POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

Holly didn't answer the door...she was sitting on the couch and Julio was already inside meaning he has a key or access code :lol:

She triflin but Tommy is a clown

:rofl: @ this Kanan d riding...only thing that was actually good was the looks on his face during that table scene.
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Anyone surprised that Ghost and Tasha pay RENT? I'd expect them to have a mortgage or something :lol:. All that money they got.

Same thing I thought when he said "rent"
A lot of people won't notice if they themselves don't really compute the difference between a mortgage and rent.
A lot less risk involved when you're just renting a condo/apartment versus dropping a huge down payment on a crib. And with their family and money, they would've probably gotten a mini mansion or something crazy.

Plus it's NYC, everybody rents.
Club owners and Business owners don't rent.
I think it was just a mistake in the script to be honest.
I think Ghost had that face cause he couldn't wash the drug money with the club money
Yea he wanted to wash the money like he used to.

If someone's at your door you answer in your underwear? No. Especially as a female... And the. To invite them in?! Nah

I didn't catch that was Sean's mom. That's gross to hear your parents getting it in lol
Yea when he came down the steps he said something like "your mom always had the best piece of *** in NY". That's why he was making that face and turned the volume up too :lol:

She on Empire and Power...man. When she was like keep it down I dont want the kids to hear and then the camera goes downstairs and it's just Sean watching tv :lol:
Club owners and Business owners don't rent.
I think it was just a mistake in the script to be honest.

Says who?

Better question where do you live?

A drug dealing Club owner doesnt have enough clean cash to be able to put down 20% for a down payment.

Remember he didnt even have enough to move Truth when he got in trouble after the shooting.

Manhattan Co-op and building boards are very strict and they would be all in his finances so it makes sense to rent to stay under the radar

Edit i see you are from Oklahoma. Its a whole new world up here you dont understand
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She on Empire and Power...man. When she was like keep it down I dont want the kids to hear and then the camera goes downstairs and it's just Sean watching tv :lol:
Yea she is Taraji sister or home girl on Empire too. :lol:

Yea I know people with Rovers, Porsche, etc and pay rent on condos and townhouses and stuff. Makes it easier to move and not hebe tied to it if they ever want to change locations and stuff. That and they don't have to be worried about homeowner issues and maintenance for the most part.
If a successful NYC club owner can't afford a mortgage, something is off, and that's whether you are in NYC or OKC. Basics. I think it was a script mistake not an intention. Everything he does is by the book outside of the drugs. It wouldnt make sense for him to cross his t's and not dot his i's, by paying rent when it's clear he, (or at least he was) was trying to get more into the Legit Club life and Tasha was pushing the Kingpin.
He made the decision to rent when things were going great, not after his club was taken, and that doesn't make sense to me.

Like Tasha pointed out, she was struggling to pay the bills that "had to be paid with checks" based on what's coming in now. School etc.

It wasn't like that before.

I won't even get in to the %20 down payment because then we will really derail the thread.
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But, like you said slicknick, maybe life in NyC is just a new World that I don't understand.
I can live with that.
He has enough dirty money to buy a home not enough CLEAN money. Do you know how much he would have to put down for a condo like that in NYC? Did you see how he had to pay off the agent, blogger, and rapper with dirty money?
He has enough dirty money to buy a home not enough CLEAN money. Do you know how much he would have to put down for a condo like that in NYC? Did you see how he had to pay off the agent, blogger, and rapper with dirty money?

Has little to do with location but common sense.

Calling him a successful club owner is a stretch anyway...he owns laundry mat(s) and runs a club out of a building he also rents.

Gotta love NT financial experts :lol:
Holly is shady and Tommy to damn dumb to notice it. She flirting with his man when he was tryna get outta there.

50 is killing it. :pimp:

Ghost slippin on his pimpin. Got kicked outta his own house. :smh: :lol:

I thought LaLa knockers was bigger :frown:
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Yea Lala bra game must real strong because I thought they were bigger than that as well. Unless there was some post production touch-up done to them...
Has little to do with location but common sense.

Calling him a successful club owner is a stretch anyway...he owns laundry mat(s) and runs a club out of a building he also rents.

Gotta love NT financial experts :lol:

Who said I was an expert? Gotta love #NTExtremes [emoji]128530[/emoji].
I think his work background has more to do with it I don't think he would be able to get a loan. How doesn't it have to do with location? More expensive to get something like that in NYC than in the south.
Holly is shady and Tommy to damn dumb to notice it. She flirting with his man when he was tryna get outta there.

She wasn't flirting though she's stupid and entitled.

Because Tommy opened his mouth she thinks she's apart of the crew she thought Ghost was sending her on a money run instead of paying her to leave town :rofl: :rofl:
If a successful NYC club owner can't afford a mortgage, something is off, and that's whether you are in NYC or OKC. Basics. I think it was a script mistake not an intention. Everything he does is by the book outside of the drugs. It wouldnt make sense for him to cross his t's and not dot his i's, by paying rent when it's clear he, (or at least he was) was trying to get more into the Legit Club life and Tasha was pushing the Kingpin.
He made the decision to rent when things were going great, not after his club was taken, and that doesn't make sense to me.

Like Tasha pointed out, she was struggling to pay the bills that "had to be paid with checks" based on what's coming in now. School etc.

It wasn't like that before.

I won't even get in to the %20 down payment because then we will really derail the thread.

He isnt a successful club owner just yet. Remember he just opened the club not too long ago. He was on the path the reason for the club was to have enough clean money to to be able to do the things you are talking about.

In regards to the 20% most if not all co op boards require you to put 20% down on top of having a 6-24 months of mortgage and maintenance in the bank. We talking about at least a 5 million dollar apartment they living in. That is a lot of clean money and there is no way he was getting that from laundry mats.
Has little to do with location but common sense.

Calling him a successful club owner is a stretch anyway...he owns laundry mat(s) and runs a club out of a building he also rents.

Gotta love NT financial experts :lol:

Who said I was an expert? Gotta love #NTExtremes [emoji]128530[/emoji].
I think his work background has more to do with it I don't think he would be able to get a loan. How doesn't it have to do with location? More expensive to get something like that in NYC than in the south.

I wasn't referring to you...I quoted your post in agreement.

Gotta love NT financial experts
Which is also what you are claiming to be.

 In regards to the 20% most if not all co op boards require you to put 20% down on top of having a 6-24 months of mortgage and maintenance in the bank. We talking about at least a 5 million dollar apartment they living in. That is a lot of clean money and there is no way he was getting that from laundry mats.
But, like you said slicknick, maybe life in NyC is just a new World that I don't understand.
I can live with that.
Exactly why I followed up my initial post with this..

Perhaps I am just not understanding NYC life....

I digress
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In regards to the 20% most if not all co op boards require you to put 20% down on top of having a 6-24 months of mortgage and maintenance in the bank. We talking about at least a 5 million dollar apartment they living in. That is a lot of clean money and there is no way he was getting that from laundry mats.

But, like you said slicknick, maybe life in NyC is just a new World that I don't understand.

I can live with that.
Exactly why I followed up my initial post with this..
Perhaps I am just not understanding NYC life....
I digress

No harm in information

Everybody wins here

Back to the Power discussion
I wasn't referring to you...I quoted your post in agreement.

Word mybad then.

slicknick951 slicknick951 broke it down perfectly. He would have had to be in the club business successfully for at least 4 years to purchase a home like that.

So who does everyone think is gonna get knocked off first?
My girl wants Tasha to go :lol:.
I'm think Holly is gonna go first unless feds keep her as a CI.
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