Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

This ish will keep happening year after year as long as black people live in a predominantly white western world. We will always be treated like second class citizens.

The only long term solution is blacks in the western world gotta take our knowledge and expertise to Africa and develop the damn continent. Only then will we get the respect we deserve and be treated as equals.
I appreciate your comments in this thread but I respectfully disagree.

To paraphrase and update W.E.B. Du Bois' critique of the back-to-Africa movement of the early 20th century: in the age of imperialism, of drone warfare, of the non-existence of privacy, no escape will save us. 
cnn put up the full statement from wilson: check out these excerpts. they dont even make sense!


please do this with me. imagine yourself about to run. take a step. stutter step like ur about to juke a free safety for the touchdown. swing your left hand down and ur right hand down into your waistline at the same time. mike brown runs like hes about to hit a cat daddy? stutter steps before running like a cartoon?

and the TWO punches, where the 3rd would be fatal... ended up looking like THIS?


Only thing I got from that whole thing is that Wilson is a grade A *****. Making Mike Brown out to be this super power having negro who would've killed him with three punches.

Goddamn this "I was in fear for my life" excuse is so old.
Instead of blaming black people for the rioting, why not blame the system for not indicting a murderer?
.... just a shame the measures that all those people had to go thru for something that should'nt have been their civic duty to acquire in the first place. Shouldn't be shocked, the amount of times that this has reoccurred, pretending to be shocked would be criminal. **** up what you can, trust in the system will only lead to more mockery

Peace go with you, try and stay safe people.

I hate to bring up Obama again, cause I'm pretty upset at dude right now....But put aside if you like the man's politics or not. And consider this..........

The most powerful man on the planet is a black man. Who after winning a election by a landslide, and getting a mandate from the electorate, was handcuffed but white "progressives" in his own party.

This gave rise to a movement that openy hold protest in DC where the call the man a monkey, the n-word, and sorts of disgustingt things. But are also openly praised by some electioed officials as being "Real Americans" and the "Heart and Soul of the Country"

A man who also is currently being criticized for being a do nothing president, and a tyrant, at the same damb time.

But yeah, be the system, I'm sure it is just that simple.........
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I hate to bring up Obama again, cause I'm pretty upset at dude right now. And put aside if you like the man politics or not. But consider this..........

The most powerful man on the planet is a black man. Who after winning a election by a landslide, and getting a mandate from the electorate, was handcuffed but white "progressives" in his own party.

This game rise to a movement that open hold protest in DC where the call the man a monkey, the n-word, and sorts of different things. But are also openly praised by some election officials as being "Real Americans" and the "Heart and Soul of the Country"

Who also is currently being criticized as being do nothing president, and a tyrant, at the same damb time.

But yeah, be the system, I'm sure it is just that simple.........
This...take my reps.

We have a black man who is a figure head, plays president, but the white man will always run the country. FACTS
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