R.I.P Trayvon

Don West is on a losing streak like no other.  Yet another shot block by the judge.  
Where does it say the lesser charges were included initially? You mean the gun charge?

Just because its "typical" doesnt make it right.

You can't add charges at the end of a case... The charges are called "lesser included charges" because they are.. by their very name "included charges" meaning they've been there all along. How is that wrong? Unfair? or anything else that you are implying. If you are guilty of manslaughter should a jury not have to hear it and only make a decision based on 2nd degree murder? That makes absolutely no sense, which is why states add lesser included charges when they bring a case against someone.
Last time I quote someone and say this. ALL of these charges were charged initially. They didn't "pop up". They've been lesser included charges all along. It is the typical way that charges by the state are brought against someone... That's why juries say, "on the charge of..." and then "on the charge of..." What in the world are you all talking about.
What do you mean it's strategic?

Its actually desperate. Desperation is never a strong sign, especially on the prosecution's side. Prosecution will always want you in jail regardless. They built a case on "second degree murder".

Now they're scared they will lose and they decide to add manslaughter. That's desperate.

It was not a "strategic" good move. A strategic move would have been charging Zimmerman with manslaughter in the beginning - and building a case around it. Not building a case on murder.
Your Mad. Is that you Don West?
You can't add charges at the end of a case... The charges are called "lesser included charges" because they are.. by their very name "included charges" meaning they've been there all along. How is that wrong? Unfair? or anything else that you are implying. If you are guilty of manslaughter should a jury not have to hear it and only make a decision based on 2nd degree murder? That makes absolutely no sense, which is why states add lesser included charges when they bring a case against someone.

Adding in lesser included charges at the end after you just spent almost 3 weeks proving M2 is unjust. The should've entered those charges at the beginning.

Including "lesser charges" is proof of bait and switch.
Adding in lesser included charges at the end after you just spent almost 3 weeks proving M2 is unjust. The should've entered those charges at the beginning.

Including "lesser charges" is proof of bait and switch.

They didn't add them at the end tho... they charged them at they beginning... Read what you wrote, it doesnt even make sense.... you don't ADD "LESSER INCLUDED CHARGES"... they are already included :lol:
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:lol: :lol: you can't just add charges, under the 2nd Degree was already a list of charges come on people.
Adding in lesser included charges at the end after you just spent almost 3 weeks proving M2 is unjust. The should've entered those charges at the beginning.

Including "lesser charges" is proof of bait and switch.

They didn't add them at the end tho... they charged them at they beginning... Read what you wrote, it doesnt even make sense.... you don't ADD "LESSER INCLUDED CHARGES"... they are already included :lol:

:lol: :lol:
They didn't add them at the end tho... they charged them at they beginning... Read what you wrote, it doesnt even make sense.... you don't ADD "LESSER INCLUDED CHARGES"... they are already included
Adding in lesser included charges at the end after you just spent almost 3 weeks proving M2 is unjust. The should've entered those charges at the beginning.

Including "lesser charges" is proof of bait and switch.

They didn't add them at the end tho... they charged them at they beginning... Read what you wrote, it doesnt even make sense.... you don't ADD "LESSER INCLUDED CHARGES"... they are already included :lol:

:lol: :lol:
brought the Donye out of him
Donye snapped when the state presented third degree murder  as a lesser included offense.
You can't add charges at the end of a case... The charges are called "lesser included charges" because they are.. by their very name "included charges" meaning they've been there all along. How is that wrong? Unfair? or anything else that you are implying. If you are guilty of manslaughter should a jury not have to hear it and only make a decision based on 2nd degree murder? That makes absolutely no sense, which is why states add lesser included charges when they bring a case against someone.

Adding in lesser included charges at the end after you just spent almost 3 weeks proving M2 is unjust. The should've entered those charges at the beginning.

Including "lesser charges" is proof of bait and switch.
:pimp: get him for anything and everything

:lol: at don west not being prepared and shocked about the 10-20 rule, dude is a character he needs a knowledgeable back up guy and it would be a GOAT duo
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