Questions for ATHEISTS vol. keep it funky

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Video became such bull ****.

Whether good and evil objectively exists is irrelevant.

This guy just tried to give credit for the abolishment of slavery (and universal human rights, emancipate women, and "proclaim the value of liberty") to judeochristian values when it is judeochristian values that enslaved Africans in the first place.
Video became such bull ****.

Whether good and evil objectively exists is irrelevant.

This guy just tried to give credit for the abolishment of slavery (and universal human rights, emancipate women, and "proclaim the value of liberty") to judeochristian values when it is judeochristian values that enslaved Africans in the first place.

Man :rofl: I knew where he was going as SOON as he brought up slavery.
I love it when people discuss god, as if there were only one available. Everything was cool when everyone stayed in their respective corners. But one god got greedy, and look at where we are right now.
manifest destiny everyone.

there still is the concept/ability of empathy, sympathy for fellow man that doesn't need any God for us to hold onto as societal or moral values. societies and civilizations have started before without God as a main principle but it sure is great as using it as a fear mongering war mongering tactic

I don't fear god. I fear his believers
That's not atheism's responsibility or purpose

Believers are the ones making the claim that God exists so the burden of proof lies with them

So the answer is no.

Don’t see how burden of proof is needed when it’s someone’s faith.
Has anybody proved minotaurs dont exist? No, so that must mean they exist by the same logic. Faith is a different argument.
i dont believe in the big bang i also dont believe in god but if someone can prove to me god exist ill believe
It's almost 2020 and people still don't understand how burden of proof works. :smh:
I use to :rolleyes when ppl would explain it to ppl as if they were saying something new and flexing intelligence but ppl truly are still that ignorant.

When you get a reply like "has anyone proved × doesn't exist?" and "don't see how burden of proof is needed....."
I use to :rolleyes when ppl would explain it to ppl as if they were saying something new and flexing intelligence but ppl truly are still that ignorant.

When you get a reply like "has anyone proved × doesn't exist?" and "don't see how burden of proof is needed....."

How does someone prove faith? Some people are stating it’s futile to the argument of the existence of God.

But at the end of the day, why must it be proven if God exist or doesn’t? Shouldn’t we just live and love each the same?
How does someone prove faith?
You don't.

You should also stay out of discussions dealing with proof, evidence, facts, etc.

Never understand why the faithful try to jump in these topics when they can not add anything valuable to it.

But at the end of the day, why must it be proven if God exist or doesn’t? Shouldn’t we just live and love each the same?
I mean it sounds good but in the real world in our civilization we have ppl using god as an excuse to rape, kill, torture, and all sorts of other heinous acts to ppl.

I think proof would actually change things since in most other matters they usually do.
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