And can someone PLEASE ******* explain to me how we're going to accommodate an enrollment surge when community college campuses around the nation already face a lack of space?
There isn't enough faculty, classrooms, computers, parking space, and seats to accommodate everyone. Classes already get snatched up fast and a lot of folks who wait too long to register are assed out because there simply isn't a class open to them.
They've got to settle for the wait-list and for folks to drop out of a class for a seat to open up.
So PLEASE pray tell, how are we going to accommodate everyone?
The best professors' classes are snatched up early. Then folks are left with the riff raff of the community college teaching world. I'm talking professors who can barely speak English (think foreign Indian types) and have HORRIBLE interpersonal skills that do not help students learn subject matter.
So community colleges are going to have to get more of those types to create classes, why? Because Universities take the best professors, that's why.
A lot of you can't even begin to fathom the logistics at hand here.
Too ******* busy singing kumbaya and we are the world to realize how great an undertaking this would be for so many community colleges.
Wake up.