POWER THREAD (Sun., Starz)

I wonder why it’s not advertised as “who killed ghost” rather than “who shot ghost”

news reported him killed but who knows....
Keep in mind, the writer herself during the last summer said Angie wasn’t dead... yet she died :lol: all we saw was her getting shot and she point blank said she’s not dead

ghost probably dead, news wouldn’t lie nor protect someone so

but it’s power, he’s alive, he was never shot, and he prob becomes president of the United States

I saw a lot of hate for this episode, i personally liked it, and aside from the bad acting, i like it because it showed us how it all lead to ghost being shot, sometimes those episodes are needed to see the other side of the coin, I remember a show like that forgot the name but every episode was from someones point of view that led up to the finale when something went down.

It was movie called Vantage Point with Forest Whitaker and Dennis Quaid
They sprayed him with the flammable liquid as well. Also probably whatever they use to mop the floors

And his dumb *** stood there getting his belly button soaked with said fluid.
This is prison I don't think they will allow flammable liquid in the facility. They don't even want these cats with shoe laces because of the ideas they can think of.
So all I gotta do to evade the Feds is let them know I gotta piss and can't hold it

I just want to know how Dre Wick is so nice with the guns, can shank a corner boy in broad day light, eat a gunshot wound to the shoulder and not grimace for a whole episode, KO the female FBI agent with same right arm, get locked up and start a fight with a Latin King but yet is running from little spank and 2 bit while locked up.
I just want to know how Dre Wick is so nice with the guns, can shank a corner boy in broad day light, eat a gunshot wound to the shoulder and not grimace for a whole episode, KO the female FBI agent with same right arm, get locked up and start a fight with a Latin King but yet is running from little spank and 2 bit while locked up.
Bruh ....

I have said this **** many times ...

It goes for all the characters man.

Remember how Ghost and Tommy were always scare and paying money to the Serbs and that herb italian dude.

Then you see Dre scare for his life of Tommy and Ghost on some episodes not others but lord and behold he is willing to shot it out with the Serbs.

Like how you not scared of the people you scared are scared off.

******* dumb ****.
Dre's BM was in the season 5 finale in bed with him when the two dudes ran up on them smashing. Daughter was in the next room

Which doesn't explain why she never went to claim her child when Saxe and them took her from Dre :smh: All the inconsistencies, bad writing, bad acting, and just straight up garbage plot is a sign this show has been on the air far too long. They should have ended it by season 3 or 4. Seems like 50 and that chick didn't have a clear outline of where the show should begin and end. They just fly by the seat of their pants, unfortunately.

The only entertaining thing about this show is how much we trash it in here :rofl: I'm done with it, I'll just read the comments in here to get a good laugh. So far, no show has disappointed me like Dexter has. This is coming really close, smh. But it's our fault though. We allowed 50 and shorty to think we were dumb enough to gobble up any and everything they threw at us. It's like Trump's election bid. We chuckled at the idea of him running for president. Laughed it off, and didn't take **** seriously. We ignored all the signs and then boom! He's our president, and Dre is able to convince and FBI agent that it makes sense for him to take a piss in the dark by himself :lol:
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