Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

yea.... popping off the round from inside the car leads me to believe the incident started off exactly how the cop said it did...

and adrenaline led him to continue shooting when mike brown was surrendering/falling down.

I don't think this is an example of murder
...After running 153 ft away from the car,

you can't see this as a murder?
Cops in america are supposed to be highly trained and have adequate hand to hand training and this guy who is in shape and in his prime Couldnt stop a kid 153 away from him .Or be smart enough to call back up or tazer him
There are a few pictures that have my attention. That being the blood trail on the ground.

It appears the trail is evident of direction Brown was running.

As you can see here. Browns head is facing the direction of Wilsons truck. Notice the blood forming into a triangle towards the truck
View media item 1275649

Here we have blood from Brown. It appears to be dripping (19,20), and by the distance of the drops, he appeared to have been running.
Above the image, you can see where Brown was shot and fell. Notice the blood forming a triangle indicating the truck is also at the top of the picture but out of frame.
View media item 1275651

What I want to know is which direction does the blood droplets indicate Brown was going.
Was it from when he was running away, or was it because he was actually charging. Im going to do my own exprieriment with fake blood and see how it behaves when someone is running
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If the situation when down as described Wilson is still a sucker if he let a kid hemm him up. So the video from the construction workers was no good for the prosecutors. That dude is such a fraud I was so tight when he was talking last night.
I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate here, and I hope nobody calls me a troll or Uncle Tom.

I didn't watch the coverage on CNN last night, but I listened to the discussion of the events and coverage on NPR this morning.

Basically the consensus is that Mike attacked the police officer and tried to grab his gun, or at least this is my understanding of the consensus.

It's understood that police testimony is usually given the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. But if this is what happened, I don't see the "injustice".

Trust, I certainly believe that the police as an institution exists in order to commit violence upon citizens. I believe that young black men are indeed unjustly murdered on more than acceptable occasions. This was never in doubt for me.

Police aren't trained to use kung fu batman moves if they're attacked. They are equipped with guns.

BUT, if this dude in fact attacked a cop and tried to grab his gun, I don't see very many scenarios in which he isn't shot.

So someone aware me or make the situation clearer for me

(By the way, the same convenience store that Mike robbed was looted and destroyed last night :smh:)
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cops are supposed ot be highly trained, but they're not. they're mostly underachieving schlubs.

the standards for police officers are pretty low. you don't need much to become a cop or to be handed a gun
...After running 153 ft away from the car,

you can't see this as a murder?
To be sure of how i feel about what happened i need to know:

how many feet did he chase him in that 153?

how many feet were between them when he started firing?

how many feet were between them when he stopped firing?

I see differing accounts of these three things... I'm holding off on assuming murder until this info is verified?

The shot/shots fired into the cops door kinda lead credibility to the beginning of his story, so i'm less likely to see the rest of his story as a lie...

I only felt like this after seeing the pics of the door... until this point i felt it was an obvious murder and the cop was lying 100%

Now I'm rethinking everything
Was Mike Brown on PCP?

That is the only way Wilson's story makes any sense.

Mike Brown never had a record, was starting college the very next day but decided the day before starting college that he wanted to have a fist fight with a cop.

After being shot, ran away and then turned back around and ran at the same cop who was still shooting at him.

That's insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...After running 153 ft away from the car,

you can't see this as a murder?
To be sure of how i feel about what happened i need to know:

how many feet did he chase him in that 153?

how many feet were between them when he started firing?

how many feet were between them when he stopped firing?

I see differing accounts of these three things... I'm holding off on assuming murder until this info is verified?

The shot/shots fired into the cops door kinda lead credibility to the beginning of his story, so i'm less likely to see the rest of his story as a lie...

I only felt like this after seeing the pics of the door... until this point i felt it was an obvious murder and the cop was lying 100%

Now I'm rethinking everything
Michael Brown was fleeing.

He was no longer within the 35 feet that allows police to use lethal force.

You cannot fear for you life if an individual you KNOW  is unarmed is no longer in your immediate proximity...
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I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate here, and I hope nobody calls me a troll or Uncle Tom.

I didn't watch the coverage on CNN last night, but I listened to the discussion of the events and coverage on NPR this morning.

Basically the consensus is that Mike attacked the police officer and tried to grab his gun, or at least this is my understanding of the consensus.

It's understood that police testimony is usually given the benefit of the doubt in situations like this. But if this is what happened, I don't see the "injustice".

Trust, I certainly believe that the police as an institution exists in order to commit violence upon citizens. I believe that young black men are indeed unjustly murdered on more than acceptable occasions. This was never in doubt for me.

Police aren't trained to use kung fu batman moves if they're attacked. They are equipped with guns.

BUT, if this dude in fact attacked a cop and tried to grab his gun, I don't see very many scenarios in which he isn't shot.

So someone aware me or make the situation clearer for me

(By the way, the same convenience store that Mike robbed was looted and destroyed last night
It's hard to even talk about the situation because the cops been lying to much you don't know what to believe.

After the situation happened the chief said that Wilson was not aware of the store robbery. In his testimony however Wilson said he stopped him because he was a suspect. If he was the car and attacked why would Mike run away then charge back after his gun is drawn? Why after Mike ran away didn't he call for back up? Dude was a sucker, he was mad Mike roughed him up so he killed him. There are too many accounts of his hands being up for that prosecutor yesterday saying witnesses was discredited. They had it on camera of people saying his hands was up. If Mike did indeed attack him it was wrong but just because Wilson is a cop it doesnt give him the right to take life.
da proof is in da pudding b

No cop is going to discharge his firearm from inside the vehicle unless something happens like what the cops story describes

Dudes ears must have been ringing something mean
Lets say the cop grabbed Brown. Brown tried to break free and the cop pulled his gun out at Brown. Its very possible Brown tried to get the gun out his face.
Its a simple defense mechanism. Fight or Flight.
Wilson's grand jury testimony is either an unbelievable lie or a guy who had no business being a cop in the 1st place based on his account...
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Was Mike Brown on PCP?

That is the only way Wilson's story makes any sense.

Mike Brown never had a record, was starting college the very next day but decided the day before starting college that he wanted to have a fist fight with a cop.

After being shot, ran away and then turned back around and ran at the same cop who was still shooting at him.

That's insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been trying to figure this out myself, Mike must of had some real loud that would make him go bonkers like this. That prosecutor did not try to win, they made up a crazy a**story and got it out b4 the holiday so everyone can enjoy their turkey.
Michael Brown was fleeing.

He was no longer within the 35 feet that allows police to use lethal force.

You cannot fear for you life if an individual you KNOW  is unarmed is no longer in your immediate proximity...
1. where is it written that lethal force is only for within 35 feet? link to source

3. Was he 35 feet away when he started shooting or when he stopped shooting? link to info

4. How long was he chased before the cop started shooting? or was the cop shooting the whole time? link to info
1. where is it written that lethal force is only for within 35 feet? link to source

3. Was he 35 feet away when he started shooting or when he stopped shooting? link to info

4. How long was he chased before the cop started shooting? or was the cop shooting the whole time? link to info
This is why I posted the link to the evidence and testimonies. Its alot to read through, but dont expect to get all your information from social media and news sites.
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