R.I.P Trayvon

So then was Zimmerman's motive right or wrong?

Yo I swear yall dont know what an impartial discussion is :lol:

No ***** Zimmerman should have minded his own business..... thats my opinion tho but theres kind of....sort of 12 other people who's opinion matter more.... so I understand the defense bringin up that as evidence to persuade them og GZ's motive to follow TM.

My first sentence was literally..."I mean I see the strategy" not "I think GZ is innocent because he was trying to prevent more robberies"
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So then was Zimmerman's motive right or wrong?

Yo I swear yall dont know what an impartial discussion is :lol:

No ***** Zimmerman should have minded his own business..... thats my opinion tho but theres kind of....sort of 12 other people who's opinion matter more.... so I understand the defense bringin up that as evidence to persuade them og GZ's motive to follow TM.

My first sentence was literally..."I mean I see the strategy" not "I think GZ is innocent because he was trying to prevent more robberies"

I don't think I said anything partial in my statement.

I was just asking was his motive right or wrong?

People have motives to do things all the time

The question is was Zimmerman's motive justified?
The things I'm reading on Twitter man. This is their OJ trial. The difference is that its known that he killed his wife and her lover. No one ever said he wasnt guilty and that he didnt do it. People were happy because a black man could take on the CJS and win.

As Greg Carr, the chair of AA Studies at Howard said, Martin is dead because policing blackness is socially encouraged, culturally celebrated and legally defended in thia country.
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so, did they ever touch on how exactly GZ got the gun unholstered during the fight with Martin on top of him?

i'm watching tv now and someone raised what i thought was a good question, could it be that GZ approached Martin with the gun unholstered already

and that's what caused Martin to deck him or did I miss this part of the trial/discussion already?
If we could stop using "acting like a female" or someone with a vagina as an insult that would be nice. I know plenty of people who just so happen to have vaginas and who wouldn't say half of the dumb stuff said in here. I'm probably asking for too much though :\
so, did they ever touch on how exactly GZ got the gun unholstered during the fight with Martin on top of him?

i'm watching tv now and someone raised what i thought was a good question, could it be that GZ approached Martin with the gun unholstered already

and that's what caused Martin to deck him or did I miss this part of the trial/discussion already?
Havent heard that scenario mentioned in court as a possibility but on TV.

I saw today the state in a sense "conceded" Trayvon was on top in the fight, when they said he was on the bottom at the start of trial?

They're all over the place..
Zimmerman might be guilty or not guilty but I can't pretend to care. Shootings happen every few minutes in the US but most don't give a **** as well. 

To extrapolate this incident into some wider sociological conclusions is asinine. 

This is big because a lot of people "eat" as a result of incidents like this. These folks make careers out of and get their paychecks from such incidents. 

It's just business and a lot of you can't see it. 
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Zimmerman might be guilty or not guilty but I can't pretend to care. Shootings happen every few minutes in the US but most don't give a **** as well. 

To extrapolate this incident into some wider sociological conclusions is asinine. 

This is big because a lot of people "eat" as a result of incidents like this. These folks make careers out of and get their paychecks from such incidents. 

It's just business and a lot of you can't see it. 

View media item 489923
Zimmerman might be guilty or not guilty but I can't pretend to care. Shootings happen every few minutes in the US but most don't give a **** as well. 

To extrapolate this incident into some wider sociological conclusions is asinine. 

This is big because a lot of people "eat" as a result of incidents like this. These folks make careers out of and get their paychecks from such incidents. 

It's just business and a lot of you can't see it. 

So should we stop going to the movies, or buying video games?
Its all entertainment for those not directly involved, and for those that don't understand the fight black people have with the legal system.
We know its business, but we also know its f'ed up Sanford police let this coward walk scott free until pressured by the black community.
This is "big" because we the black community, demand that we receive fair and just treatment in every facet of life.
Even if Zimmerman walks, its a victory for justice in America.
Go read the Emmett Till story if you need a point of reference.
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Zimmerman might be guilty or not guilty but I can't pretend to care. Shootings happen every few minutes in the US but most don't give a **** as well. 

To extrapolate this incident into some wider sociological conclusions is asinine. 

This is big because a lot of people "eat" as a result of incidents like this. These folks make careers out of and get their paychecks from such incidents. 

It's just business and a lot of you can't see it. 

And you're accusing people of not being able to see something :lol:

Keep living in your bubble
The question everybody wanted to know is why GZ was following TM so aggressively.

If its true that the neighborhood had been dealing with robberies it plays more to the mindset of not only the community but the untrained "Neighborhood Watch"

You can even spin it that TM probably was on edge too because of the same reason which is why he might have tried to defend himself.

Phase 2 is the altercation

Which is what Im guessing you agree with me on. He should pay for killing TM but dont act like Phase 1 doesnt matter anymore because the evidence is showing more motive and an explanation towards GZ's mindset

Phase 1 doesn't matter.

If they're a lot of robberies in the neighborhood, then it's the polices job to increase police presence or the homeowners job to get an alarm or dog or something.

They're a lot of robberies so I follow any black male in the neighborhood?

Does that work in any situation? I was mugged so I pull a gun on anyone who looks suspicious? That makes you a criminal, because you're attacking an innocent person.

Ummmm sorry Mr Policeman, I shot him because I thought he looked like a criminal. My bad.
The Florida justice system is so ridiculous.

Typical in a Conservative State:

- If we can't kill you via death penalty if you are convicted, we will put you in our private prisons for the rest of you life.

- If we over charge you, and we cant prove that charge, we will give the jury other options to potentially put you in jail for 25+ years.

This is justice? :lol:

On another note, I wish the Bradley Manning trial got as much attention as this did.
Judge's ruling: Jury gets to consider manslaughter.  
The Florida justice system is so ridiculous.

Typical in a Conservative State:

- If we can't kill you via death penalty if you are convicted, we will put you in our private prisons for the rest of you life.

- If we over charge you, and we cant prove that charge, we will give the jury other options to potentially put you in jail for 25+ years.

This is justice? :lol:

On another note, I wish the Bradley Manning trial got as much attention as this did.
Why isn't it? Just because you're not guilty of the highest charge doesn't make a person completely innocent, does it?
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