R.I.P Trayvon

The media execs thank you for making them a **** load of money this past month.

Btw, they're all mostly white as well.
not surprised at all. fla prosecution team is terrible, and it's fla

A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. ~ Robert Frost.

And this is what people fail to realize. OJ had the better legal team, Casey Anthony had the better legal team, Zimmerman had the better legal team, Vick didn't have the better legal team.
MY GUY!!! I would love for this.... But the odds are always stacked up against us... no matter WHAT. When it comes to social issues we are always at the bottom of the totem pole bruh...
I hate to be the one to sound like I'm making excuses, but jesus there really is only SO MUCH you can do when it comes to educating ourselves and pulling ourselves up the ladder...
I agree.

But I was fortunate enough to have parents that let me know this constantly. I was given a protocol on how to deal with the police, how to conduct myself in confrontations based on the color of my skin, and reminded daily that the odds were against me. This information has been the key to getting me were I am in life. Just think of what a huge benefit it would be if every Black American male had this information.
Thank you to the state of Florida and to the jury for restoring my faith in our justice system.

A young man lost his life so this is not something I will be celebrating.
Most black men are kil
Because it's become that much easier to kill a black man in this country and get away with it, the case can be used as a precedent for futre cases, if it even goes to trial....

Most black men are killed by other black men. If youre worried about black men being killed you shouldn't worry about non black potential murderers too much.
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If you want to kill someone, just say they reached for your gun .. even though there was no DNA to match your statement
I had a feeling that he was going to be found not guilty but in all fairness if Trayvon being murdered can bring awareness and a heightened sense to young black males today letting them know that there is a target on our backs and one simple mistake or false interpretation can wreak havoc on your life then let him live a knowingly guilty innocent by law life.
Don't stop living your life,don't live in fear of no man or woman but just be careful and never depend on something as flawed as this system is to settle your grievances.

That's as real as it's going to get,if people want to loot and burn down something.I can't say I don't blame them,I understand,I wont judge them or hold anything against anyone for thinking in such a manner.

Registered voters in Florida who are disgusted with this verdict should do everything in their power to have the law changed. I know that for almost every nt'er here this was a race issue from the jump and they weren't trying to hear facts or how the law works in Florida. The truth of the matter is the prosecution never had a case, not with the "stand your ground" law in effect.

Bro this isn't about RACE. Our frustration has been about how we don't get a fair shake in the justice system.
That is it. Nothing more, nothing less. We get arrested for all kinds of bulls**t, and people of a white background walk on murder.
Let Casey Anthony had been black, and had been at the club gettin' high and drunk while her child is missing.
The black mother is considered unfit, she didn't love her children, and she should be punished accordingly.
I don't care, the dispatcher told him not to follow dude and he ignored the POLICE and continued his vigilante pursute and ended up with a body! I'm sick of this ****! **** the US judicial system!
not surprised at all. fla prosecution team is terrible, and it's fla

A jury consists of twelve persons chosen to decide who has the better lawyer. ~ Robert Frost.

And this is what people fail to realize. OJ had the better legal team, Casey Anthony had the better legal team, Zimmerman had the better legal team, Vick didn't have the better legal team.

prosecution team sounding like they are satisfied for not getting the job done
Because it's become that much easier to kill a black man in this country and get away with it, the case can be used as a precedent for futre cases, if it even goes to trial....
Not even...different set of laws...plus a bunch of holes in the case started coming out.
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