Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri


People that create these things are sheep, :lol:

Dillon Taylor was gunned down by a black officer 2 days after this Michael Brown situation and nobody gave a single damb.

This is way bigger than race.
Ferguson Scanner: The suspect setting cop cars on fire is a white male wearing an American flag bandana.
There are white people who are outraged.

The constitution was created in a room full of white men only. To say that all men are created equal was with the intent that all men in that room are equal, blacks were not included.

Edit: julius wrek julius wrek elaborated better.
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i agree with you but an orbital blowout fracture normally looks like this

I agree. Never said he had a orbitalblowout fx. Trust me I see them everyday. The degree of swelling can vary but I agree doesnt look like he has a orbital blowout fx.
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During this 3 month vacation, Darren Wilson has made a ridiculous amount of money. 10x what he would've made in one year. No one's going to burn down whatever mansion he's chilling in right now.
Bruh listen.

I understand why this is doing down, I'm not out here judging these protesters. The only thing that might piss me off is black owned business get looted and destroyed too. That is like shooting ourselves in the foot.

I want the black community to control the argument.

I ain't bout being on best behavior thinking to get in go favor with white supremacist. Screw dat. I know it is a) pointless and b) some serious sucker **** for the black community to beg in anyway for justice/fair treatment/ to get systematically oppressed.

CNN is using us for their ratings, Fox is using use to just their ideology, the crooked police chief is using us to get a bigger budget. I just want my people to realize that these fools out there playing chess and we trying to counter with checkers. I writing was on the wall that justice wasn't going to be served. And all these racist were in a corner like "watch, look, their gonna go wild and riot" and look what happens.

We allow them to distort the message, when you can predict how someone is going to react, you can control them better.

All I'm saying their are better ways to strike at these fools.

But like I said, I'm not judging what people are doing right now, and I don't personally care care what the white media has to say about it.
Feel you, Rusty.  I just think all this talk about rioting and looting is a standard move for the simpletons. Its the go-to for those unable to situate black rage in the larger context of white racism. Its the standard move for those unable to understand the disinvestment of a community, the spatial isolation of black poverty, and the island of white wealth.  Its the convenient expression of those who live by some textbook definition about how protests are supposed to be conducted. 

There are indeed better ways to strike at the heart of white supremacy. And perhaps a reminder to the nation of what black rage looks like is just one of the many ways. 

During this 3 month vacation, Darren Wilson has made a ridiculous amount of money. 10x what he would've made in one year. No one's going to burn down whatever mansion he's chilling in right now.

Every police officer out there right now is getting overtime and some sort of hazardous duty pay if their department offers it.
This is just an overall sad situation. Nothing more needs to be said.

I just hope that no one gets killed during this protest.

Bruh listen.

I understand why this is doing down, I'm not out here judging these protesters. The only thing that might piss me off is black owned business get looted and destroyed too. That is like shooting ourselves in the foot.

I want the black community to control the argument.

I ain't bout being on best behavior thinking to get in go favor with white supremacist. Screw dat. I know it is a) pointless and b) some serious sucker **** for the black community to beg in anyway for justice/fair treatment/ to get systematically oppressed.

CNN is using us for their ratings, Fox is using use to just their ideology, the crooked police chief is using us to get a bigger budget. I just want my people to realize that these fools out there playing chess and we trying to counter with checkers. I writing was on the wall that justice wasn't going to be served. And all these racist were in a corner like "watch, look, their gonna go wild and riot" and look what happens.

We allow them to distort the message, when you can predict how someone is going to react, you can control them better.

All I'm saying their are better ways to strike at these fools.

But like I said, I'm not judging what people are doing right now, and I don't personally care care what the white media has to say about it.
Feel you, Rusty.  I just think all this talk about rioting and looting is a standard move for the simpletons. Its the go-to for those unable to situate black rage in the larger context of white racism. Its the standard move for those unable to understand the disinvestment of a community, the spatial isolation of black poverty, and the island of white wealth.  Its the convenient expression of those who live by some textbook definition about how protests are supposed to be conducted. 

There are indeed better ways to strike at the heart of white supremacy. And perhaps a reminder to the nation of what black rage looks like is just one of the many ways. 

View media item 882170
We on the same page brah
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But we aint.

It's a fact that the constitution was written to exclude blacks as "men"

I apologize for lack of knowledge. Im just saying we all need to stop worrying about color and focus on the real problem. Police going around killing people and not getting punished for it. Meanwhile the news seems to enjoy all this and continue to talk about race when thats not the real issue.
But we aint.

It's a fact that the constitution was written to exclude blacks as "men"
I apologize for lack of knowledge. Im just saying we all need to stop worrying about color and focus on the real problem. Police going around killing people and not getting punished for it. Meanwhile the news seems to enjoy all this and continue to talk about race when thats not the real issue.
If it weren't about race,

then Black people wouldn't be 21 times more likely to be shot by police than their "peers".

Note, its people.




Every 28 hours a Black person is shot by the police.

I really hope this stuff puts MORE focus on the prosecutor Robert McCulloch. This was always going to end badly but talk about revving people up more than they needed to be. Instead of trying to calm people down - he was condescending, divisive and showed a complete lack of respect for the entire matter. This is a guy who is extremely biased for multiple reasons. He should've been no where near this situation. Guys like this are the reason White Supremacy is strong. He's in a position of power with strong biases and a track record of misconduct. This stuff has been exposed online and he's handled this situation terribly yet he's still as powerful as ever.

There will be no justice as long as people like him are pulling the strings behind the scenes.
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