R.I.P Trayvon

Not surprised at all. Look at this country's history. I knew the longer they took most likely he would walk. **** is disgusting bruh.

If something happens to Zimmerman down the road, oh well.
So what do I do about my cousins who are just like Trayvon? and happen to live in predominately white areas?
A young black man's life is completely worthless in this country and this proves it. What else is new
I want to have children who look like me and hopefully have sons one day. To pass this "burden" onto them knowing this truth right here.... **** makes me cry! Stay safe yall. 
This is hot doo doo .
I thought american, Floridian justice in particular could stoop no lower.....again I'm wrong.
RIP Trayvon. Another young black male losing his life when he wasn't doing anything wrong. Sighhhh I hope his parents can cope cannot fathom how they're feeling about this, they lost their son and not one second of jail time will be served.

This is NO time to be celebrating for anyone though even Zimmerman followers, there was unfortunately reasonable doubt here. Not guilty does not mean innocence, all it means is the state didn't meet it's burden, sadly.
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That hurts b .. not even going to lie, I don't know Trayvon Martin but I have a 16 year old little brother, I can't imagine.

This is horrible that the parents of this kid were just told your son was shot dead and it's nobody's fault :smh: :\
I'm not one to bring race into things. But man, a young black kids life is worth absolutely nothing in the u.s. It makes me lose all faith in the united states.

If George were black and tray were white I guarantee you he would be guilty.
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