Pre order to combat bots?

May 27, 2016
I know the concept of supply vs demand, and pretty sure Nike and other makers of products will always try to push “limited” stuff to have more demand than supply..
But you guys think Nike would ever just move to a pre order on some products? They’d get cash right away, and never have any pairs left over, and probably sell more total.. but you guys think that would kill the hype around some shoes?

I always think about this, but pretty sure the marketing guys know more and will keep the current trend going.. the bots just add more hype to their releasss by making it even more “exclusive”..

what are y’all thoughts? I’d know I’d pay full price a few months before I got the shoes I’d I knew they were retail.
This idea has been mentioned. Its a great way for buyers. But preorders would basically mean supply meets demand. Theres always that element of scarity that companies implement to generate hype and interest and they use celebs, influencers etc. to increase demand.
This idea has been mentioned. Its a great way for buyers. But preorders would basically mean supply meets demand. Theres always that element of scarity that companies implement to generate hype and interest, especially with celebs, influencers etc. and also to increase demand.

ya I feel you on that one. Same with any manufactured good I guess. Looking at the auto industry and “limited edition” models of cars makes you realize how they would all tank in price if they didn’t spoon feed it to us. Not that I’m in the market for a super car lol just want nice shoes at retail..

But one can dream I suppose

I’ve thought about buying a bot, but unless you wanna become a reseller, the costs associated will be the same as you buying on the secondary market at inflated prices. Then I try to justify how some regular shoes produced by some over exploited workers are worth double retail... to each their own

But it’s all like you said, scarcity
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