Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

that @Leslifrye girl just deleted all her tweets and locked her twitter

her cell number got leaked

her address got leaked

people are tweeting her school

her principal got contacted

the colleges she is looking to attend have students tweeting them not to accept her

this is crazy
that @Leslifrye girl just deleted all her tweets and locked her twitter

her cell number got leaked

her address got leaked

people are tweeting her school

her principal got contacted

the colleges she is looking to attend have students tweeting them not to accept her

this is crazy
that @Leslifrye girl just deleted all her tweets and locked her twitter

her cell number got leaked

her address got leaked

people are tweeting her school

her principal got contacted

the colleges she is looking to attend have students tweeting them not to accept her

this is crazy
thats what her dumb *** gets
that @Leslifrye girl just deleted all her tweets and locked her twitter

her cell number got leaked

her address got leaked

people are tweeting her school

her principal got contacted

the colleges she is looking to attend have students tweeting them not to accept her

this is crazy
justice served, ignorance will get you no where 
that @Leslifrye girl just deleted all her tweets and locked her twitter

her cell number got leaked

her address got leaked

people are tweeting her school

her principal got contacted

the colleges she is looking to attend have students tweeting them not to accept her

this is crazy

You didn't know black people were slaves when the constitution was written?

Yes but I wasn't talking about the constitution. I was being straight up on how we are all the same. No matter what anyone says, its more important knowing the truth then avoiding it. WE ARE ALL THE SAME. Let other people think what they want as long as you know the truth.
Please America clearly ain't got for all of us. That's civil disobedience in its truest form.
I'm seeing more people upset about the destruction of inanimate objects,

than about the murderer of an unarmed American citizen getting off scott free...

Thank you for revealing yourselves.
Big Business insured objects at that. 
cnn put up the full statement from wilson: check out these excerpts. they dont even make sense!



please do this with me. imagine yourself about to run. take a step. stutter step like ur about to juke a free safety for the touchdown. swing your left hand down and ur right hand down into your waistline at the same time. mike brown runs like hes about to hit a cat daddy? stutter steps before running like a cartoon?

and the TWO punches, where the 3rd would be fatal... ended up looking like THIS?

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