Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I-580 in Oakland
I was apart of the L.A. Riots so I know how crazy it can turn in those streets.

It was more than Rodney King, it was about race relations. A Korean killed an unarmed black girl off assuming she was stealing...it's no coincidence Korean store owners were targeted.

You gotta understand that logic and common sense is thrown out when you're in the thick of the unrest.
Where are all of those lumps DW got from the fight though? >D

Looks like he had someone slap him before the pic to cause some redness. FOH!
Im tired of everything having to be "black this""mexicans" "white that" . How about we all realize we are ALL THE SAME AND CREATED EQUAL. WE BLEED THE SAME BLOOD. This race war needs to STOP because its not helping us grow as a society and keeps us from loving each other. If we keep this up we will never grow as a nation. Im looking at the news and I hate how they address race into almost everything. Its like they want to put us in this difference when skin color should mean nothing. A KID LOST HIS LIFE TO A GUN BY A POLICE OFFICER. Who cares if he was black,white,latino,brown,yellow,blue, green. It's hard to imagine loosing a son like this. He got killed by a person who was suppose to help and protect the community not destroy it. Sadly justice was not served for Michael but its up to us to stop this from happing again. The news will continue to be BS for the eyes but we can't be fooled. It's just a form of government media to get in our heads and keep us in there racist game. They want us to get angry, but I say protest by becoming better citizens so their will be no need for police to keep killing OUR FAMILY MEMBERS BECAUSE WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

RIP Michael Brown and GOD bless everyone.
Darren Wilson's testimony really paints Mike Brown as superman. Crazy. Dude got shot like 6 times and still ran at Wilson with enough force to scare him into shooting the kill shot. Was he on PCP?
Im tired of everything having to be "black this""mexicans" "white that" . How about we all realize we are ALL THE SAME AND CREATED EQUAL. WE BLEED THE SAME BLOOD. This race war needs to STOP because its not helping us grow as a society and keeps us from loving each other. If we keep this up we will never grow as a nation. Im looking at the news and I hate how they address race into almost everything. Its like they want to put us in this difference when skin color should mean nothing. A KID LOST HIS LIFE TO A GUN BY A POLICE OFFICER. Who cares if he was black,white,latino,brown,yellow,blue, green. It's hard to imagine loosing a son like this. He got killed by a person who was suppose to help and protect the community not destroy it. Sadly justice was not served for Michael but its up to us to stop this from happing again. The news will continue to be BS for the eyes but we can't be fooled. It's just a form of government media to get in our heads and keep us in there racist game. They want us to get angry, but I say protest by becoming better citizens so their will be no need for police to keep killing OUR FAMILY MEMBERS BECAUSE WE ARE ALL THE SAME.

RIP Michael Brown and GOD bless everyone.
But we aint.

It's a fact that the constitution was written to exclude blacks as "men"
Obama speak was lame has hell but he made the great point.

All the rioting all looting will do is help the fools from CNN and Fox paint black folks as savages just wanting an excuse to rob, steal, vandalize etc.

Even though no one wants to hear that right now, even me kind of, all violence just moves the discussion of what really matters.
No Rusty. I usually think your analysis is on point but this is misguided.

Its not about currying favor with white media. When blackness is devalorized, no amount of war service, ownership of property, graduates with Ivy degrees, will undercut the portrait of black savagery. 

Bruh listen.

I understand why this is doing down, I'm not out here judging these protesters. The only thing that might piss me off is black owned business get looted and destroyed too. That is like shooting ourselves in the foot.

I want the black community to control the argument.

I ain't bout being on best behavior thinking to get in go favor with white supremacist. Screw dat. I know it is a) pointless and b) some serious sucker **** for the black community to beg in anyway for justice/fair treatment/ to get systematically oppressed.

CNN is using us for their ratings, Fox is using use to just their ideology, the crooked police chief is using us to get a bigger budget. I just want my people to realize that these fools out there playing chess and we trying to counter with checkers. I writing was on the wall that justice wasn't going to be served. And all these racist were in a corner like "watch, look, their gonna go wild and riot" and look what happens.

We allow them to distort the message, when you can predict how someone is going to react, you can control them better.

All I'm saying their are better ways to strike at these fools.

But like I said, I'm not judging what people are doing right now, and I don't personally care care what the white media has to say about it.
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