R.I.P Trayvon

Yep. On the second point, that has really been justified by the evidence. George Zimmerman intentionally followed in a car which led to a confrontation that caused the death of Trayvon.

That would make all that first punch stuff irrelevant.
 You guys are too much. 
Not at all. You missed the point of my post. My intention was to show that slavery wasn't the stand alone worst act of inhumanity historically. There were some truly vile acts right along with it.

Why are you guys arguing about opinions?

Some would rather die and not be slaves
And others would rather be slaves and live.

You guys can create another thread.
Why are you guys arguing about opinions?

Some would rather die and not be slaves
And others would rather be slaves and live.

You guys can create another thread.

No one's arguing. I was just clearing that up in case there was a misunderstanding.

It's a message board. People debate things. Why don't you calm down John Rambo...
Rachel Jeantel testified she heard Trayvon say, "get off, get off".
So we have sworn testimony Zimcoward was the aggressor.
I think he needs some 2M in his life.
THIS. but look at it this way. OJ got karma served to him after getting away in '94, now hes serving a life term. karma will catch up to GZ no matter what
Karma ,the way people use that term now is different than what it really means which is the individual will get whatevers coming to them in the afterlife.Most aren't worried about what's going to happen to them in the afterlife,if there is a such thing.OJ situation is totally different,O.J was ok until he continued to bait them(Caucasians) and do everything they hated seeing him do,like golf,date younger white women old enough to be his daughter and just smirk his behind off.They(Caucasians) had it out for him.he beat them twice.using their judicial system,one for murder and the other on the wrongful death lawsuit where the families won but they couldn't touch his retirement money in states like Florida where he moved to.
He should of just chilled out.live his life and avoid TMZ as much as possible and if anything the karma won't be for what happened to his wife and her lover but more so what he had done to his first wife,kids and is own family.FREE OJ.

If it is manslaughter how can some of yall not be happy
That would me we would settle for the second best thing to happen and ask his father,mother,brother and loved ones would they be happy with manslaughter.Probably not and the fact that there is so much tention in the air just for this case alone,it has to be all or nothing at this point because it has gone far and wide.
Manslaughter would be ok in my opinion,it's better than him being found not guilty and as long as he does some serious jail time for what he provoked and thought he was going to get away with.
Cases like this is what's going to force America to change and sadly many more tragic situation might have to happen for things to change.

*crossed fingers for a guilty outcome*
Rachel Jeantel testified she heard Trayvon say, "get off, get off".

So we have sworn testimony Zimcoward was the aggressor.

I think he needs some 2M in his life.
She never said that in court son. 

She did say that. Ya'll Zimmerman supporters already said she's not credible although she is the only witness in the entire trial to say damaging things to both sides.
Rachel Jeantel testified she heard Trayvon say, "get off, get off".
So we have sworn testimony Zimcoward was the aggressor.
I think he needs some 2M in his life.

People don't believe her
Trayvon was not mad at GZ, GZ was mad at what he felt trayvon was.
I see no motive for TM attacking GZ

No one's arguing. I was just clearing that up in case there was a misunderstanding.

It's a message board. People debate things. Why don't you calm down John Rambo...

But that's not what this thread is about papi
Rachel Jeantel testified she heard Trayvon say, "get off, get off".

So we have sworn testimony Zimcoward was the aggressor.

I think he needs some 2M in his life.
She never said that in court son. 

She did say that she heard someone say get off me, get off me though :lol:

Seems like they've moved past murder 2, manslaughter is still a heavy sentence in Florida with a gun though.

And the gpa thing we will never know bc his grades were never released, but his English teacher did come out and say he "was extremely creative, loved building things, an A and B student" so that's on record...oh and he suspension Fox News liked to highlight was not related to violence in any way shape or form, it was due to him being late too many instances. Not that it would matter if her were a 2.6 student who was killed in this manner, this whole story is still sad.
Why are you guys arguing about opinions?

Some would rather die and not be slaves
And others would rather be slaves and live.

You guys can create another thread.

Thanks OP for starting the thread.
But bro they are deliberating.
And were doing what everyone else is doing right now.
Debating the facts and circumstances surrounding the trial.
Why don't you join us?
Courts in recess again.. if a decision is not reached tonight, will court resume tomorrow or monday?
So much thread derailment smh

I think we will get a verdict on Monday if they don't work through on Sunday
2nd degree is off the table right now, Jury instructions said they cannot discuss manslaughter until 2nd degree murder had been eliminated.
I think manslaughter involving a gun carries a maximum of 30 years hand2hand
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