R.I.P Trayvon

Wow, 3rd degree felony murder because TM was under 18. Let's see how this goes. Haha!

Don West : OH MY GOD. Hahaha!
Manslaughter should have been the charge in the god damn first place!

Murder was way too difficult to prove in this case.

State has no idea what they're doing, they're scrambling right now. Lets add charges when the case is about iver because we're about to lose.

Florida Lol.
Donye West is about to explode 
"Sent in an email at 7:30 oh yea by the way"
Manslaughter should have been the charge in the god damn first place!

Murder was way too difficult to prove in this case.

State has no idea what they're doing, they're scrambling right now. Lets add charges when the case is about iver because we're about to lose.

Florida Lol.

They didn't add charges... when you are charged there are usually many lesser included offenses charged as well, they simply merge for sentencing purposes when you are convicted of the highest charge. These charges were brought against him initially.
The Florida justice system is so ridiculous.

Typical in a Conservative State:

- If we can't kill you via death penalty if you are convicted, we will put you in our private prisons for the rest of you life.

- If we over charge you, and we cant prove that charge, we will give the jury other options to potentially put you in jail for 25+ years.

This is justice? :lol:

On another note, I wish the Bradley Manning trial got as much attention as this did.
Why isn't it? Just because you're not guilty of the highest charge doesn't make a person completely innocent, does it?

Yeah that seems to make perfect sense based on how our justice system is structured :lol: Manslaughter should've been the charge initially I agree, but court isn't about truth it's about what you can prove. Murder 2 has a higher standard to meet to prove guilt so if you can't meet that and prove beyond reasonable doubt then why shouldn't you be allowed to include lesser charges where the burden of proof is lower?

I agree wholeheartedly with you about the privately owned prison thing, our industrial prison complex in this whole country is screwed up, for profit prisons is ridiculous. Also crazy how they are no longer used for rehabilitation purposes and they're overcrowded bc these places print money off people being arrested for minor crimes that shouldn't carry the heavy sentences they do. Take my state PA for instance, Philly is closing 20+ schools and new high priced prisons are being built. Priorities are all out of wack.
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Manslaughter should have been the charge in the god damn first place!

Murder was way too difficult to prove in this case.

State has no idea what they're doing, they're scrambling right now. Lets add charges when the case is about iver because we're about to lose.

Florida Lol.
Trust this was all strategic LOL. 
Why isn't it? Just because you're not guilty of the highest charge doesn't make a person completely innocent, does it?

No. The State charged him with 2nd Degree murder only, but because they failed to prove that they can make up for by charging him with lesser crimes? That's absurd. The State of Florida always over charges people to force them to admit to a crime they didnt commit and put them in jail. Over 50% of Florida's incarceration population is Black because of this.

Trust this was all strategic LOL. 

What do you mean it's strategic?

Its actually desperate. Desperation is never a strong sign, especially on the prosecution's side. Prosecution will always want you in jail regardless. They built a case on "second degree murder".

Now they're scared they will lose and they decide to add manslaughter. That's desperate.

It was not a "strategic" good move. A strategic move would have been charging Zimmerman with manslaughter in the beginning - and building a case around it. Not building a case on murder.
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No. The State charged him with 2nd Degree murder only, but because they failed to prove that they can make up for by charging him with lesser crimes? That's absurd. The State of Florida always over charges people to force them to admit to a crime they didnt commit and put them in jail. Over 50% of Florida's incarceration population is Black because of this.

That's False... They initially charged him with 2nd degree murder AND other lesser included offenses. Manslaughter and aggravated battery and assault were included. This is typical of all jurisdictions, when people are charged by the state there are certainly typically several lesser included offenses.
What do you mean it's strategic?

Its actually desperate. Desperation is never a strong sign, especially on the prosecution's side. Prosecution will always want you in jail regardless. They built a case on "second degree murder".

Now they're scared they will lose and they decide to add manslaughter. That's desperate.

It was not a "strategic" good move. A strategic move would have been charging Zimmerman with manslaughter in the beginning - and building a case around it. Not building a case on murder.

Last time I quote someone and say this. ALL of these charges were charged initially. They didn't "pop up". They've been lesser included charges all along. It is the typical way that charges by the state are brought against someone... That's why juries say, "on the charge of..." and then "on the charge of..." What in the world are you all talking about.
That's False... They initially charged him with 2nd degree murder AND other lesser included offenses. Manslaughter and aggravated battery and assault were included. This is typical of all jurisdictions, when people are charged by the state there are certainly typically several lesser included offenses.

Where does it say the lesser charges were included initially? You mean the gun charge?

Just because its "typical" doesnt make it right.
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