Question About Pit Bulls (former fighting dog)

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Esco51

All I'd say is be careful. Had a pit for 4 years since he was six weeks old. He came from a fighting line and was always great around our son and our other dogs except when it came to food. Could never break him of the aggressiveness when it came to the food and ended up having to put him down. Can't have a 60 lb dog that's food aggressive around a young kid, third strike and he was out.

You killed a dog because he was protective over his food? And strike 3? You would think after strike 1, you could have atleast take him to the shelter or get him to training school.
Food aggression in some dogs is very strong. It's a natural trait after all. In some cases there is no way to train a dog out of it. I don't know whether the dog could've been adopted out but having  a young child around a food aggressive dog is dangerous and irresponsible. 
I have a gundog  (GSP). His prey drive is very strong. There is nothing I can do to break him of that even if I wanted to. Same with food aggressiveness in some dogs. 

It's better to have to put down the dog than have to bury a young one.  I'm sure it was a tough decision but sometimes there's no choice.

As for OP just keep your pit tired and it will love you and you will love it.  A tired pitbull is a happy pitbull.  They NEED exercise and activity otherwise they are going to get destructive.  And by constant exercising the muscle tone should stay up since pitbulls are naturally brolic.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Esco51

All I'd say is be careful. Had a pit for 4 years since he was six weeks old. He came from a fighting line and was always great around our son and our other dogs except when it came to food. Could never break him of the aggressiveness when it came to the food and ended up having to put him down. Can't have a 60 lb dog that's food aggressive around a young kid, third strike and he was out.

You killed a dog because he was protective over his food? And strike 3? You would think after strike 1, you could have atleast take him to the shelter or get him to training school.
Food aggression in some dogs is very strong. It's a natural trait after all. In some cases there is no way to train a dog out of it. I don't know whether the dog could've been adopted out but having  a young child around a food aggressive dog is dangerous and irresponsible. 
I have a gundog  (GSP). His prey drive is very strong. There is nothing I can do to break him of that even if I wanted to. Same with food aggressiveness in some dogs. 

It's better to have to put down the dog than have to bury a young one.  I'm sure it was a tough decision but sometimes there's no choice.

As for OP just keep your pit tired and it will love you and you will love it.  A tired pitbull is a happy pitbull.  They NEED exercise and activity otherwise they are going to get destructive.  And by constant exercising the muscle tone should stay up since pitbulls are naturally brolic.
Originally Posted by khadafi252

for those that may know: what can i do to maintain his muscles/shape? this dog is BEAUTIFUL. at least the a-hole that did own him did something right.

Walk him a lot and feed him properly..none of that store bought bs
Originally Posted by khadafi252

for those that may know: what can i do to maintain his muscles/shape? this dog is BEAUTIFUL. at least the a-hole that did own him did something right.

Walk him a lot and feed him properly..none of that store bought bs
You should be fine , those scars are old get you some Nu-Stock and all that hair will grow back in a week .
You should be fine , those scars are old get you some Nu-Stock and all that hair will grow back in a week .
This breaks my heart, I just dont comprehend why people would do thing to a living being. The pics you posted are sad. Im glad you guys found it and not animal control because im sure it would be on the PTS (put to sleep) list. I have a pitbull and he looks similar to this dog, and I haved worked as a veterinary technician for 5 years now....... it looks like a pitbull not a mix, most people think because its not a "juiced" up inbred looking dog its not a full breed. I do think if you rehabilitate the dog by socializing it with people, other animals, and social environments and some proper training this dog would make an amazing companion, pitbulls in the right hands are very loyal and smart dogs.
This breaks my heart, I just dont comprehend why people would do thing to a living being. The pics you posted are sad. Im glad you guys found it and not animal control because im sure it would be on the PTS (put to sleep) list. I have a pitbull and he looks similar to this dog, and I haved worked as a veterinary technician for 5 years now....... it looks like a pitbull not a mix, most people think because its not a "juiced" up inbred looking dog its not a full breed. I do think if you rehabilitate the dog by socializing it with people, other animals, and social environments and some proper training this dog would make an amazing companion, pitbulls in the right hands are very loyal and smart dogs.
I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  
I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  
First thing I did was have him evaluated by as OP/husband said. From a friend who is a professional pet trainer specializes in pits and has 4 rescues with 3 small kids. He came over tested him for food aggression, with the kids, with the Chihuahua we have, tested him on a leash, walking, his temperament even put his hands in his mouth all kinds of stuff even with the cats. He said keep him away from the cats because not exactly sure about that right now. He does have very very slight food aggression towards other dogs. He said it's very fixable and common of any dog who has been on the street. He's been heavily "pull trained". Strapped to a harness and forced to pull large amounts of weight to build that muscle in his chest and neck. He is 100% red nose pitbull and he was dumped probably lost a fight or something. We live next to an Indian reservation which isn't heavily populated so easy to dump a dog. I gave him a flea bath and some treatment for his skin and wounds some were recent. He did GREAT in the bath tub and played with me in the yard tug o war. He jumped to get the toy and missed and caught my arm in his mouth he instantly backed up and sat down as soon as his mouth hit my arm. He's a sweetheart and gets happier everytime I go out to play with him. Since he's not fixed he marks and he keeps trying to pee on the other dog when she starts barking at him.
First thing I did was have him evaluated by as OP/husband said. From a friend who is a professional pet trainer specializes in pits and has 4 rescues with 3 small kids. He came over tested him for food aggression, with the kids, with the Chihuahua we have, tested him on a leash, walking, his temperament even put his hands in his mouth all kinds of stuff even with the cats. He said keep him away from the cats because not exactly sure about that right now. He does have very very slight food aggression towards other dogs. He said it's very fixable and common of any dog who has been on the street. He's been heavily "pull trained". Strapped to a harness and forced to pull large amounts of weight to build that muscle in his chest and neck. He is 100% red nose pitbull and he was dumped probably lost a fight or something. We live next to an Indian reservation which isn't heavily populated so easy to dump a dog. I gave him a flea bath and some treatment for his skin and wounds some were recent. He did GREAT in the bath tub and played with me in the yard tug o war. He jumped to get the toy and missed and caught my arm in his mouth he instantly backed up and sat down as soon as his mouth hit my arm. He's a sweetheart and gets happier everytime I go out to play with him. Since he's not fixed he marks and he keeps trying to pee on the other dog when she starts barking at him.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  

The problem is you can't judge every dog based upon that one situation. That dog probably either had some other issues or maybe your cousin didn't train or work with him like he should have. Putting a stigma on a certain breed or back of a dog is like animal racism. My friend has 4 rescues and he trains dogs he even has a baby and they are great dogs with the kids. With any dog there is risk but you have to work with them and do things right.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  
Im sure your friend who got the "under performing" dog didnt exercise all options to ensure its proper rehabilitation. Of course a dog bred and trained to fight is going to have habits and routine that may be hard to break but its not impossible. I have been attacked and bitten dozens of times by other breeds NOT pitbulls and they were not trained to fight. Any pet could be used as a weapon but can also make wonderful companions with proper upbringing, it does take time and effort on the owners part. No breed of dog should be left alone with children unsupervised, children dont know yet the proper rules when handling pets. I blame the parents for not watching their children around an ANIMAL; there are plenty of circumstances that can scare or startle a pet.  
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  
Im sure your friend who got the "under performing" dog didnt exercise all options to ensure its proper rehabilitation. Of course a dog bred and trained to fight is going to have habits and routine that may be hard to break but its not impossible. I have been attacked and bitten dozens of times by other breeds NOT pitbulls and they were not trained to fight. Any pet could be used as a weapon but can also make wonderful companions with proper upbringing, it does take time and effort on the owners part. No breed of dog should be left alone with children unsupervised, children dont know yet the proper rules when handling pets. I blame the parents for not watching their children around an ANIMAL; there are plenty of circumstances that can scare or startle a pet.  
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  

The problem is you can't judge every dog based upon that one situation. That dog probably either had some other issues or maybe your cousin didn't train or work with him like he should have. Putting a stigma on a certain breed or back of a dog is like animal racism. My friend has 4 rescues and he trains dogs he even has a baby and they are great dogs with the kids. With any dog there is risk but you have to work with them and do things right.
Originally Posted by jessicamichael

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  

The problem is you can't judge every dog based upon that one situation. That dog probably either had some other issues or maybe your cousin didn't train or work with him like he should have. Putting a stigma on a certain breed or back of a dog is like animal racism. My friend has 4 rescues and he trains dogs he even has a baby and they are great dogs with the kids. With any dog there is risk but you have to work with them and do things right.

I said love pits. The guy is doing a good deed. I told him to be careful with it. No all these stories have happy ending.
Originally Posted by jessicamichael

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  

The problem is you can't judge every dog based upon that one situation. That dog probably either had some other issues or maybe your cousin didn't train or work with him like he should have. Putting a stigma on a certain breed or back of a dog is like animal racism. My friend has 4 rescues and he trains dogs he even has a baby and they are great dogs with the kids. With any dog there is risk but you have to work with them and do things right.

I said love pits. The guy is doing a good deed. I told him to be careful with it. No all these stories have happy ending.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by jessicamichael

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  

The problem is you can't judge every dog based upon that one situation. That dog probably either had some other issues or maybe your cousin didn't train or work with him like he should have. Putting a stigma on a certain breed or back of a dog is like animal racism. My friend has 4 rescues and he trains dogs he even has a baby and they are great dogs with the kids. With any dog there is risk but you have to work with them and do things right.

I said love pits. The guy is doing a good deed. I told him to be careful with it. No all these stories have happy ending.

Oh I know they don't that's for sure the problem is you never know until it happens or doesn't happen. I know the risks and I know the possibilities that's why we are still a little on the fence. I've spent the day with him and cleaned him up and stuff so Ive gotten down on the ground with him and stuff hes amazing but that question and fear is still there about the whole situation though. He's amazing though he really is.
Originally Posted by thenewjs23

Originally Posted by jessicamichael

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  

The problem is you can't judge every dog based upon that one situation. That dog probably either had some other issues or maybe your cousin didn't train or work with him like he should have. Putting a stigma on a certain breed or back of a dog is like animal racism. My friend has 4 rescues and he trains dogs he even has a baby and they are great dogs with the kids. With any dog there is risk but you have to work with them and do things right.

I said love pits. The guy is doing a good deed. I told him to be careful with it. No all these stories have happy ending.

Oh I know they don't that's for sure the problem is you never know until it happens or doesn't happen. I know the risks and I know the possibilities that's why we are still a little on the fence. I've spent the day with him and cleaned him up and stuff so Ive gotten down on the ground with him and stuff hes amazing but that question and fear is still there about the whole situation though. He's amazing though he really is.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Esco51

All I'd say is be careful. Had a pit for 4 years since he was six weeks old. He came from a fighting line and was always great around our son and our other dogs except when it came to food. Could never break him of the aggressiveness when it came to the food and ended up having to put him down. Can't have a 60 lb dog that's food aggressive around a young kid, third strike and he was out.

You killed a dog because he was protective over his food? And strike 3? You would think after strike 1, you could have atleast take him to the shelter or get him to training school.
No shelters around this way that would take a pit. Trust me I tried. Hardest thing I ever had to do. No matter how hard you train any animal some habits cannot be broken. A kid changes your perspective on things. It was the kid or the dog. Don't get me wrong the fault is all on my shoulders but at the end of the day it was a choice between my child's safety and an animal.
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Esco51

All I'd say is be careful. Had a pit for 4 years since he was six weeks old. He came from a fighting line and was always great around our son and our other dogs except when it came to food. Could never break him of the aggressiveness when it came to the food and ended up having to put him down. Can't have a 60 lb dog that's food aggressive around a young kid, third strike and he was out.

You killed a dog because he was protective over his food? And strike 3? You would think after strike 1, you could have atleast take him to the shelter or get him to training school.
No shelters around this way that would take a pit. Trust me I tried. Hardest thing I ever had to do. No matter how hard you train any animal some habits cannot be broken. A kid changes your perspective on things. It was the kid or the dog. Don't get me wrong the fault is all on my shoulders but at the end of the day it was a choice between my child's safety and an animal.
Originally Posted by BeautifulLoveLeal

Originally Posted by thenewjs23

I LOVE Pit Bulls but, I would be very careful with this dog.
He is a ticking time bomb.
You dont know his history besides what can be gather by scars.
You would be STUPID to keep this dog with kids around.
Keep him under look and key cause all it takes is for it to get out and maul some old ladys cat or worse attack somebodies kid.
Then you can kiss life as you know it bye bye.
I say this because I had a friend that fought pits.
He gave an under performing one to my cousin it got out and attacked some lady and her expensive dog in her front lawn.
My cousin got time and has paying like 250K for the ladys dog, the ladys medical bills, her pain and suffering, fines and fees.
I can emagine what would have happen if it was somebodys kid.  
Im sure your friend who got the "under performing" dog didnt exercise all options to ensure its proper rehabilitation. Of course a dog bred and trained to fight is going to have habits and routine that may be hard to break but its not impossible. I have been attacked and bitten dozens of times by other breeds NOT pitbulls and they were not trained to fight. Any pet could be used as a weapon but can also make wonderful companions with proper upbringing, it does take time and effort on the owners part. No breed of dog should be left alone with children unsupervised, children dont know yet the proper rules when handling pets. I blame the parents for not watching their children around an ANIMAL; there are plenty of circumstances that can scare or startle a pet.  

My cousin did not think the resposibilty through. He did spent about a year in jail DA wanted 10. He got off easy criminal court because he showed that he was trying to rehab the dog and it just snapped.
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