R.I.P Trayvon


I'm waiting......
Ive tried to stay away from this thread and this trial. I believe Zimmerman should face some form of punishment but wouldn't be surprised one bit if he faced none.

At the end of the day, I honesty believe this case is another way to fuel racial tensions to keep us divided. Courtesy of our government.

1,000 post
They want clarification on manslaughter law. That might not be good for GZ.
Does that mean murder is off the table?

Edit: Jury is asking for clarification of manslaughter. which 99% means, the 2nd degree murder charge is OFF the table for GZ. wow

10-30 years for a manslaughter charge
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Best scenario: they've looked at murder 2, decided it could be possible. Decided to start looking at manslaughter because it may be more applicable to this case. Not satisfied unless he gets life. :smh:
Manslaughter is obviously the easier route to prove.

: Is victim dead - Yes
: Did the defendant intentionally commit act or acts that cause death of victim - Yes / Defendant intentionally followed and pursued victim.

then it went to the my genocide was worst than yours game..

Not at all. You missed the point of my post. My intention was to show that slavery wasn't the stand alone worst act of inhumanity historically. There were some truly vile acts right along with it.
Best scenario: they've looked at murder 2, decided it could be possible. Decided to start looking at manslaughter because it may be more applicable to this case. Not satisfied unless he gets life.
THIS. but look at it this way. OJ got karma served to him after getting away in '94, now hes serving a life term. karma will catch up to GZ no matter what
Manslaughter is obviously the easier route to prove.

: Is victim dead - Yes
: Did the defendant intentionally commit act or acts that cause death of victim - Yes / Defendant intentionally followed and pursued victim.


Yep. On the second point, that has really been justified by the evidence. George Zimmerman intentionally followed in a car which led to a confrontation that caused the death of Trayvon.

That would make all that first punch stuff irrelevant.
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