possible Nike.Com Jordan restock tomorrow (4/19) at 10am???

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half of the inventory have already been taken by friends and family...

they are only taking this long to see if their cousin's uncles aunts nieces grandkids godson wants a pair also

and then they will drop the restock with size 15 & up
It could be a possibility with even the product line manager getting caught stealing from the company, anything is possible with Nike.
So is there anybody with any leaked info out there? Just trying to see if there is any helpful info out there at all. After following this thread from the start, I have not seen one fact about the new date or if there even is one. I just want to know so bad.
 you havent followed this thread from the start 
Why do you write in blue? Just like the cat that writes in green all the time. We get it, your posts are special. 
Yah but if you work at a big corporate IT, where a lot of your workers are in different locations, states, countries. Some of which English is not even their 2nd, 5th language, then you would understand stuff like this does happen on the larger corporate level. Lack of communication, or lack of knowledge on what person/team is responsible for what is sometimes the big killer.

I know it's definitely like that where I work.
I guess that a valid point but what about the Foams and lows? They've had previous issues with releases and promptly announced they'd drop the next week. Are they that adamant on dropping them the same day and fixing server issues? Push one back a week and the other 2 weeks. It's not rocket science. This would relieve super heavy traffic problems. Then again, with the no announcement of the restock everyone is on edge and their site will get hammered on each release until then. Even if it's not to purchase they'll get hits just to see if it's dropped. At least that's my two cents. =/
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Yea it helps alot bro. Especially when he's a computer X-Box freak lol. He's pretty much got me all my purchases in the last few months. He's pretty good 

lol, ima get my kids programming from the start, so they can just take care of my releases as well

True dat, I'm just trying to see if there's anything at all out there. I'm tired of waiting haha

the only time someone is going to share info in here that is useful is when they say

Seniority....plus I feel like alot of the new comers are hypebeast/resellers
so you think that collecting sneakers as a hobby should only be available for the OG sneaker heads and should die with them and anyone not from that time will not have the same opportunity? smdh
I think if you followed the thread, you would know what info is out there, and what info we are all waiting for...aint nothin shakin in here bruh. join the party. 
I think if you followed the thread, you would know what info is out there, and what info we are all waiting for...aint nothin shakin in here bruh. join the party. 
No I know there's nothing out there open to the public, idk, I guess I was hoping for a miracle, but whatev, it'll happen sometime
So is there anybody with any leaked info out there? Just trying to see if there is any helpful info out there at all. After following this thread from the start, I have not seen one fact about the new date or if there even is one. I just want to know so bad.
I'm pretty sure why there has been no info leaked is bc Nike is cracking down on stuff like that bc of the dude who was getting samples and selling them for $20k each.
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