Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Where's the national guard in all of this. Weren't they called in before the decision was even made?

Read this quote from Wilson from after he shot Brown multiple times:

At this point, (after shooting him a couple times) I start backpedaling, I tell him to get on the ground... he doesn't. I shoot another round of shots... I know atleast (one hit) because he flinched again.

At this point, it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I was shooting him.

After shooting him multiple times and warning him, he claims that after this, Brown made a face like a demon possessed and charged at him like he was going to tackle him.

Is this Dragon Ball Z?

Unarmed black teenager physically assaults a cop unprovoked, tries to take his gun, gets shot twice, runs away, gets shot again, then charges at Wilson and finally gets shot again. Not many people know what really happened but if any of this is true, but that story is literally unbelievable. If this happened in a movie, no one would buy it.
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Read this quote from Wilson from after he shot Brown multiple times:

At this point, (after shooting him a couple times) I start backpedaling, I tell him to get on the ground... he doesn't. I shoot another round of shots... I know atleast (one hit) because he flinched again.

At this point, it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I was shooting him.

After shooting him multiple times and warning him, he claims that after this, Brown made a face like a demon possessed and charged at him like he was going to tackle him.

Is this Dragon Ball Z?

Unarmed black teenager physically assaults a cop unprovoked, tries to take his gun, gets shot twice, runs away, gets shot again, then charges at Wilson and finally gets shot again. Not many people know what really happened but if any of this is true, but that story is literally unbelievable. If this happened in a movie, no one would buy it.

sounds very very fake IMO




When has rioting ever benefited the black community politically or financialy?
This s**t will keep happening year after year as long as black people live in a predominantly white western world. We will always be treated like second class citizens.

The only long term solution is n****s in the western world gotta take our knowledge and expertise to Africa and develop the damn continent. Only then will we get the respect we deserve and be treated as equals.

The way things work in Africa right now is for the benefit of the West (and soon, China). Don't think for a second you will waltz in there with "knowledge and expertise" and the local elite will hand you the keys to the good stuff they're giving European, American, and Asian multinationals.
I honestly havent been following this at all. Just read about it today. Is the outrage about it because the officer is not going to jail over this?

From the excerpts i read today it seems like the victim was pretty antagonistic toward the cop? What reasonable person acts like that toward police? I have no love for the cop either....seems like the typical overzealous judge dredd thinkin white guy on a power trip.

Im just confused why this particular case is such a big deal? Seems like this case of the year is not helping black people - a lot of people sympathize with the officer because of the way the victim acted. Are there not bigger cases out there where the victim is more likable?

Im honestly not trying to rustle jimmies but i dont get the big deal about this case. It sucks and is somewhat racist - but it reminds me of that the police in this country are overzealous about using their weapons and power. If a white guy was attacking the cop and getting in his face do most people think he would of acted differently? Im actually asking...does he have some sort of racial profiling/hate history?

Do courts release who voted which way? Is it assumed the 9 white jurors said innocemt and the 3 black jurors said guilty?
I honestly havent been following this at all. Just read about it today. Is the outrage about it because the officer is not going to jail over this?

From the excerpts i read today it seems like the victim was pretty antagonistic toward the cop? What reasonable person acts like that toward police? I have no love for the cop either....seems like the typical overzealous judge dredd thinkin white guy on a power trip.

Im just confused why this particular case is such a big deal? Seems like this case of the year is not helping black people - a lot of people sympathize with the officer because of the way the victim acted. Are there not bigger cases out there where the victim is more likable?

Im honestly not trying to rustle jimmies but i dont get the big deal about this case. It sucks and is somewhat racist - but it reminds me of that the police in this country are overzealous about using their weapons and power. If a white guy was attacking the cop and getting in his face do most people think he would of acted differently? Im actually asking...does he have some sort of racial profiling/hate history?

Do courts release who voted which way? Is it assumed the 9 white jurors said innocemt and the 3 black jurors said guilty?
Ok, you can leave the thread now.
When has rioting ever benefited the black community politically or financialy?
It doesn't boss.

People know this.

Knowing something like this isn't going to bring about positive results or change anything, but doing it anyway, is insanity.

An excuse.

A way to vent and act like it's in the name of justice.
Just as I suspected, smdh! [emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji][emoji]128545[/emoji]

Find him! # Taken3
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