Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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No, I do not know why you wouldn't believe it. Proof, if man were all powerful? Why does he need woman in order to get here?

That is the question that even science acknowledges.

Can anything be born without woman?
It goes both ways. Males & Females need each & nature ensures w/ the overall male to female ratio.
So you’re giving me a non answer? I’ll just leave it at that. All ends up this way. When it’s all said and done the answers somehow are “a mystery” but the practice is definitive.

A: you need to give money to the church

B: why does god need money?

A: god doesn’t. The church does

B: if it’s gods church can’t he give them money?

A: he works in mystery.........🤷🏽‍♂️
These are the refutes of a child. Have you read even read a book in the bible b/c the tithes and offering stuff have been explained in it numerous times.
It goes both ways. Males & Females need each & nature ensures w/ the overall male to female ratio.

These are the refutes of a child. Have you read even read a book in the bible b/c the tithes and offering stuff have been explained in it numerous times.
Dude you’re folding already. You have yet to give anyone a definitive answer. If you don’t have one just say so and move on. According to you, you’re allowed to interpret it because the Bible isn’t fact. Problem is, for some reason you flip flop on that idea when it’s convenient.

You’ve basically concluded that you can take the Bible and do what you want with it based on how you’d like to interpret it. Just admit that and end all the discussion from your prospective.
It goes both ways. Males & Females need each & nature ensures w/ the overall male to female ratio.

Not too sure about that my man. There was a reason for self replicating organisms, and it had nothing to do with maintaining balance. Man cannot exist without woman, but women can indeed exist without men. Women are born with eggs, men are not born producing semen.

This speaks to who had gotten here first. The X chromosome was here for at least ten thousand years before the Y, and the Y chromosome is a MUTATION of the X chromosome.

So, who was here first, and then why? How did they reproduce?
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Dude you’re folding already. You have yet to give anyone a definitive answer. If you don’t have one just say so and move on. According to you, you’re allowed to interpret it because the Bible isn’t fact. Problem is, for some reason you flip flop on that idea when it’s convenient.

You’ve basically concluded that you can take the Bible and do what you want with it based on how you’d like to interpret it. Just admit that and end all the discussion from your prospective.
The bible isn't fact to me, but in that regard I'm a minority so that doesn't matter. I haven't flipped flopped you're just asking questions that you could easily look up in the Bible, something that you clearly haven't done. You sound like prayer of yours wasn't answered, so you're bitter about it.

Tithing is about obedience & humility. God doesn't need ppl's money b/c its his. God owns everything. Offerings are about generosity through giving w/o expecting something in return.
1. Not too sure about that my man. There was a reason for self replicating organisms, and it had nothing to do with maintaining balance. Man cannot exist without woman, but women can indeed exist without men. Women are born with eggs, men are not born producing semen.

This speaks to who had gotten here first. The X chromosome was here for at least ten thousand years before the Y, and the Y chromosome is a MUTATION of the X chromosome.

2. So, who was here first, and then why? How did they reproduce?
1. Worms are hermaphrodites. I'm guessing the 1st person was a hermaphrodite.

2. Honestly, if I definitely knew the answer to these types of questions, I'd be in another galaxy b/c of a spaceship I built.
The bible isn't fact to me, but in that regard I'm a minority so that doesn't matter. I haven't flipped flopped you're just asking questions that you could easily look up in the Bible, something that you clearly haven't done. You sound like prayer of yours wasn't answered, so you're bitter about it.

Tithing is about obedience & humility. God doesn't need ppl's money b/c its his. God owns everything. Offerings are about generosity through giving w/o expecting something in return.

1. Worms are hermaphrodites. I'm guessing the 1st person was a hermaphrodite.

2. Honestly, if I definitely knew the answer to these types of questions, I'd be in another galaxy b/c of a spaceship I built.
I am sure that you understood the chromosome question. This is why religion is an insult to science, yet spirituality in proper context works hand in hand with higher thinking, understanding how the universe actually works and how we fit into that. We are ALL matter, and with that in mind? The X has been here far longer than the Y, of which means MAN is the descendant of the Woman.

So in discussion of who or what created the universe, how in the hell could that be a man?
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I feel like this attitude is a major contributor to why the world is as ****ed up as it is.

"Life's not fair" should be a motivator to make things more equitable for everyone, not an excuse to throw up your arms and say " is what it is."
From my perspective its what happens when ppl put faith in an imaginary being instead of putting faith in their fellow man.
First, as you know man did not always exist. Spiritual systems that men were born into, ruled. Curses, spiritual barriers were and are, very real. Once broken through the destruction of those beliefs, it was a vary slow process, and took several male dominated religions over thousands of years, to take hold. Moses did battle with Heteru/Hathor/ The Golden calf, and Mohammad destroyed temples to the goddesses as well. Once the goddess was removed as the spiritual center, the core of which is all of nature, everything was thrown out of balance. This is also why the planet is dying. Of course I will post links.

You write this like it’s undisputed fact.
I find the idea of "the power of prayer" being a result of some telekinetic power stuff to be more appealing than the idea of it being a favor from a single omnipotent being

Sure, I think they're both nonsense, but one sounds better to me
Sensory, that part of the brain that many humans tend to not use. It is the reason that non domesticated animals know how, when, and where to run, when natural disasters begin to strike. We call it our third eye, but to supposedly lesser evolved beings, it is that they remain connected to nature.

Athletes develop it through training for the court and field, as a means to communicate with teammates. See the whole floor, and then see how plays develop two and three plays ahead of time, while also remaining connected to teammates.

Buddies of mine who serve in the military tell me of the same connection while in battle.

Getting in tune with everything around you.
Sensory, that part of the brain that many humans tend to not use. it is the reason that non domesticated animals know how, when, and where to run, when natural disasters begin to strike. We call it our third eye, but to supposedly lesser evolved beings, it is that they remain connected to nature.

Athletes develop it through training for the court and field, as a means to communicate with teammates. See the whole floor, and then see how plays develop two and three plays ahead of time, while also remaining connected to teammates.

Buddies of mine who serve in the military tell me of the same connection while in battle.

Getting in tune with everything around you.


Seems like a skill/sense that has escaped us the more we have "advanced."

Seems like a skill/sense that has escaped us the more we have "advanced."
EGO interferes with INTUITION.

Intuition resides in the feminine side of ourselves, and is the reason why Women are far superior to men in regard to intuitive perception. They are forced to accept their femininity, and that is because of misogyny. Men, not realizing the destructive force of ego, often fail to succeed at reproducing the world that was once exclusively inhabited by women. There was abundance, no poverty, wars were just and not oppressive, and wealth was a given. Once man took over, all began to die, and the male ego would rather die to be right, instead of living for others to live.
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I am sure that you understood the chromosome question. This is why religion is an insult to science, yet spirituality in proper context works hand in hand with higher thinking, understanding how the universe actually works and how we fit into that. We are ALL matter, and with that in mind? The X has been here far longer than the Y, of which means MAN is the descendant of the Woman.

So in discussion of who or what created the universe, how in the hell could that be a man?
I don't believe I believe in a higher being(s) or spirituality, man. I don't rule out possibility b/c that's generally what I believe in, possibility. I know that males are females in the womb for like 4 weeks or something that, but do I know if male or female came 1st? Nope. That's chicken or the egg type of stuff.

Really, idk much at all, and I'm okay fine w/ that. Willing to learn though.
What do chromosomes have to do with “spiritual systems?”

Im confused.
In order for spirituality to be right, it has to coincide with science.

That's why.

The big bang actually happened, women were here first, and they didn't need men. Men were a genetic mutation, and belief systems were challenged. X and the Y. So here we are, and the planet is dying due to mans over running of boundaries, and his inability to reproduce.

ALL belief systems that were Woman based, understood the concept of replenishing the earth.

It wasn't until the abrahamic faiths arrived, that they began to speak of OWNING, and then CONTROLLING as a god given right.
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In order to spirituality to be right, it has to coincide with science.

That's why.

The big bang actually happened, women were here first, and they didn't need men. Men were a genetic mutation, and belief systems were challenged. X and the Y. So here we are, and the planet is dying due to mans over running of boundaries, and his inability to reproduce.

ALL belief systems that were Woman based, understood the concept of replenishing the earth.

It wasn't until the abrahamic faiths arrived, that they began to speak of OWNING, and then CONTROLLING as a god given right.

If you say so man lol.
I don't believe I believe in a higher being(s) or spirituality, man. I don't rule out possibility b/c that's generally what I believe in, possibility. I know that males are females in the womb for like 4 weeks or something that, but do I know if male or female came 1st? Nope. That's chicken or the egg type of stuff.

Really, idk much at all, and I'm okay fine w/ that. Willing to learn though.
Look up the X, and then learn what the Y is, and why it is a mutation.

Then take a look at religions that dominate the world today, who god supposedly is and then see what makes sense.

If the X was here at least TEN THOUSAND years before the Y, how did they reproduce?

No religious scripture written by man, speaks of such. If they did, the only conclusion that can be reached is that man was not here first, therefore whomever created all of this? Did not only feature a penis, and a earthly virgin wife.
The bible isn't fact to me, but in that regard I'm a minority so that doesn't matter. I haven't flipped flopped you're just asking questions that you could easily look up in the Bible, something that you clearly haven't done. You sound like prayer of yours wasn't answered, so you're bitter about it.

Tithing is about obedience & humility. God doesn't need ppl's money b/c its his. God owns everything. Offerings are about generosity through giving w/o expecting something in return.

1. Worms are hermaphrodites. I'm guessing the 1st person was a hermaphrodite.

2. Honestly, if I definitely knew the answer to these types of questions, I'd be in another galaxy b/c of a spaceship I built.
I’ve read the Bible cover to cover. Again, I grew up VERY Christian. I’m well aware of all things Christianity teach which ironically is exactly why I know very well of all the BS that it “proclaims”.

If you don’t he Bible is fact then you’re giving it as much merit as a Disney movie.

my example of giving offering wasn’t used to create a new argument. You’ve yet to answer how praying works. You’ve yet to say who’s able to have a meaningful prayer and who can’t. You said prayer works..... ok..... how? What killed your argument was mentioning god having a plan.
Look up the X, and then learn what the Y is, and why it is a mutation.

Then take a look at religions that dominate the world today, who god supposedly is and then see what makes sense.

If the X was here at least TEN THOUSAND years before the Y, how did they reproduce?

No religious scripture written by man, speaks of such. If they did, the only conclusion that can be reached is that man was not here first, therefore whomever created all of this? Did not only feature a penis, and a earthly virgin wife.
If were going off the bible "god made man in his image" is lowkey vague. God be chillin w/ angels, and how they're described throughout the Bible reads like a monstrosity from a ****** up horror movie.

For all I know, Yahweh is some ****** up Lion headed, snake nosed, beaver earred, chicken legged hermaphrodite. Moses saw god and lost his pigmentation. So god being a god awful looking hermaphrodite shouldn't be ruled out. In the books "he's" clearly an insecure egomanic that trolls men into almost blood sacrificing his 1st born son.

I’ve read the Bible cover to cover. Again, I grew up VERY Christian. I’m well aware of all things Christianity teach which ironically is exactly why I know very well of all the BS that it “proclaims”.

If you don’t he Bible is fact then you’re giving it as much merit as a Disney movie.

my example of giving offering wasn’t used to create a new argument. You’ve yet to answer how praying works. You’ve yet to say who’s able to have a meaningful prayer and who can’t. You said prayer works..... ok..... how? What killed your argument was mentioning god having a plan.
I have literally never said "prayer works". The way you speak on prayer reeks of wild spoiled entitlement & if I were God I would ignore you. Speaking of Disney, you saw how and why Thor lost his powers right?

Also, if you read the Bible cover to cover then why the **** you asking how prayer works w/ vague *** analogies when you have the answer? How the **** does prayer work? I'm deadass, tell us how prayer work?
If were going off the bible "god made man in his image" is lowkey vague. God be chillin w/ angels, and how they're described throughout the Bible reads like a monstrosity from a ****ed up horror movie.

For all I know, Yahweh is some ****ed up Lion headed, snake nosed, beaver earred, chicken legged hermaphrodite. Moses saw god and lost his pigmentation. So god being a god awful looking hermaphrodite shouldn't be ruled out. In the books "he's" clearly an insecure egomanic that trolls men into almost blood sacrificing his 1st born son.

I have literally never said "prayer works". The way you speak on prayer reeks of wild spoiled entitlement & if I were God I would ignore you. Speaking of Disney, you saw how and why Thor lost his powers right?

Also, if you read the Bible cover to cover then why the **** you asking how prayer works w/ vague *** analogies when you have the answer? How the **** does prayer work? I'm deadass, tell us how prayer work?
When humans misunderstand the world, their gods misunderstand the world in the exact same way.
I was talking to someone about Screech dying from cancer. That person said, "Cancer is the Devil."

I wanted to keep peace so I didn't argue with her but interesting how that gets credited with being of The Devil.
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