Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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Are you an atheist because you don't believe in god(s) or are you an atheist because you were disappointed by god(s)?

I'm an agnostic because of slavery, child prostitutes, war rape, mosquitoes and the Congo Free State but I guess you can't prove there isn't some omnipotent force for evil.
I'm an agnostic because of slavery, child prostitutes, war rape, mosquitoes and the Congo Free State but I guess you can't prove there isn't some omnipotent force for evil.
Again, I know the Christian biblical answer to this But why didn’t god step in during all this?


God was cool with 9/11? Nobody prayed for a good day that day?
I’ll chime in on this. I grew up very Christian. Years and years of being told “because god” yet there’s no evidence of it. Once I was in my mid-late teens things began to not add up. So many different religions, so many different types of faith, etc. why would Christianity be the ONE true religion? Once I dated reading the history behind it all it completely crumbled. Once basic philosophy and critical thinking came to play it was all over.

To answer your question, if you define god as a creator then God may or may not be a thing. I’ve yet to see evidence to support a being in constant control of everything. With that said, I for damn sure can say God as referred to in the Bible is NOT a thing.
Would you be opposed to stepping foot in church or some type of house of worship?
I was just told here that gods plan constantly changes if some some prays. Which one of you two are wrong?
Anything isn't about right or wrong; that's evident in abusive relationships, like how victimizers sympathizing w/ the abuser(s) or like ppl spanking their kids b/c their parents did b/c it was the right thing to do.
I'm an agnostic because of slavery, child prostitutes, war rape, mosquitoes and the Congo Free State but I guess you can't prove there isn't some omnipotent force for evil.
The struggle is apart of our (animal kingdom) experience, specifically humans in this regard. Slavery, human trafficking, and all that other bad **** gives ppl a light at the end of tunnel. It gives us a goal.
Would you be opposed to stepping foot in church or some type of house of worship?

Anything isn't about right or wrong; that's evident in abusive relationships, like how victimizers sympathizing w/ the abuser(s) or like ppl spanking their kids b/c their parents did b/c it was the right thing to do.

The struggle is apart of our (animal kingdom) experience, specifically humans in this regard. Slavery, human trafficking, and all that other bad **** gives ppl a light at the end of tunnel. It gives us a goal.
I will never disrespect anyone else’s fundamental beliefs UNTIL it’s imposed on m or wrongfully used as causation, explanation, etc.

I would not be opposed to stepping into a church. I have in the past (as recently as maybe a year ago). I’ll go through the motions and stuff but it does nothing for me. Damn sure ain’t dropping any money.

Well you guys are claiming two very different things. Someone has to be incorrect.
It Depends On The Person And Their Relationship/Belief In Whom They Are Praying To.

Personally I Found Peace In Simply Praying For God's Will To Be Done.

Won't God's will be done either way though?

I get it being a way to put people's mind at ease, but I wonder if people think praying is in fact changing potential outcomes.
I will never disrespect anyone else’s fundamental beliefs UNTIL it’s imposed on m or wrongfully used as causation, explanation, etc.

I would not be opposed to stepping into a church. I have in the past (as recently as maybe a year ago). I’ll go through the motions and stuff but it does nothing for me. Damn sure ain’t dropping any money.

Well you guys are claiming two very different things. Someone has to be incorrect.
If I think Famous Amos better & you think Chips Ahoy better then why does either one of us have to be incorrect in our preference? Why are you so hung up on this "incorrect" thing?
Never, ever, share the same god or belief system as your oppressor.


That system of belief was created in order to keep the oppressor in power.

This is why sexism works against women, and this is why racism works against Black people.

Praying to the same god as a devil, does not help you to gain freedom.

I'll say this again, because it is needed. Praying to the same god as the devil does, will never gain Black people the freedom we desire.

JRepp23 JRepp23 , I HOPE you have a problem with what I've just stated.
Never, ever, share the same god or belief system as your oppressor.


That system of belief was created in order to keep the oppressor in power.

This is why sexism works against women, and this is why racism works against Black people.

Praying to the same god as a devil, does not help you to gain freedom.

I'll say this again, because it is needed. Praying to the same god as the devil does, will never gain Black people the freedom we desire.

JRepp23 JRepp23 , I HOPE you have a problem with what I've just stated.
There will more than likely always be and have always been ppl being oppressed. I think every serious religious system (on macro level) I've come across has some type of caste system implemented or at the very least implied.
Won't God's will be done either way though?

I get it being a way to put people's mind at ease, but I wonder if people think praying is in fact changing potential outcomes.

Some People Do.

Just Depends On That Person And Their Relationship With Their God.
If I think Famous Amos better & you think Chips Ahoy better then why does either one of us have to be incorrect in our preference? Why are you so hung up on this "incorrect" thing?
What? Christianity, is it fact or opinion? Your analogy suggests it’s all opinion based
There will more than likely always be and have always been ppl being oppressed. I think every serious religious system (on macro level) I've come across has some type of caste system implemented or at the very least implied.
You wont have the same result, once you find out who is being oppressed and then why.

This whole thing got turned upside down, once women became oppressed, having their own rights taken away from them. That was the thing that allowed racism to take hold.
What? Christianity, is it fact or opinion? Your analogy suggests it’s all opinion based
Your prayer analogy is opinion as well. Those 2 ppl you used are praying for their respective opinions.
You wont have the same result, once you find out who is being oppressed and then why.

This whole thing got turned upside down, once women became oppressed, having their own rights taken away from them. That was the thing that allowed racism to take hold.
What time period do you believe women become oppressed?
NBA Prayer Requests
Follows you
Praying for the safety, well-being, health and salvation of current and former NBA players, coaches, trainers and owners, as well as their families.

Well let’s use this as a quick example. This will reach how many people? Couple million maybe? If ONE of the people prayed for get sick do you mean to tell me that it’s because all those people are trash?
Your prayer analogy is opinion as well. Those 2 ppl you used are praying for their respective opinions.

What time period do you believe women become oppressed?
Ok you’re dodging the question now. Your Bible, is it fact or opinion? If it’s a fact then your responses to what prayer does has a definitive answer. You both answered completely opposite. ONE has to be correct. Which one of the responses are correct?
Prayer works IF you know what prayer actually is. Just like everything that white people touch, it becomes bastardized, weakened through marketing.

Prayer, then meditation.

It often isn't taught that way, but that is the order in which it should be used.

The prayer is to connect to the ancestors, your grandmothers, grandfathers. It is the thing that allows you to connect to to them, their experiences, their dreams and hopes for your future. This is what was stripped from us, Black people, with the purpose of Black people praying to a god of the white man.

The god of the white man.

If you are praying to your ancestors, then your enemy is their enemy. We have enough ancestors on the other side that have encountered this person, therefore they well understand who it is that we are dealing with.

Once I became connected to those on the other side, began to think different, I became even more successful without GUILT.

I deserve to have money, nice things, and freedom, without owing anyone anything.

Our ancestors who built this !@#$%^&*( have destined it to be so.
Your prayer analogy is opinion as well. Those 2 ppl you used are praying for their respective opinions.

What time period do you believe women become oppressed?
It started around 1000 bc, and it started through judaism. This is an historical fact. Once chritianity came on the scene, things went even further downhill for women, ending with islam.

So here we are.
Would you be opposed to stepping foot in church or some type of house of worship?

Anything isn't about right or wrong; that's evident in abusive relationships, like how victimizers sympathizing w/ the abuser(s) or like ppl spanking their kids b/c their parents did b/c it was the right thing to do.

The struggle is apart of our (animal kingdom) experience, specifically humans in this regard. Slavery, human trafficking, and all that other bad **** gives ppl a light at the end of tunnel. It gives us a goal.

respectfully, ********.

normalization of suffering is an oppressor's technique aimed at facilitating comfort with any inequities inflicted on an underclass.

we can be better than all those things, which is why the first sign of civilization is widely understood to be medicine...we started to fix the fallen instead of leaving them for food.

fairness, like any goal, is a human invention.
respectfully, bull****.

normalization of suffering is an oppressor's technique aimed at facilitating comfort with any inequities inflicted on an underclass.

we can be better than all those things, which is why the first sign of civilization is widely understood to be medicine...we started to fix the fallen instead of leaving them for food.

fairness, like any goal, is a human invention.
Already addressed this frame of thought too. “It’s good to be poor” or “know suffering now so that heaven will be better” are all devices to keep poor people happy to be poor

But let’s use the Bible against this, the garden of eden was supposedly mans paradise. Why didn’t they have suffering, slavery and sickness there if that’s part of what “man needs”? :lol:
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