R.I.P Trayvon

justice baby!... Facts... It is a shame a young man lost his life and i am not honoring a death at all... I feel it was a bad situation for two individuals and could have very well turned out either way.

I respect arguements with facts and your own opinion i just wanted to show the other side of the coin and my own point of view as much have here and how this board was founded to provide.

Stay safe all.

this isnt justice. just another injustice and a black mark for florida and humanity as a whole.
So what do I do about my cousins who are just like Trayvon? and happen to live in predominately white areas?
A young black man's life is completely worthless in this country and this proves it. What else is new
not guilty wow, unbeliveable. dude is gonna think he could shoot whoever he wants well at least an african american and get away with it
word he prolly would have been separated, now for the rest of his natural life he is going to have to look over his shoulder​

someone is going to get him​

If nobody has killed Casey Anthony, I doubt people will spend their lives hunting him down... If he does get dealt with, I will eat my crow but I don't see it happening... He will be on the first private plane out of FLA and live a secluded life somewhere this story is barely a blip on their radar.
I hope **** gets turnt up tonight!

This is such BS!

5 middle aged white females and one hispanic. We should have known! :smh:
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