Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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This is something you made up. Sounds nice but only you describe god in this manner.

Why would I subscribe to anyone else's definition of what God is besides my own? Reading thru the thread and a lot of yall seem to be conflating God with religion/church. I don't do that and don't understand why anyone would. God and the church are no more the same than love and marriage are. One is natural and the other is a man made institution
What is even being argued right now?

I do low key think we are on the wrong side of history when it comes to eating meat (yes i eat meat). I think in 100-200 years they will look back at our generations as heathens who mass slaughtered animals for no reason. When people see the videos of slaughterhouses in 50+ years they will be appalled.
:lol: If only in 100-200 years humanity is looking back on human history as heathens that slaughtered animals all that would mean is 99% of human history ppl were animal slaughtering heathens.

:lol: I find it hilarious humans would become that judgmental about eating meat in such a short amount of time when it took longer for them to feel that way about slavery.
Why would I subscribe to anyone else's definition of what God is besides my own?
Definitions of words are not personal choices.

You can not wake up one day and decide the word "joy" means this specific thing only you agree on.

The definition of words are not an individual subscription of meanings. They are agreed upon by the masses within society.

I mean you just compared god to gravity as if there's no evidence of gravity that ppl can prove.

God and religion are two different things. Make sure you're able to spot us discerning between the two. God is just a made up concept.

Don't know why you think anyone are conflating the two.
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Definitions of words are not personal choices.

You can not wake up one day and decide the word "joy" means this specific thing only you agree on.

The definition of words are not an individual subscription of meanings. They are agreed upon by the masses within society.

God and religion are two different things. Make sure you're able to spot us discerning between the two. God is just a made up concept.

Don't know why you think anyone are conflating the two.
Pretty much every religion has their own definition of God. Pretty sure there's a religion that describes God as a giant turtle. There are Greek gods, basketball gods, even a pimp God. Let's not even talk about scientology. So what are you saying? Most of the posts and videos I've seen in here are basically arguing against the Catholic rendition of God. I don't agree with that concept of God so I don't practice or pay attention to that doctrine
Pretty much every religion has their own definition of God. Pretty sure there's a religion that describes God as a giant turtle. There are Greek gods, basketball gods, even a pimp God. Let's not even talk about scientology.
Now you're confusing different religions having different physical descriptions, personal character traits, etc. for the definition of God.

Those are two distinct things.

You should know the difference of what we're talking about before you pretend they're the same thing.

Look up the definition for God. That is the common and general definition most religions that have a god define their god as. Stuff like this god is a goat, this one is just a voice, or is nature are specific to those religions but have no bearing on the definition of God.
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Now you're confusing different religions having different physical descriptions, personal character traits, etc. for the definition of God.

Those are two distinct things.

You should know the difference of what we're talking about before you pretend they're the same thing.

Look up the definition for God. That is the common and general definition most religions that have a god define their god as. Stuff like this god is a goat, this one is just a voice, or is nature are specific to those religions but have no bearing on the definition of God.

No offense but I'm not really concerned with what you believe or how you feel about what I believe. Just giving my opinion
:lol: If only in 100-200 years humanity is looking back on human history as heathens that slaughtered animals all that would mean is 99% of human history ppl were animal slaughtering heathens.

:lol: I find it hilarious humans would become that judgmental about eating meat in such a short amount of time when it took longer for them to feel that way about slavery.

Humans now can't even watch videos of animals being slaughtered but yet have no problem eating meat. Empathy in general has grown a lot in a short period of time IMO.
Seems like religion is imposed to suppress. You’re taught to obey by faith. That emotional tie grabs a hold of your balls and tells you to humble thyself. But that fire still burns. Internal roller coaster
Humans now can't even watch videos of animals being slaughtered but yet have no problem eating meat. Empathy in general has grown a lot in a short period of time IMO.
Some humans.

I agree empathy has grown but I don't think much has changed with humanity when it comes to actually caring. I do not think in 50 or even 200 years humans will all have stopped eating meat (barring leaps in technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs) and be looking back on their ancestors as heathens.

As far as I see it, there's still more suffering in the world than there is happiness. That's most likely going to continue. Not sure what the 1% of the western world thinks is gonna matter.
No offense but I'm not really concerned with what you believe or how you feel about what I believe. Just giving my opinion
Nor am I you. Dont know where you read I said or implied you should.

I simply replied to an opinion that I thought was flawed.

And like I said you're definitely confusing two things about the definition of god and the characteristics of god that shouldn't be mixed. That's not opinion based but fact based. Way off base there.

Also, and again I cant stress this enough, if you're gonna say or pretend the God most of us are referring to isnt the one you believe in there's really no reason to involve yourself. When it comes to made up definitions of god like yours the simple reply is that it is just another version of god that can not be proven to exist. It holds no more relevance than any other made up definition of any other fictional being.

Now yes, in these discussions the god that is being discussed is the god of the 3 Abrahamic religions. The 3 major religions if the world. There's an obvious reason for that. Those are the most impactful religions on the masses and that specific take on god character traits and all are the problematic ones. If discussion on that doesn't involve you either way might as well stay out of it.
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Master Zik Master Zik Every definition of God is 'made up' as far as I'm concerned. I'm challenging the notion that any religion has the authority to define what God is. Anymore than you have the authority to tell me to stay out of this thread. You don't have to respond or read my posts
Master Zik Master Zik Every definition of God is 'made up' as far as I'm concerned. I'm challenging the notion that any religion has the authority to define what God is.
That's the thing though, I'm not talking about any one religion's definition of god.

I'm talking about the definition of God humanity has agreed upon, religious or not.

It's a subjective agreed upon definition.

What you're talking about is individual religions having different traits for their god or gods. Like I said before those 2 things shouldn't be confused or mixed.

This should not be hard to grasp.

Anymore than you have the authority to tell me to stay out of this thread. You don't have to respond or read my posts
All I said is if you have nothing of value to add why add anything? It's not about authority :lol:

You claim no one in here is talking about the god - whose definition you made up - you believe in.

Then you're talking about multiple definitions of god as it pertains to religions but dont understand there is a set definition of God as it pertains to humanity.

Then you claim ppl in here are somehow confusing religions with god.

Again none of this should be hard to grasp. Definitions of words do not change because you disagree with them or because you have your own personal specific definition of them. That's not how words work.

Google it.

The definition(s) are there. The dictionary and the definition of words exist whether you believe they do or not.
There are thousands of religions all attempting to define God. The dictionary is just another contestant. There's no universally accepted concept of God
There are thousands of religions all attempting to define God.
Again, I'm not talking about other religions.

Also individual religions definitions of god aren't attempts to define God. It is their specific belief in what god is.

And as you should know belief has nothing to do with facts.

The dictionary is just another contestant.
The dictionary is not a religion.

If you don't agree with the definition of words in the dictionary that's really on you and a bit hypocritical given all of the words you're using to communicate.

There's no universally accepted concept of God
An agreed upon definition of the word god is not a universally accepted concept of god.

Why are you confusing the two? I thought this wasn't difficult to grasp but apparently it is.
work has slowed downed drastically but I am considered essential. the few clients I have gotten to talk face to face with have given the same umbrella answers of "well its all according to god right?" "if god says its my time its my time" "god will show us the answer" etc etc

I can't deal with people.
Do you Americans know a lot of religious people in your age group, give or take a few years?
Both my elementary and highschool were catholic schools but the only religious people I've known/met that are anywhere remotely close to my age (25) were a few muslims.
My highschool was pretty big (~3300 students) but I never knew or knew of anyone who was religious other than a handful of muslims.

In general I don't think I've ever met a christian or jew in my age group.
Do you Americans know a lot of religious people in your age group, give or take a few years?
Both my elementary and highschool were catholic schools but the only religious people I've known/met that are anywhere remotely close to my age (25) were a few muslims.
My highschool was pretty big (~3300 students) but I never knew or knew of anyone who was religious other than a handful of muslims.

In general I don't think I've ever met a christian or jew in my age group.
r u mostly around white ppl?
Do you Americans know a lot of religious people in your age group, give or take a few years?
Both my elementary and highschool were catholic schools but the only religious people I've known/met that are anywhere remotely close to my age (25) were a few muslims.
My highschool was pretty big (~3300 students) but I never knew or knew of anyone who was religious other than a handful of muslims.

In general I don't think I've ever met a christian or jew in my age group.
Not particularly, but that’s mostly due to my location and who I choose to associate with.

Went to Texas 2 years ago and the demographics were VERY different with regard to religiosity.
Noticed that the advertisers are running more christian themed commercials, come to jesus moments on television now. CNN has run quite a few with some guy proclaiming jesus as his lord and saviour, and then an are you christian, do you want your christian themed book published, ad running as well.

Anybody see any Buddist, Muslim, Hindu, African traditional religions being advertised right about now?!:lol:
I wonder how Shango, Ogun, Thor, Heracles, Zeus, Bast, Vishnu, Yemaya feel about all of the lack of publicity.....:nerd:
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