Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Can we boycott cops? I mean is there another alternative? I remember I read an article back in August about how a county mandated that all cops wear cameras, crime or some **** went down. Not exactly that, but I'm sure someone has seen that article floating around.

I think it should be mandatory across the whole country, if you're going to "protect and serve" you must wear a camera. Too many people misuse there power.
with the cameras on cops.. places where they dont want that behind closed doors they find ways to make the mayor look bad and the such.. one of the counties near where i live has body cameras on all cops.. no issues there and people are totally fine with it.. but if its a city or county where theres major curruption.. they dont want that to fly.. look at the case in dade county where the deputy pulled over a srgt.. the srgt was in a personal vehicle got in the deputys face and punched him.. it was a clear case for the deputy but because the deputy had his own personal camera he got suspended for that even though he was in every right to defend himself against the srgt who refused to be corrected of his wrong doings.. ill find the article and post it soon.
Today is the day to REACT, so I wonder what the voter turnout will be today? People are angry and want to riot but today is the day that actually will make the difference for the future of Ferguson.

Last I read, the Fannie Lou Hamer Coalition was urging the black demographic to turn against Democrat Steve Stenger and endorse Republican Rick Stream for St. Louis County executive


Quoting myself from election day Nov 6. Democrat Stenger won by the way so basically the same ol same ol continue!

Want to fix the problems? Start electing better representatives!


Of 24,334 registered voters, 10,222 cast ballots in Tuesday's election, a turnout of slightly more than 42%, according to an initial tally.
There wasn't a wave of new voters, either, as only 204 residents registered to vote between August 11, the Monday after Brown was shot, and October 8, the registration deadline for Tuesday's election, said Rita Days, St. Louis County's director of elections. Fifty-six additional residents have registered since October 8, she said.

It's a start...but ALL police should have to wear body cameras. How does a bill like that get passed? I really have no clue...is this where Obama could step in?

Usually the county's city council and the Mayor signs the legislation. Obama Administration is not concern about local politics and laws.
A few of you dont agree with economic boycott what do suggest then? I really want to know, folks shooting something down and not giving an alternative.


I have read of so many wars and political crises it is as if I lived through many of them. The first few things to do is to burn the stores of police sympathizers and to make an appeal to the President and ask that his Justice Department to charge Darren Wilson on civil rights charges.

I doubt that either will transpire. This war will be decided by patience and persistence. This is like a long blockade or a siege. Black people and progressives must turn out and vote for the farthest left candidates possible. We should try to produce our own candidates wherever we can.

We must take control of primaries, municipal elections, county elections, State elections and once we capture enough towns and shires, we can select a president of our choosing. This conflict will only end when we have built from the ground up. Placing a genuine progressive on our civic throne is not our cornerstone, it will be our shinning capstone.
Can we boycott cops? I mean is there another alternative? I remember I read an article back in August about how a county mandated that all cops wear cameras, crime or some **** went down. Not exactly that, but I'm sure someone has seen that article floating around.

I think it should be mandatory across the whole country, if you're going to "protect and serve" you must wear a camera. Too many people misuse there power.
I dont understand that 
boycott black friday logic either 
as if your not going to spend any money this holiday season at all 
one day boycott tf :lol:  
in retail, black friday is the most critical day of the year.

some shops get upwards of 10% of their yearly sales from this weekend....

It would cripple their sales, which leads to targets missed, which leads to earnings missed, which leads to stock depreciation, which leads to lowered company value, which leads to less cash for lobbying.

a bit of a reach, but that's how far money extends.


Lobbyists that fund the politicians campaigns make the real decisions in government. Lobbyists are paid by the corporations. By hurting their bottom line it encourages them to affect change.

Edit: Black Friday is a big deal because most retailers are in the red (deficit) all year. After Thanksgiving is when companies go into the black (profit). It is absolutely a big deal.
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Can we boycott cops? I mean is there another alternative? I remember I read an article back in August about how a county mandated that all cops wear cameras, crime or some **** went down. Not exactly that, but I'm sure someone has seen that article floating around.

I think it should be mandatory across the whole country, if you're going to "protect and serve" you must wear a camera. Too many people misuse there power.
One of the first complaints they will bring up with cameras on officers is the cost. If we are able to raise the money to cover the expenses we can remove a lot of their excuses

Yall do realize that on Black Friday, they are selling luxury items for dirt cheap. Do you think they WANT us out there, standing in line, making it harder for them to cop a new TV?

You doing all this to boycotting, but you still paying your rent. Still paying your utilities. Still putting gas in your car. Still giving money to those who have WAYYYYYY more power in this country than some Sony, Panasonic, Best Buy and Wal Mart put together.

If you gonna do something, do it right. A lot of what people are saying are emotional responses. We need to sit down and think of some REAL **** to do to fix our situation.

My question is when are ****** gonna realize everything about them is exactly what white people want them to be? Poor, uneducated and angry, giving white people something do, giving white people someone to pay. That stupid *** riot that just justifies the polices feels and reactions towards blacks. Even this dumbass boycott talk of irrelevant things, walking right into the trap. :smh:

We disappoint me wayyyyyyyyyy more than the police.

Dirt cheap is a stretch. But they do want us out there, selling 10 tv's compared to 50 is a great deal. Yea this isn't going to solve it all but in the mean time of coming to long term plan, this is a good start. If not, what would you suggest?
Today is the day to REACT, so I wonder what the voter turnout will be today? People are angry and want to riot but today is the day that actually will make the difference for the future of Ferguson.

Last I read, the Fannie Lou Hamer Coalition was urging the black demographic to turn against Democrat Steve Stenger and endorse Republican Rick Stream for St. Louis County executive


Quoting myself from election day Nov 6. Democrat Stenger won by the way so basically the same ol same ol continue!

Want to fix the problems? Start electing better representatives!


Of 24,334 registered voters, 10,222 cast ballots in Tuesday's election, a turnout of slightly more than 42%, according to an initial tally.
There wasn't a wave of new voters, either, as only 204 residents registered to vote between August 11, the Monday after Brown was shot, and October 8, the registration deadline for Tuesday's election, said Rita Days, St. Louis County's director of elections. Fifty-six additional residents have registered since October 8, she said.

It's a start...but ALL police should have to wear body cameras. How does a bill like that get passed? I really have no clue...is this where Obama could step in?

Usually the county's city council and the Mayor signs the legislation. Obama Administration is not concern about local politics and laws.

Yea, I get what happens on a local level....but for cameras to be required of ALL sworn-in officers (nationwide), isn't that something that Obama could mandate?
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basically... a hedge fund manager got upset that the lines were long at Hertz...

Called up his other hedge fund buddies and threatened to pull their investment.

Interim CEO asked to step down, and virtually no line in hertz a few months later...

to yall saying money doesnt matter... and sales dont matter...


basically... a hedge fund manager got upset that the lines were long at Hertz...

Called up his other hedge fund buddies and threatened to pull their investment.

Interim CEO asked to step down, and virtually no line in hertz a few months later...

to yall saying money doesnt matter... and sales dont matter...


But look who is making the threats. Someone who probably brings home a $25,000,000 bonus on 12/25 every year. Obviously money talks and matters...but it depends on the person, or people BEHIND the money.

People are going to shop on Black Friday.
Can we boycott cops? I mean is there another alternative? I remember I read an article back in August about how a county mandated that all cops wear cameras, crime or some **** went down. Not exactly that, but I'm sure someone has seen that article floating around.

I think it should be mandatory across the whole country, if you're going to "protect and serve" you must wear a camera. Too many people misuse there power.
blacks need to re create a NEW Eatonton,GA aka Tama Re.. Aka Egypt of the East.. when they had the lawsuit on Dr York.. blacks who were going to be forced to help those who want to testify against him they backed out of the case this guy had group economics and resources and they had to get him locked up.
its only a matter of time till people dont care, and start shooting cops. and just taking the jailtime. 
Why were there no cameras in the police car? I live in a borderline podunk town and all of our cruisers are required to have cameras installed.

Lobbyists that fund the politicians campaigns make the real decisions in government. Lobbyists are paid by the corporations. By hurting their bottom line it encourages them to affect change.

Edit: Black Friday is a big deal because most retailers are in the red (deficit) all year. After Thanksgiving is when companies go into the black (profit). It is absolutely a big deal.
ok I understand that

but check this out in retail when they start loosing money to the point they have to

make changes guess who it affects more 

it will hit him waaaayyyyyyy before any politician 

it aint nothing to cut that ***** off 
A few of you dont agree with economic boycott what do suggest then? I really want to know, folks shooting something down and not giving an alternative.
An economic boycott would be great, if we could really do it not just for a day or week. It starts with getting people like Giuliani out of power. Dude was the mayor of the biggest city in this country and feels comfortable enough to say the ******** he was saying on television the other day. 

"White police officers won't be there if you weren't killing each other 70 percent of the time,"

"The danger to a black child -- if it was my child -- the danger is another black.”

"I used to look at our crime reduction, and the reason we reduced homicide by 65 percent is because we reduced it in the black community......Because there is virtually no homicide in the white community."

With guys like this in power, and he's just one of many, guys like the cop who killed Mike Brown have nothing to fear. 

Someone broke into my home once. I lived in a nice neighborhood. There were just a lot of kids (18-23 year olds) that lived with their parents there with nothing to do all day. They left a lot of stuff there, watches, shoes, computers, cash (that they must have overlooked) so I was convinced they would be back. The next day my wife went to work, I took my son to school and parked my car at one of my wife's friend's house. If someone came in that house without ringing my doorbell and knocking several times they would have gotten shot. I would have shot them at least once in the leg and made them stay until the police arrived. I have no doubt in my mind that I would have been cleared because the shooting was justifiable.

These men killing young black men for no real reason feel the same way I felt because it's been shown to the world that even though the black males aren't putting you in life or death situations, killing them is easily justified because they're black and in the two most known cases seem to have supernatural strength. 


So if we can start this with an economic boycott that would be great, but I think we have to get the men in power (political or through speech) out. The things that have been said on FoxNews and CNN have been disgusting. People with power give people like that guy in Florida or this cop in MO the balls to do **** like this without fear of consequence. Those people should go. 

Got off topic a bit but I tend to rant on subjects like this.

Happy Thanksgiving

Prayers and thoughts to all those affected.
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We all know what's happened in Ferguson, Missouri in the last few hours. Well, during their Run The Jewels tour  stop in St. Louis last night the always outspoken  Killer Mike almost lost it while emotionally speaking on the events that had unfolded that very night in the neighboring city, fearing for his family's future and declaring that it is "us against the machine." Watch his impassioned speech below.

On CNN showing Brown's stepdad yelling "Burn this ***** down."

This finna go sideways and the fact that there was no justice in this case is going to be forgotten.
yea.... popping off the round from inside the car leads me to believe the incident started off exactly how the cop said it did...

and adrenaline led him to continue shooting when mike brown was surrendering/falling down.

I don't think this is an example of murder
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how is the last resort the first action taken? 
yea.... popping off the round from inside the car leads me to believe the incident started off exactly how the cop said it did...

and adrenaline led him to continue shooting when mike brown was surrendering/falling down.

I don't think this is an example of murder
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