Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

wait something aint sitting right. she said they burned the reds barbque???

that place is so well known that even I have heard of it down here in florida. why would they burn a black-owned, black-favorite, staple in their community?  thatd be like atlanta having a riot and burning down MLKs house or roscoes chicken n waffles... this isnt making sense at allllll and i dont believe it.
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wait something aint sitting right. she said they burned the reds barbque???

that place is so well known that even I have heard of it down here in florida. why would they burn a black-owned, black-favorite, staple in their community?  thatd be like atlanta having a riot and burning down MLKs house or roscoes chicken n waffles... this isnt making sense at allllll and i dont believe it.

Believe it. There were other black owned businesses burnt tonight as well. The liquor store even had hands up don't shoot artwork out front and they looted and burnt it anyway.
Will things be better in Ferguson two weeks from now because of today, the same, or worse?

Will things be better in Amercia two weeks from now because of today, the same, or worse?
Believe it. There were other black owned businesses burnt tonight as well. The liquor store even had hands up don't shoot artwork out front and they looted and burnt it anyway.
incorrect. they looted it. they didnt burn it down. and again, this wasnt the foreign-owned corner store... it was a BLACK landmark. it doesnt make sense.
Will things be better in Ferguson two weeks from now because of today, the same, or worse?

Will things be better in Amercia two weeks from now because of today, the same, or worse?

We got waitin' in line for HDTVs on Black Friday to worry about intead.
wait something aint sitting right. she said they burned the reds barbque???

that place is so well known that even I have heard of it down here in florida. why would they burn a black-owned, black-favorite, staple in their community?  thatd be like atlanta having a riot and burning down MLKs house or roscoes chicken n waffles... this isnt making sense at allllll and i dont believe it.
Local businesses don't deserve any of this....Walgreens/Little Caesars I could care less about it. Hope they local businesses get help re-building. 
wait something aint sitting right. she said they burned the reds barbque???

that place is so well known that even I have heard of it down here in florida. why would they burn a black-owned, black-favorite, staple in their community?  thatd be like atlanta having a riot and burning down MLKs house or roscoes chicken n waffles... this isnt making sense at allllll and i dont believe it.

Lots of the stuff I'm hearing just sounds weird.

1. The average protester isn't going to have the means to burn entire buildings like this. It's not like setting a trashcan on fire or something small. These are entire buildings. What the hell? Don't you need heavy duty stuff?

2. I heard about people looting pawn shops and stealing cross bows? WTH.
Lots of the stuff I'm hearing just sounds weird.

1. The average protester isn't going to have the means to burn entire buildings like this. It's not like setting a trashcan on fire or something small. These are entire buildings. What the hell? Don't you need heavy duty stuff?

2. I heard about people looting pawn shops and stealing cross bows? WTH.
They trying to get like Daryl. This is the walking dead to them.

But on a serious note...this is funny. My in-law is in St. Louis and she said they were rioting well before that ******* McCullough came out on T.V.
:smh: at the fact that the Brown family called for peaceful protest and people decided to riot instead.

What sickens me is that there are people out there there are using this as an excuse to justify animalistic behavior. There are people rioting that don't care about change, the injustice of the judicial system, or the fact that the Brown family is grieving a tremendous deal right now.

A large number of the people involved in these riots aren't willing to do anything for "the cause". I don't believe there's one person out there willing to be the martyr. None of them would take a bullet or give up their freedom to bring about change. Not when they have tweets to send on their mobile devices.

Lots of the stuff I'm hearing just sounds weird.

1. The average protester isn't going to have the means to burn entire buildings like this. It's not like setting a trashcan on fire or something small. These are entire buildings. What the hell? Don't you need heavy duty stuff?

They wouldn't need much. Structural fires can start a lot easier than you would think.
Are agent provocateurs at work? Why was there an initial report of a white guy who set the first car on fire.
Will things be better in Ferguson two weeks from now because of today, the same, or worse?

Will things be better in Amercia two weeks from now because of today, the same, or worse?
t-minus 3 days till everybody stops caring about this and Black Friday is the talk of the town
What if it's not black people doing the destruction and fires? Theres a lot of people out there and its dark...what if it's just set up to look like black people since they seemingly have 'motive'..

What if this is just being done to reinforce the stereotypes and negative stigma? It's always white people that riot after sports games. Hood black folks know how to make malotov cocktails?
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I understand being angry... But to destroy your own home and destroy staples of your community?... To shoot guns around and scare off firefighter putting out your arsons?...

I have no faith on the human race...
I remember the riots here in Cincinnati back in 01, **** was way too real.

Its a necessary process.

Stay safe out there.
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