have avoided the confrontation and kept walking. If you're worried, call the cops.

They say he was close to his house. Why didn't he just keep walking? Why did he choose to be a tough guy when he was so close to the safety of his home?

If someone is on top of me, beating me to a pulp and I have a gun, best believe I'm blasting off -- why would I not?

Both made bad (albeit not illegal) decisions. George is wrong for initiating the conflict but Trayvon would probably still be alive if he had responded in a more sensible way.

I'm Mexican, if it matters.

P.S. "White hispanic" is a joke. That guy doesn't look white to me.

*flame suit


What evidence suggest martin turned back ?
How can evidence show someone walking back?
Do they have his shoe print going a certain way then reverting back.

He was close to his house, because he was running home and Zimmerman was following him.

He was found not guilty
But his story still makes no sense, and you dont need a verdict to see his story was not lined up with real physical evidence (gun, blood)

yea, there was literally no evidence to corroborate GZ's story of Martin doubling back and attacking him first. As you said, not having enough evidence doesnt mean Zimmerman was telling the truth.

I mean, according to GZ story, Trayvon hid behind impossibly small bushes, and teleported out of nowhere to attack him.

Idk why but this made me laugh :lol:

After the verdict, a question that remains is will this verdict be appealed?
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I said the case was lost when the demo of the jury came out. Everything that someone black, much less a black man, has to face will never resonate with them. As already said, these are the same women who are clutching their purses and pretending to speak to someone on the phone when someone of Trayvon's mold is in their vicinity.

Also, for those that continue to claim that black people don't care about black on black crime, do you or have you spent any time in a black community?
This whole talk of feeling threatened has deep rooted psychological implications...There is fear of the black man essentially...don't care how you slice it. I know about the systematic attempts at thwarting a black man's attempt at success, because I lived it for one, and I've seen many fall victim to the traps. It's not hard to do, when you're a descendant of people promised 40 Acres and a mule after slavery but ended up as as sharecroppers in the same cycle of servitude, if not worse. Society at large has not, and will never come to grips with a culture that is so foreign from the status-quo, actually black culture sticks a middle finger up to the establishment. That's where the coolness, and everything else that is emulated derives from. In this case, it was about judgment, not in the sense of fairness applied by the judicial system, but it was a form of judgment based off appearances, a difference in character. Hence, the pictures being shown all across the internet of a young teen growing through his adolescent rebellion phase.How could you feel threatened by an unarmed man to the point of shooting to kill makes no sense to me at all. We have a kid that's dead....I think that's what I'm having a hard time grasping in this thread...dudes talking about self defense as if Trayvon was holding heat or even a box cutter for that matter. How was this even fair?If you can't see that Zimmerman was already mentally inept from the phone calls then I think as a society we're all on different wavelengths, but I thought at least the jury would be able to cut the bs in this whole case regardless of how the prosecution presented it...but come on, you can't have one minority on the jury?Get the **** out of here man...It's 2013. How did that **** even look man...I'm not leaving this up to the prosecution...can't do it at all. I'm not playing, or falling for these little hoodwinked games, and all this twisted rhetoric about the fairness of the justice system. This was clearly a dark moment for America....

View media item 494834
got my stat up top from this vid, pretty informative.

This was a really great talk. I have some problems with Tim Wise but these are the types of things people aren't aware of, myself absolutely included.

If I see "just deal with it" again, mannnnnn the total exemplification of privilege if I have ever seen it in my life. "Just deal with it", easy to say when you don't have to fear walking outside down the block or fear pulling a prank like your other friends bc you know how you would be singled out and punished. Easy when you don't have to think twice about everyday decisions, not blaming you or guilting you at all btw...but to say some of the crap I've seen reiterated in here, you have to be incapable of recognizing life from the perspective of others, or just ignorant straight up, and purposefully ignorant by choice not by circumstance.
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