Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

cops are supposed ot be highly trained, but they're not. they're mostly underachieving schlubs.

the standards for police officers are pretty low. you don't need much to become a cop or to be handed a gun
Which begs the question, if the cops are so racist and corrupt, why aren't more black people applying to become police officers?  
why don't you ask yourself why police forces, fire departments and other civil service positions are overwhelmingly composed of caucasian people?

besides it doesn't change much. black cops aren't much better. it's the system that creates these monsters
Doesn't that answer your question 
Actually no it doesn't.  If people are so critical about police officers in general, particularly in an area with a predominantly black population but with the majority of police being white, wouldn't it behoove more black people to become police officers themselves if they want to make a change?  It's easy to play armchair quarterback and point fingers at everyone, especially when you're sitting at home doing absolutely nothing to change things.
Imma use this as a place to get this out and Imma keep it as short as I can...I was taught common sense and street sense...and I gotta say even tho mike shuda neva been murdered like that...anyone who knows the street or has done a lil time know neva make a situation hot...this dude Jacks the corner store for some swishers...all that did was invite the police...once the police get invited then your whole situation screwed...any seasoned og that would seen mike do that would a prolly smackd the ish outta him...the thinking is that why are u creating a situation where u let some scary store clerk have to po po all in our spot ova some swisher foo...now these dummies is in the spot actin a foo..we all know they racist they don't like us so why have them come ova some swishers your to dumb to pay for?....that's how i was taught...its lik wen yur locked up if u doin some dumb ish and got the CO jumpin into everybody bunk your gonna get delt wit cus foos got stuff goin...Mike was a demise of a scary dude with a gun and a badge...believe me Ferguson prolly was wrapped up way tight before mike even got got but the people can't go burn down the hood...there's only a few spot people can work there anyways..now cats is waking up pissed the city smoking like a swisher and someone's like dang we got a lil too turnt up last night and burned down the spot...I mean they done shut down the schools yo...that's not wat the kids need...I'm done
i read this over and somewhat agree to the points you give....

obviously you are too much of a street cat for Niketalkers to take serious but I appreciate your input fam.

If you were on the block that day, you prolly coulda pulled mike's card and kept him alive...
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why don't you ask yourself why police forces, fire departments and other civil service positions are overwhelmingly composed of caucasian people?

besides it doesn't change much. black cops aren't much better. it's the system that creates these monsters
Maybe it's because proportionately there are less black applicants to the police and fire departments than whites?  You ever think of that?
1. where is it written that lethal force is only for within 35 feet? link to source

3. Was he 35 feet away when he started shooting or when he stopped shooting? link to info

4. How long was he chased before the cop started shooting? or was the cop shooting the whole time? link to info

4. in the 148 feet, how far did the cop run, and what was the distance from vehicle he started shooting? link to info

please link me to your evidence for these questions

Wilson had no reason to pursue anywhow,

when the unarmed Brown ran, he had no reason to "fear for his life".
forensic science is junk science btw...nothing beats eyewitness accounts other than 6 eyewitnesses...

Are you kidding me??  It's well known that eyewitness accounts are unreliable - go ask any of the numerous people who were wrongly convicted on false eyewitness accounts, only to be later exonerated by DNA (forensic) evidence.
pretty sure he was joking. At least I hope he was :nerd:
Can't have that mentality, you aren't curious to understand why made they jurors let him walk?
You sound like you believe in the judicial system
No 1 said that but there must be some sort of facts and proof in there to justify the jury decision. Having your negative attitute and not trying to acquire the free public knowledge is doing what for you? We are all upset man but divert that anger toward productivity.
Actually no it doesn't.  If people are so critical about police officers in general, particularly in an area with a predominantly black population but with the majority of police being white, wouldn't it behoove more black people to become police officers themselves if they want to make a change?  It's easy to play armchair quarterback and point fingers at everyone, especially when you're sitting at home doing absolutely nothing to change things.
Maybe it's because proportionately there are less black applicants to the police and fire departments than whites?  You ever think of that?
"If" the police departments are racist then as a racist people wouldn't it make sense for them to not hire black people?....
Are you kidding me??  It's well known that eyewitness accounts are unreliable - go ask any of the numerous people who were wrongly convicted on false eyewitness accounts, only to be later exonerated by DNA (forensic) evidence.


Meanwhile, forensics techniques that have been properly validated — such as serology, commonly known as blood typing — are sometimes improperly conducted or inaccurately conveyed in trial testimony. In some cases, forensic analysts have fabricated results or engaged in other misconduct.

the majority of forensics is junk...they brought in a smell specialist to test the smell of decomposing body for casey anthony for god sakes...
why don't you ask yourself why police forces, fire departments and other civil service positions are overwhelmingly composed of caucasian people?

besides it doesn't change much. black cops aren't much better. it's the system that creates these monsters
Maybe it's because proportionately there are less black applicants to the police and fire departments than whites?  You ever think of that?
i have thought of that but i've also thought about the inherent racism in hiring practices by these kinds of institutions

if you're from nyc, you would know this has been the case for a long time

we're going in circles here. what part are you failing to comprehend?
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Wilson had no reason to pursue anywhow,

when the unarmed Brown ran, he had no reason to "fear for his life".
the evidence you quote for details is a random person's twitter account?

wtf.... where is the SOURCE for the evidence....

Yall acting like yall internet dont work on a forum lol
No 1 said that but there must be some sort of facts and proof in there to justify the jury decision. Having your negative attitute and not trying to acquire the free public knowledge is doing what for you? We are all upset man but divert that anger toward productivity.

Don't talk to me about productivity. I do more for my community and young black kids than most around here.

Go somewhere.
"If" the police departments are racist then as a racist people wouldn't it make sense for them to not hire black people?....
So in other words, because it's ASSumed that the racist police and fire departments won't hire black people anyways, why bother even apply?
not specifically in this case but just because someone was found unarmed doesn't mean there was not reasonable belief that they were.
i read this over and somewhat agree to the points you give....

obviously you are too much of a street cat for Niketalkers to take serious but I appreciate your input fam.

If you were on the block that day, you prolly coulda pulled mike's card and kept him alive...
boom...Mike's still alive and we not tearing the streets up...but we played rite into the hands...they gonna wait til nite falls a read they not gonna charge dude...there a script to this yall and it's bein played out!..
No 1 said that but there must be some sort of facts and proof in there to justify the jury decision. Having your negative attitute and not trying to acquire the free public knowledge is doing what for you? We are all upset man but divert that anger toward productivity.
Don't talk to me about productivity. I do more for my community and young black kids than most around here.

Go somewhere.
Teaching kids your negative mentality. Scary.
Which begs the question, if the cops are so racist and corrupt, why aren't more black people applying to become police officers?  
So in other words, because it's ASSumed that the racist police and fire departments won't hire black people anyways, why bother even apply?
I guess. All I'm saying is that based on your original question "if the cops are so racist and corrupt, why aren't more black people applying?" assuming the "If" part is your hypothetical situation then in that situation I would say why bother apply if I know the police department is racist. Why would the hire me .

Just to be clear I don't think that all police or racist I was just addressing your question. 
1. where is it written that lethal force is only for within 35 feet? link to source

3. Was he 35 feet away when he started shooting or when he stopped shooting? link to info

4. How long was he chased before the cop started shooting? or was the cop shooting the whole time? link to info

4. in the 148 feet, how far did the cop run, and what was the distance from vehicle he started shooting? link to info

please link me to your evidence for these questions
1. There's no distance requirement, but there's a standard the cop has to adhere to. "lethal force when necessary..."

2. He was inches away when Wilson started shooting then he ran. Wilson claimed he ran 30 feet away, then turned and charged 10 feet back towards him. We know this isn't true. Brown's body was facing Wilson's car 150 feet away. That's an inconsistency.

3. Doesn't matter. But Wilson said Brown turned and faced him and then he fired 10-11 more shots. The prosecutor said the same thing.

4.  Huh? Brown fled from Wilson and Wilson chased him and then opened fire again when Brown stopped. We know this because Wilson and several witnesses said so.  Where accounts differ is some said Brown turned with his hands up, other say he turned with his fists balled. Wilson and some other claim he charged.

Wilson alone claims that Brown reached for his waistband as if to produce a weapon and he asked him 2-3 times to get his hands up and to get down and Brown refused so he shot him. Brown again reached for his waistband and kept advancing so he fired more shots.

Michael Brown was unarmed. Why was he reaching for his waist band?

The distance from the car matters because 1. we know Brown was unarmed. 2. So if he's 150 feet away and doesn't have a weapon, what did he do that led wilson to fear for his life so much that he felt the need to fire 11 shots at him?

There's nothing in the evidence that explains this except Wilson's own biased testimony that he was scared and Brown reached for an invisible pistol.

It's all in the grand jury docs. some of them are here http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way...on-docs-how-the-grand-jury-reached-a-decision
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