Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

But it's not just black people out there, even in a lot of the pictures of protest before the decision, there were large amounts of white people along with plenty others. It's a black issue but in its entirety a reflection on the system. 

Don't believe that all the looting begins and ends with just the black people
This. There are white provocateurs setting **** on fire to make it look like black ppl are "destroying their own community". As posted in here earlier, it was confirmed over police scanners that they are looking for a white suspect with an american bandana. Wouldn't hear those facts through the mass media tho. Doesn't fit their agenda.

I'm willing to bet that the black owned businesses weren't burned by the black residents of Ferguson. You would have to be a simpleton to believe that ****.
Could've been burned down by anybody tbh.
National Guard is protecting the Uppity areas. Those fools dont have a clue

it should had been 2 houses burning down.. Wilson and the police chief. Then everybody go home and have a good night rest and back to work in the morning

I laugh when people try to say the National Guard is our militia. :smh:
One of the bigger questions in all of this is why did they wait till nightfall to announce the grand jury's decision instead of the morning or afternoon? It's like they did it on purpose hoping there would be rioting so they could show America "look they're savages just like mike brown"

Supposedly, it was so businesses wouldn't be open and the streets would be empty.

Let's be serious though. They have been agitating, escalating and igniting the situation for the past 100 days. They knew what they were doing.
This. There are white provocateurs setting **** on fire to make it look like black ppl are "destroying their own community". As posted in here earlier, it was confirmed over police scanners that they are looking for a white suspect with an american bandana. Wouldn't hear those facts through the mass media tho. Doesn't fit their agenda.

I'm willing to bet that the black owned businesses weren't burned by the black residents of Ferguson. You would have to be a simpleton to believe that ****.

When all of this initially went down (the first hand full of protests), all the Mike Brown protesters were peaceful. The only people causing trouble were white anarchists. Would not be surprised if these people came back.
Reporter: We're you underprepared for the reaction to a non-indictment?

Police Chief: No, but our men don't have the ability to fully understand everything that goes on when it's dark.

Well then why the **** was the decision made to announce the non-indictment at 8pm???
When all of this initially went down (the first hand full of protests), all the Mike Brown protesters were peaceful. The only people causing trouble were white anarchists. Would not be surprised if these people came back.
I can say for sure best off live streams videos up close, blacks are looting and setting stuff on fire. Even business that have hands up signs on the building and door, now whites may be doing it as well but i have witness blacks doing it within last 30 min
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Who said anything about cooperating with the corrupt politicians in Africa? They are puppets for the west and china and the white man's enablers.

Blacks from the western world have to remove them by force before any progress can be made.

The truth of the matter is, the well being of black people all over the world is tied in with how Africa as a whole is developed.

The way things work in Africa right now is for the benefit of the West (and soon, China). Don't think for a second you will waltz in there with "knowledge and expertise" and the local elite will hand you the keys to the good stuff they're giving European, American, and Asian multinationals.
BTW cops are now tear gassing safe havens like coffee shops and allegedly raiding a church. Both peaceful.
Reporter: We're you underprepared for the reaction to a non-indictment?

Police Chief: No, but our men don't have the ability to fully understand everything that goes on when it's dark.

Well then why the **** was the decision made to announce the non-indictment at 8pm???

My guess is to protect the public that had no intentions to be involved in the shenanigans. The possibility for a lot more innocent bystanders. Given the alternative, the decision being released at night is probably the lesser of two evils.
One of the bigger questions in all of this is why did they wait till nightfall to announce the grand jury's decision instead of the morning or afternoon? It's like they did it on purpose hoping there would be rioting so they could show America "look they're savages just like mike brown"

Supposedly, it was so businesses wouldn't be open and the streets would be empty.

That makes sense. Potential for a lot more chaos with people at work, school, etc.
This is BS and you know it. Daylight deters people from looting and burning ****. Looters and rioters prefer doing **** when it's dark because they can hide and be concealed a lot easier

My guess is to protect the public that had no intentions to be involved in the shenanigans. The possibility for a lot more innocent bystanders. Given the alternative, the decision being released at night is probably the lesser of two evils.
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One of the cnn reporters down there reported that it turned violent because police setup a blockade in the middle of the street. This was after a group started marching peacefully. Police apparently said they couldn't March and for them to go home.
This is BS and you know it. Daylight deters people from looting and burning ****. Looters and rioters prefer doing **** when it's dark because they can hide and be concealed a lot easier
Its what they wanted them to do.. No cops are around now and national guard is guarding those upscale homes and neighborhoods
Except those out there are doing so by choice. That wouldn't be true in the middle of the afternoon. The looting and vandalism was happening regardless...sure, there might be more destruction of property at night, but that's still not the same as injuries to those who want nothing to do with the mayhem.
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Reporter: We're you underprepared for the reaction to a non-indictment?

Police Chief: No, but our men don't have the ability to fully understand everything that goes on when it's dark.

Well then why the **** was the decision made to announce the non-indictment at 8pm???

:lol: you know exactly why
in mob situations like that the police go after the ppl that are weak/hurt/nonresisting especially

they out for blood and anyone in their vicinity is gettin beat
in mob situations like that the police go after the ppl that are weak/hurt/nonresisting especially

they out for blood and anyone in their vicinity is gettin beat

you cant be serious? these idiots out here rioting and 'protesting' are starting fires and being reckless throwing bottles and rocks and shooting guns off. cops are trained on how to handle these situations. they aint picking out specific 'weak' people.

these cops aint the ones who shot that kid they are out there doing their job and trying to protect a town or city or neighborhood. they also gave out warnings to disperse before the tear gas got shot off.
They guarding the heck out of that fire  and police station
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