Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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You do realize that what you feel, tends to disagree with historical accuracy, correct?

HISTORICALLY, people have done some very horrible things in the name of their so called god, without repercussion from said god, who is supposed to be the final arbiter of supposed right? And wrong. Yes, that supposed god is to blame, especially since he has never written anything down himself, in order to prove his existence and authority. If this god exists, why would he allow those sort of people, to take his name in vain?
Lol. You are still confused and obviously want to say your opinion with out actually reading what I wrote. pretty much you just want to argue. Im not engaging with that.

After reading how you construct your sentences. I am pretty sure you are Sillyputty.
I read what you've written, and what you fail to realize is that your opinion conflicts with what actually happened, especially within historical context. Also, your attempt to deflect by associating me with another member, is problematic while trying to make your case.

If the Abrahamic god that many claim to believe in truly exists? He has plenty to answer to. This so called god allowed the destruction of those native to this land, and while also oppressing women all over the world.

I state, emphatically, that if he does exist? He is a tyrant, not really caring about good nor evil. All he cares for is power, influence and control, being worshiped by anyone and anything.

So here is the question. Is this something that you want to believe in?
Smh @ the typical NT “intellect” superiority in here.


Over the years I've noticed that for all of the people who reply to a thread there's a really small percent who know what they're talking about and those people either don't speak enough or they get jumped on by a bunch of clowns. I especially like how NT'ers know everything about the streets and doing bids.

There is tons of good information here, you just have to find it.
You do realize that what you feel, tends to disagree with historical accuracy, correct?

HISTORICALLY, people have done some very horrible things in the name of their so called god, without repercussion from said god, who is supposed to be the final arbiter of supposed right? And wrong. Yes, that supposed god is to blame, especially since he has never written anything down himself, in order to prove his existence and authority. If this god exists, why would he allow those sort of people, to take his name in vain?
What do you believe in? Anything?
I'll say this for Kanye West though...

He's probably the closest interpretation of Jesus Christ that the Christians are going to get
What is even being argued right now?

I do low key think we are on the wrong side of history when it comes to eating meat (yes i eat meat). I think in 100-200 years they will look back at our generations as heathens who mass slaughtered animals for no reason. When people see the videos of slaughterhouses in 50+ years they will be appalled.
right...but those are just like.. people. You think they created the planet? All of the stars? The galaxy? Universe?
You assume that the ancestors are just, people. Human beings are also matter. I am my ancestors, I am also my higher ancestors. None of this is possible without what we call woman.
the universe is a big not believe in anything bigger than yourself is weird...and self-centered.
I think just about everyone believes in forces that make the universe function, they just don’t believe in a “higher power”/intelligent creator
You assume that the ancestors are just, people. Human beings are also matter. I am my ancestors, I am also my higher ancestors. None of this is possible without what we call woman.
wait...what? If they aren't people...what are your ancestors? Give me an example of one. No wait, give me 3 examples.
wait...what? If they aren't people...what are your ancestors? Give me an example of one. No wait, give me 3 examples.
After you transition from this plane, what happens to the matter that is encompassed in your physical body?
Gravity/other laws of physics, evolution, laws of chemistry, etc. Those are all “bigger than myself.”
Right....but a lot of those laws change and vary depending on the planet you're on. I'm just curious if you think it's happenstance? So they aren't really forever types of things to believe in. Through science alone, on Earth, they've been able to create circumstances where the laws contradict themselves. Anti-gravity, defying physical limitations, etc.

Also, not trying to get you to believe in anything , in one way or another either, we're just conversing. Don't want it to seem like I'm trying to convince you. More so would rather just get you to ask the questions for yourself, like I do.
After you transition from this plane, what happens to the matter that is encompassed in your physical body?
Nahh Khufu, you can't answer a question with a question. Come on, tell me about your ancestry.
Right....but a lot of those laws change and vary depending on the planet you're on. I'm just curious if you think it's happenstance? So they aren't really forever types of things to believe in. Through science alone, on Earth, they've been able to create circumstances where the laws contradict themselves. Anti-gravity, defying physical limitations, etc.

Also, not trying to get you to believe in anything , in one way or another either, we're just conversing. Don't want it to seem like I'm trying to convince you. More so would rather just get you to ask the questions for yourself, like I do.
I don’t know if “happenstance” is the word I’d use, but I sure as **** don’t believe that this is controlled by some conscious higher intelligence.

How does any of what you wrote support the existence of a higher power?
I agree that what is controlling things right now, isn’t a higher intelligence. What is controlling things right now is egotistical, narcissistic, and fueled through tyranny.
I've always thought that God is like gravity. It doesn't really matter if you believe in it or not, it's real and you're a byproduct of it whether you like it or not. But not in a religious way just in a 'where does everything come from' way.
If that's the approach gonna have to subtract the sentience and a lot of the powers most attribute to god.

I'm saying, 'God' is just a catchall term to describe the essence of everything that exists. Life itself is the evidence of 'God'. You can't believe in God or not believe in God anymore than you can any force of nature
This is something you made up. Sounds nice but only you describe god in this manner.
right...but those are just like.. people. You think they created the planet? All of the stars? The galaxy? Universe?
Why does anyone or anything have to create the planet, all of the stars, galaxy or universe?
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