Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

me and girl out here chuckling at her dumb ***.

social media ruins lives...when will people learn that twitter, IG, and FB are public forums that know your REAL IDENTITY
right smh Iol I hope someone at school whoops her *** too...

Only way to make it right is for her school to expell her 
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cnn put up the full statement from wilson: check out these excerpts. they dont even make sense!



please do this with me. imagine yourself about to run. take a step. stutter step like ur about to juke a free safety for the touchdown. swing your left hand down and ur right hand down into your waistline at the same time. mike brown runs like hes about to hit a cat daddy? stutter steps before running like a cartoon?

and the TWO punches, where the 3rd would be fatal... ended up looking like THIS?

 at how sad this has turned! 

What kind of cockamame story is this!
**** jus hurts my heart man some People will never understamd
cnn put up the full statement from wilson: check out these excerpts. they dont even make sense!


please do this with me. imagine yourself about to run. take a step. stutter step like ur about to juke a free safety for the touchdown. swing your left hand down and ur right hand down into your waistline at the same time. mike brown runs like hes about to hit a cat daddy? stutter steps before running like a cartoon?

and the TWO punches, where the 3rd would be fatal... ended up looking like THIS?


Crazy that this stuff is enough to not even bring it to trial. Even though eye witness accounts have conflicting evidence. I would SLIGHTLY understand if they decided he wasn't guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. But not even pressing charges? Shameless.
I'm seeing more people upset about the destruction of inanimate objects,

than about the murderer of an unarmed American citizen getting off scott free...

Thank you for revealing yourselves.
Great point. It flows from a steadfast belief in the sanctity of property. If you own and derive wealth from that property, your first inclination is not to fear the abuse of police power, but the threat of black rage towards your property. 

Of course, if your a member of the 1% you don't fear this loss. These folks live in gated (phsyically or culturally constructed) communities and fly high or speed past the lower orders.

But for those who own a "storage unit" or a Little Ceasar's (read: the petty bourgeoisie) you're going to be concerned that the "looters" are soon coming for you. 
right smh Iol I hope someone at school whoops her *** too...

the irony someone just posted a pic on twitter of her at prom with a mixed guy

i looked at her friends twitters and they all joking about she wont be able to leave the house now
everytime he gets shot, he gets stronger 
Like what kind of person with any sense believes this?!

You're 6'3, a police officer with a gun, and you're scared of an unarmed boy. And you tell these people,with a straight face, that you thought he was gonna kill you with a punch?!
You must not be black

Yes but I wasn't talking about the constitution. I was being straight up on how we are all the same. No matter what anyone says, its more important knowing the truth then avoiding it. WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Let other people think what they want as long as you know the truth.
This ish will keep happening year after year as long as black people live in a predominantly white western world. We will always be treated like second class citizens.

The only long term solution is blacks in the western world gotta take our knowledge and expertise to Africa and develop the damn continent. Only then will we get the respect we deserve and be treated as equals.
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Hope someone told what chick that white people start riots when their favorite sports teams lose and win
they just rioted in new hampshire like a month ago at the pumpkin festival. they rioted because they were having fun.

When they asked one of the rioters why he was doing it "It's just like a rush. You're revolting from the cops," he told the paper Saturday night. "It's a blast to do things that you're not supposed to do."


they just rioted in new hampshire like a month ago at the pumpkin festival. they rioted because they were having fun.

When they asked one of the rioters why he was doing it "It's just like a rush. You're revolting from the cops,"
What a bunch of dumbskulls :smh:
The lengths in which some black folk have gone to separate themselves from those " ******" has been astonishing
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