Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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1. Ok you’re dodging the question now. 2. Your Bible, is it fact or opinion? If it’s a fact then your responses to what prayer does has a definitive answer. You both answered completely opposite. ONE has to be correct. Which one of the responses are correct?
1. I'm not dodging anything. From my understanding prayer is used for guidance like a map. Some ppl pray and aren't proactive about their prayers.

2. My Bible? Many take it as fact, some take it as opinion. An answer can be no answer at all.

3. In the Bible pretty much all the characters are different w/ serving God being their communality. I don't know you why you're acting like ppl can't have difference of opinion.
It started around 1000 bc, and it started through judaism. 1. This is an historical fact. Once chritianity came on the scene, things went even further downhill for women, ending with islam.

So here we are.
1. May you post a link for this?

You don't think the average man being physically more domineering than the average woman is the root oppression. **** like losing large amounts of blood monthly, pregnancies, and being smaller will put you in fairly vulnerable positions.
respectfully, bull****.

normalization of suffering is an oppressor's technique aimed at facilitating comfort with any inequities inflicted on an underclass.

we can be better than all those things, which is why the first sign of civilization is widely understood to be medicine...we started to fix the fallen instead of leaving them for food.

fairness, like any goal, is a human invention.
Suffering is a way of life w/o the extremes of the subject. I've scraped my knees, lost things I've cared about it, will likely see to my parents and grandmothers deaths. Suffering is absolute.

Some kid is getting raped atm. I don't want that to be, but it is happening and there is nothing I or you can do about it.

Should ppl granted the rights equality? Sure, but that's never happened and will never happen. We when we hunter gathers, if you didn't figure out a way to eat or protect yourself then you were assed out.
Suffering is a way of life w/o the extremes of the subject. I've scraped my knees, lost things I've cared about it, will likely see to my parents and grandmothers deaths. Suffering is absolute.

Some kid is getting raped atm. I don't want that to be, but it is happening and there is nothing I or you can do about it.

Should ppl granted the rights equality? Sure, but that's never happened and will never happen. We when we hunter gathers, if you didn't figure out a way to eat or protect yourself then you were assed out.
I feel like this attitude is a major contributor to why the world is as ****** up as it is.

"Life's not fair" should be a motivator to make things more equitable for everyone, not an excuse to throw up your arms and say " is what it is."
I feel like this attitude is a major contributor to why the world is as ****ed up as it is.

"Life's not fair" should be a motivator to make things more equitable for everyone, not an excuse to throw up your arms and say " is what it is."
How man ppl have you watched die despite doing your best trying to save them?
How man ppl have you watched die despite doing your best trying to save them?
"Despite doing your best" is the operative phrase here. A big part of health and medicine is dealing with life not being fair, but doing everything within the power of your scope to make it better.

Death is absolute, but we have the power to mitigate suffering.
1. May you post a link for this?

You don't think the average man being physically more domineering than the average woman is the root oppression. **** like losing large amounts of blood monthly, pregnancies, and being smaller will put you in fairly vulnerable positions.
First, as you know man did not always exist. Spiritual systems that men were born into, ruled. Curses, spiritual barriers were and are, very real. Once broken through the destruction of those beliefs, it was a vary slow process, and took several male dominated religions over thousands of years, to take hold. Moses did battle with Heteru/Hathor/ The Golden calf, and Mohammad destroyed temples to the goddesses as well. Once the goddess was removed as the spiritual center, the core of which is all of nature, everything was thrown out of balance. This is also why the planet is dying. Of course I will post links.
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"Despite doing your best" is the operative phrase here. A big part of health and medicine is dealing with life not being fair, but doing everything within the power of your scope to make it better.

Death is absolute, but we have the power to mitigate suffering.
With saying this and seeing what I saying 1st hand regularly, I'm not sure why you're trying arguing w/ me when we are in agreeance w/ one another. Sure we can try/do things to make stuff better, but better isn't always achievable the same worse isn't. A mere second could've prevented someone suffering, but it didn't:

. First, as you know man did not always exist. Spiritual systems that men were born into, ruled. Curses, spiritual barriers were and are, very real. Once broken through the destruction of those beliefs, it was a vary slow process, and took several male dominated religions over thousands of years, to take hold. Moses did battle with Heteru/Hathor/ The Golden calf, and Mohammad destroyed temples to the goddesses as well. Once the goddess was removed as the spiritual center, the core of which is all of nature, everything was thrown out of balance. This is also why the planet is dying. Of course I will post links. .
We both know that I don't believe in any of this :lol:
With saying this and seeing what I saying 1st hand regularly, I'm not sure why you're trying arguing w/ me when we are in agreeance w/ one another. Sure we can try/do things to make stuff better, but better isn't always achievable the same worse isn't. A mere second could've prevented someone suffering, but it didn't:

We both know that I don't believe in any of this :lol:

No, I do not know why you wouldn't believe it. Proof, if man were all powerful? Why does he need woman in order to get here?

That is the question that even science acknowledges.

Can anything be born without woman?
1. I'm not dodging anything. From my understanding prayer is used for guidance like a map. Some ppl pray and aren't proactive about their prayers.

2. My Bible? Many take it as fact, some take it as opinion. An answer can be no answer at all.

3. In the Bible pretty much all the characters are different w/ serving God being their communality. I don't know you why you're acting like ppl can't have difference of opinion.

1. May you post a link for this?

You don't think the average man being physically more domineering than the average woman is the root oppression. **** like losing large amounts of blood monthly, pregnancies, and being smaller will put you in fairly vulnerable positions.

Suffering is a way of life w/o the extremes of the subject. I've scraped my knees, lost things I've cared about it, will likely see to my parents and grandmothers deaths. Suffering is absolute.

Some kid is getting raped atm. I don't want that to be, but it is happening and there is nothing I or you can do about it.

Should ppl granted the rights equality? Sure, but that's never happened and will never happen. We when we hunter gathers, if you didn't figure out a way to eat or protect yourself then you were assed out.
So you’re giving me a non answer? I’ll just leave it at that. All ends up this way. When it’s all said and done the answers somehow are “a mystery” but the practice is definitive.

A: you need to give money to the church

B: why does god need money?

A: god doesn’t. The church does

B: if it’s gods church can’t he give them money?

A: he works in mystery.........🤷🏽‍♂️
marikomorose marikomorose

While Moses was up on the mountain receiving God’s laws, the people were getting anxious down on the plain. Moses spent forty days (Exodus 24:18) up on the mountain with God, and by the end of that time, the people were beginning to think Moses had died or left them. The people urged Aaron, their temporary leader, to make gods for them to follow. Since they were accustomed to having visual representations of gods, this was the natural (but sinful) result of their thinking. Aaron took their gold earrings, which they had brought from Egypt, and melted them down to make a golden idol. The idol he crafted for them was a calf, but Aaron maintained the name of the Lord in connection with it (Exodus 32:5). He was merging the pagan practices they were familiar with and the worship of the God they were just beginning to be re-acquainted with. Aaron called the people together and told them that the golden calf was the god who delivered them from Egypt. The people offered sacrifices and then engaged in pagan rituals, including orgies (Exodus 32:25) to worship this new god.

That golden calf was the goddess Hetheru/Hathor.

According to historian “Jordanes,” the Goths, a Germanic tribe, set fire to and destroyed the temple of Artemis in 268 B.C. To what extent the temple was destroyed is unknown. What is certain is that it was repaired and reused after that until the Christians permanently closed it, reportedly around the 5th century.

Artemis is the patron Goddess for the GREEK Amazons, and Artemis is indeed a woman.

The Amazon nation was all over the African continent, Europe, and Eurasia.

This discusses what brought forth the destruction of those temples by Mohammad.

Enjoy your read my man.
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