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Download a free DivX movie for your PlayStation 3

The title may sound too good to be true, but it isn't.

You can now download a free movie from the DivX website for any certified device and the PlayStation 3 happens to be one of them.

All you need is to get a DivX VOD Registration Code from your PS3's System Settings and then enter that code on your website account.

You will then have to download a small file to play on your PlayStation 3 to activate it for Video-on-demand playback.

Finally, you can now choose what movie you want for free. The selection is small and not great, but the best one is probably Batman Begins. To download the film, you need the latest version of DivX installed on your PC.

To get your free movie, click here.

If you have a problem downloading the ticket file required to download the movie with your current browser, use the link from your email with Internet Explorer.

Happy Viewing!

Zipper working on an unannounced PS3 game

MAG is currently in the final stages of production, with Zipper stress testing the online servers and ironing out some final bugs. The game is due in just a bit more than 2 months on January 26, exclusively on the PS3. It doesn't look like Zipper will be taking any time off, though - the Seattle-based developer is working on another, unannounced PS3 title.

According to the LinkedIn profiles of several Zipper employees, the dev has been working on a second PS3 game for quite some time. Graham Kay, a former Design Manager of Zipper Interactive, lists that he worked on 'Massive Action Game (PS3) & Unannounced project (PS3)'. More recently, a senior software engineer for the company, wrote that he's currently "developing gameplay for two PS3 gameswrote that he's currently "developing gameplay for two PS3 games". Specifically, he works "on the core character team at Zipper developing gameplay to be used in both games currently under development for the PS3".

Earlier this summer, we spotted SOCOM 4 listed on PCB Production's credits page and theorized that Zipper could be working on the title. It's increasingly looking more and more like this is the case.

PSN to Get New Revenue From Paid Subscription Service in 2010

Stand down, soldiers. SCEE's just sent us a Kaz Hirai quote which confirms that online PSN gameplay is to remain free.
The comment's from a business meeting at which it was confirmed that subscriptions are on the way to PSN.

"SCE will further increase sales by offering users new entertainment through the combination of hardware, software, peripheral and PlayStation Network," said the SCE boss.

"Especially in the online area, we are studying the possibility of introducing a subscription model, offering premium content and services, in addition to the current free services."

The internet went a little bat**** ealirer today on seeing a slide from Sony's presentation that said PSN is to get a "new revenue stream from subscription".

Your play is free. You should watch out for the premium content though, wallet-guarders.

My Take: As long as PSN is free, i'm good.

Guerrilla Games prepares for massive project, seeks new people to join team

Not too long ago, news broke that Guerrilla Games, the studio behind the critically acclaimed Killzone 2 is already full throttle into development of Killzone 3. It was also rumored that said game would in fact be released in 2010. That we're not sure of, but if the recent posting on their website holds true, there is no doubt that the team is either working overtime to release the game sooner rather than later, or there's another major project in the works all together.

Do you think you have what it takes to become a team member at Guerrilla Games? Try your luck then.

Here are the positions now open:

* Senior Producer

* Senior Level Designer

* Senior Game Coder

* Senior Build Engineer

* Senior Game Designer

* Senior Environment Artist

"Guerrilla Games is rapidly expanding game development studio with an established reputation as one of Europe's leading game developers," the company said on its website.

"Founded in 2000 as a result of a merger between three smaller studios, Guerrilla now employs 130 developers from 20 different nationalities."

The positions listed above are indicative to one thing, something big is cooking up in The Netherlands, and Guerrilla Games are the ones in the kitchen.
Picked up assassins creed 2, I read it has a 18-20 hour story not including the side missions anyone pass it yet? The first puzzle stumped me lol

Sony is busy with trying to bring Marvel PSN Comics to the PlayStation 3

PS3-Sense writes: On the GamesCom 2009 show Sony announced very much new things and applications. For the PSP they announced a comic reader which makes it possible to read your favourite Marvel comics on your PSP. Like Spiderman, X-man and plenty more.

Sony is getting many questions if it's coming to the PlayStation 3. Sony told on their official Twitter page that they're looking bringing it to the PlayStation 3.

Quote:''looking in to what we can do on the ps3. Lots of people are asking for it''

Banned PSN player sues Nintendo and Microsoft

After being banned from the PlayStation Network for hateful comments stated in Resistance's online community, Erik Estavillo launched not one, but two, lawsuits against Sony for infringing on his "first amendment rights" -- an argument that was shot down by Judge Ronald Whyte simply because "Sony is not part of the government."

However, what Estavillo lacks in civil online discourse, he makes up for with sheer determination and persistence. In addition to Sony, he now has both Microsoft and Nintendo in his sights. Estavillo is seeking $75,000 from Microsoft for the "undue stress" and "sadness" caused by his Xbox 360's RROD. "Microsoft should have to bear the burden that is now put on the shoulders of this disabled plaintiff," his claim states -- a burden that is equivalent to the sum of 375 Xbox 360 systems, apparently. Nintendo is being sued for interfering with Estavillo's "pursuit of happiness." And how exactly is Nintendo doing that? "Deleting, blocking or prohibiting the Homebrew Channel and Ocarina applications" via a system update.

We're hoping you can see the sheer brilliance of Estavillo's strategy. He's offering the perfect opportunity for PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo fans to agree on something for once.

My Take: This dude can't be serious

The Saboteur goes gold despite developer going dark

Though The Saboteur developer Pandemic Studios is losing its 200-person staff, the company's final game has just "gone gold" across Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. In a post on the studio's forums, Community Manager Mathew Everett noted that while "this has been a very difficult week for Pandemic Studios," The Saboteur will still be "available across Europe starting December 4 and throughout North America on December 8."

Unfortunately, it would appear that EA (the game's publisher) has forgotten about said release dates, choosing to offer as little marketing push as possible. We wish the folks at Pandemic Studios the best and offer our condolences to those who recently lost their jobs.

My Take: Can't believe this game drops early December, looking forward too it. Sucks that Pandemic got the axe, I hope this game doesnumber, EA could look like complete $%*$@@++ for laying off the whole studio.

Firmware 3.10 lets PS3 users report errors directly to Sony

Sometimes we do crazy things -- in this case, it's something crazy for you, dear reader. You see, when PS3 Attitude reported users who had run into freezes or other bouts of unsatisfactory performance from their PS3 could report the issue to Sony thanks to firmware 3.10, directly through their console, we thought it was something we'd try to recreate on our own. After scratching our noggin for a few minutes, trying to come up with the best way to put our PS3 into danger, we figured a swift and hard power-down via the back toggle switch on the console would be the best bet to trigger this supposed new error report system. Lo and behold, we received the message you see above.

So that's new, right? After winning that battle in the war of trying to break our PS3, we then decided to pick up our console and shake it like some kind of crazed British nanny, but that did not get us the results we were looking for. As such, we contacted Sony and a spokesperson told us that, yes, firmware 3.10 does add a feature to the console where users can report issues following console freezes and the like. So, now you know!

LittleBigPlanet getting bluer, blurrier with Sonic costume pack

We're usually hesitant to spend real-life money on virtual clothing, but you can bet we'll spring at the chance to purchase the recently revealed Sonic the Hedgehog costume pack for LittleBigPlanet. See, if we dress ourselves up like the series' speedy, cerulean protagonist, then play one of the many, many Green Hill Zone stages crafted by the LBP community, we can pretend that we're playing a decent, current-gen Sonic platformer.

We've contacted Media Molecule to try and find out the North American release date and price for this costume pack. We shouldn't let the developer hear us say this, but we'd pay anything for that beautiful illusion.

Gravity Crash lands a global PSN release on Tuesday, November 24

It's taken a while, but Just Add Water's play-create-share dual-stick shooter Gravity Crash will be landing on both the American and European PlayStation Stores next Tuesday, November 24th.

The game has certainly come a long way since its E3 showing, especially in terms of visuals. Unlike so many other PSN games, Gravity Crash will launch with a free demo which will include access to four levels and the in-game level editor (seen after the break). The demo will give you nearly unrestricted access to the editor, with one caveat -- you'll only be able to publish levels online by buying the full game.

Gravity Crash will be available on PS3 for £6.29 / €7.99 / $9.99. A PSP version -- which also includes a level editor -- is also in the works, and is likely to arrive in December. For more details on the game, check out Episode 140 of the PS Nation podcast.

PSN has 33million registered accounts

Though yesterday's Sony investor's conference featured a concerning reference to the PSN's "new revenue stream from subscription," another slide from the presentation seems to indicate that the platform is already making money hand over fist. According to the slide (seen above), the company has set a lofty goal for the current fiscal year: It expects the PSN to bring in ¥50 billion (roughly $561 million) in revenue by the end of FY 2009. That's three times the amount of cash collected by the platform in the last fiscal year.

Exactly how Sony plans to boost its revenues so drastically is outlined by other statistics on the slide. According to the company's calculations, the PSN currently has 33 million registered users, 1.4 million of which visit the PlayStation Store on a daily basis. We fall into the latter group -- but only because we can't stop window shopping for celebrities we can fling into oncoming traffic. We confess: It's one of our dirtiest, guiltiest pleasures.

My Take: So whenever you hear someone on 360 say "the reason why XBL is better is because there is more people playing it" you cansmack that @*+%$ kufi off.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


PSN has 33million registered accounts

Though yesterday's Sony investor's conference featured a concerning reference to the PSN's "new revenue stream from subscription," another slide from the presentation seems to indicate that the platform is already making money hand over fist. According to the slide (seen above), the company has set a lofty goal for the current fiscal year: It expects the PSN to bring in ¥50 billion (roughly $561 million) in revenue by the end of FY 2009. That's three times the amount of cash collected by the platform in the last fiscal year.

Exactly how Sony plans to boost its revenues so drastically is outlined by other statistics on the slide. According to the company's calculations, the PSN currently has 33 million registered users, 1.4 million of which visit the PlayStation Store on a daily basis. We fall into the latter group -- but only because we can't stop window shopping for celebrities we can fling into oncoming traffic. We confess: It's one of our dirtiest, guiltiest pleasures.

My Take: So whenever you hear someone on 360 say "the reason why XBL is better is because there is more people playing it" you can smack that @*+%$ kufi off.

I didn't know it was that many...

Originally Posted by theprocessofbelief

That number is off.... alot of people have more than one account.

I'd say around 20 million users.

about to say that, i personally have 3 then u have game sharing accounts

i would say about 15-18 million people on it, which is still alot
Whether its 10million or 30 million, I hate when people say more people online on 360, who cares. For either system finding people to play online games with,there isn't a shortage.

And I read a article when those PSN numbers came out, and they said they distorted cause they don't differentiate between PSP and PS3 users seeings as theyboth are on PSN now. Even so, theres a lot of people on.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost


PSN to Get New Revenue From Paid Subscription Service in 2010

Stand down, soldiers. SCEE's just sent us a Kaz Hirai quote which confirms that online PSN gameplay is to remain free.
The comment's from a business meeting at which it was confirmed that subscriptions are on the way to PSN.

"SCE will further increase sales by offering users new entertainment through the combination of hardware, software, peripheral and PlayStation Network," said the SCE boss.

"Especially in the online area, we are studying the possibility of introducing a subscription model, offering premium content and services, in addition to the current free services."

The internet went a little bat**** ealirer today on seeing a slide from Sony's presentation that said PSN is to get a "new revenue stream from subscription".

Your play is free. You should watch out for the premium content though, wallet-guarders.
My Take: As long as PSN is free, i'm good.

as long as they don't take the option to play online w/ friends away from the free PSN account, im good ...
Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

Question... My Trophies Aren't linking. Is there a way I can fix this?
it was happening to me for the longest time. what i did was compare trophies with a buddy.
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

Question... My Trophies Aren't linking. Is there a way I can fix this?
it was happening to me for the longest time. what i did was compare trophies with a buddy.

Yea, try doing it at different times during the day. Also try synicing by comparing while in-game.
Originally Posted by 2sappy

Originally Posted by JAYFIEND

Question... My Trophies Aren't linking. Is there a way I can fix this?
it was happening to me for the longest time. what i did was compare trophies with a buddy.
you have to keep trying for it to work. looks like when MW2 released the trophies went to hell
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