Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

It saddens me and proves how lost negros are thinking not shopping won't shake up the injustice we received. Been seeing statues and gram posts for past few days giving excuses why they still shopping Black Friday.

 We totally underestimate our buying power or just so sucked into the life of being fresh and fly. Economic empowerment will cause companies like the aforementioned to invest in reform. These companies basically pay for laws they want via lobbyists. You think if their customers stop buying and want change they wont work in their interest? They don't care who is buying, all money is green, give them a reason to care about you.
Too many idiots in here won't understand what you're saying.
Nah they not idiots bro. Let's help each other. Some folks just need to be awoken again. We can't advance leaving peers behind, strength in numbers.
You guys say money talks but some of these companies and lobbyists would rather have less money + no black people shopping there. If those scumbags are the guys we're counting on for reform, it's going to be a very long process.
need to be out here burning down these news stations. foxnews first please
You guys say money talks but some of these companies and lobbyists would rather have less money + no black people shopping there. If those scumbags are the guys we're counting on for reform, it's going to be a very long process.
exactly. they dont even want black business. **** is crazy
Yall do realize that on Black Friday, they are selling luxury items for dirt cheap. Do you think they WANT us out there, standing in line, making it harder for them to cop a new TV?

You doing all this to boycotting, but you still paying your rent. Still paying your utilities. Still putting gas in your car. Still giving money to those who have WAYYYYYY more power in this country than some Sony, Panasonic, Best Buy and Wal Mart put together.

If you gonna do something, do it right. A lot of what people are saying are emotional responses. We need to sit down and think of some REAL **** to do to fix our situation.

My question is when are ****** gonna realize everything about them is exactly what white people want them to be? Poor, uneducated and angry, giving white people something do, giving white people someone to pay. That stupid *** riot that just justifies the polices feels and reactions towards blacks. Even this dumbass boycott talk of irrelevant things, walking right into the trap. :smh:

We disappoint me wayyyyyyyyyy more than the police.
You guys say money talks but some of these companies and lobbyists would rather have less money + no black people shopping there. If those scumbags are the guys we're counting on for reform, it's going to be a very long process.
You are clearly thinking of like a black man in Gucci. That is a minority of the dollar circulation.

But your dollar means a lot, that's why big retailers in the hood take WIC and Food stamps. Those are the dollars which are circulated into our hoods and we give them right back.
Stores don't stop taking money after this Friday; so if you're on the stop spending with them train, do it for good. 1 day will not matter much.
A few of you dont agree with economic boycott what do suggest then? I really want to know, folks shooting something down and not giving an alternative.
White people dont need to do ****. They in 1st place.
Why make it a black and white thing tho?
go on twitter type in @leslifrye and just scroll

she had a series of tweets last night when the news broke

her tweets quickly spread across twitter and started to trend

by the time buildings was burning in the middle of the night the twitter universe found:

her address

her school address

her cell number

her schools number

her principal and guidance counselors email

apparently she has applied to colleges and the students at those universities have written emails to the universities to not accept her

people have called her high school non stop this morning and her principal has been hearing out all the calls

And that my friends is how you hold racists accountable.
Yall do realize that on Black Friday, they are selling luxury items for dirt cheap. Do you think they WANT us out there, standing in line, making it harder for them to cop a new TV?

You doing all this to boycotting, but you still paying your rent. Still paying your utilities. Still putting gas in your car. Still giving money to those who have WAYYYYYY more power in this country than some Sony, Panasonic, Best Buy and Wal Mart put together.

If you gonna do something, do it right. A lot of what people are saying are emotional responses. We need to sit down and think of some REAL **** to do to fix our situation.

My question is when are ****** gonna realize everything about them is exactly what white people want them to be? Poor, uneducated and angry, giving white people something do, giving white people someone to pay. That stupid *** riot that just justifies the polices feels and reactions towards blacks. Even this dumbass boycott talk of irrelevant things, walking right into the trap. :smh:

We disappoint me wayyyyyyyyyy more than the police.
Look it u dont want to then fine
But stop persuading or trying to persuade people who want to
Let them do what they want
White people dont need to do ****. They in 1st place.

WE need to quit worring about them, trying to gain acceptance and get our own **** together.
I agree...

And I know you're aware of inherent barriers black people have...

I just want to get that out there before someone attacks you.
Yall do realize that on Black Friday, they are selling luxury items for dirt cheap. Do you think they WANT us out there, standing in line, making it harder for them to cop a new TV?

You doing all this to boycotting, but you still paying your rent. Still paying your utilities. Still putting gas in your car. Still giving money to those who have WAYYYYYY more power in this country than some Sony, Panasonic, Best Buy and Wal Mart put together.

If you gonna do something, do it right. A lot of what people are saying are emotional responses. We need to sit down and think of some REAL **** to do to fix our situation.

My question is when are ****** gonna realize everything about them is exactly what white people want them to be? Poor, uneducated and angry, giving white people something do, giving white people someone to pay. That stupid *** riot that just justifies the polices feels and reactions towards blacks. Even this dumbass boycott talk of irrelevant things, walking right into the trap.

We disappoint me wayyyyyyyyyy more than the police.
Not sure what's going on up top, but almost agree with the other part. Rioting doesn't justify cop's feelings and reactions towards blacks. Rioting is a result of those feelings and actions. I'm sure they are looking at the riots saying, "see, I told your they were animals." But it doesn't justify the unnecessary murder of Mike Brown. 
go on twitter type in @leslifrye and just scroll

she had a series of tweets last night when the news broke

her tweets quickly spread across twitter and started to trend

by the time buildings was burning in the middle of the night the twitter universe found:

her address

her school address

her cell number

her schools number

her principal and guidance counselors email

apparently she has applied to colleges and the students at those universities have written emails to the universities to not accept her

people have called her high school non stop this morning and her principal has been hearing out all the calls

And that my friends is how you hold racists accountable.


If they are dumb enough to spew that crap publicly I have no sympathy for them.
White people dont need to do ****. They in 1st place.


Why make it a black and white thing tho?



Okay I agree stupid thing to say since it obviously is a black and white thing

But I mean some progress has to be made

Oscar grant, Jordan Davis, trayvon Martin, Michael brown, I mean these cops just go free every goddamn time. And wannabe fake cop Zimmerman is still ****** around in Florida.

Cameras on all cops,

Somehow make them more accountable (don't know if it's possible)

I just hate to see this happen every goddamn day.
they so slick

yall want cops wearing cameras now

but cops cant be everywhere 24/7

cameras can

they gonna use this to advocate for surveillance everywhere
But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention.

And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.
Grosse Pointe High School,
March 14, 1968
Mont. Bus Boycott shut that cities bus economy down!!!... so power is in money.. since they say blacks spend alot.. if we shifted it and circulated.. we could increase our own wealth instead of just GIVING it back to them.
The Montgomery Bus Boycott, a seminal event in the U.S. civil rights movement
, was a political and social protest
campaign against the policy of racial segregation
 on the public transit system of Montgomery

they went directly at the source of their concern 
so i ask again what does bestbuy,footlocker or ect
have to do with police brutality 

Police brutality is just another branch off social and economic tree of America. Slump in retail sales effect the economy directly, which trickles down to the cash flow of THE MAN and the real powers that be. Thinking that a collective boycott has no adverse effects on the agenda of yhe 1% is mind numbing.
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