Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri


i bet you werent at the Million Man March back in 1995 doe, i was there with my FATHER dont play me on here about race i had a strong black role model of a father along with the other strong black men in my community who went to my church

you want me to dig up the photos right now

dont sit here an play me when im tryna reach out
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BOTTOM LINE; Ferguson citizens gave the city a chance to right their wrongs, almost 2 months worth of time to be exact. 3 MONTHS... 104 DAYS.... However they failed to please the community and got that Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown anger unleashed upon that small city. SAD but true. No justice for Martin or Brown. Whos next!!!!! Im actually afraid of 12 nowdays.
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National Guard are protecting Clayton right now. (predominantly white part of town)
None in ferguson
BOTTOM LINE; Ferguson citizens gave the city a chance to right their wrongs, almost 2 months worth of time to be exact. However they failed to please the community and got that Trayvon Martin and Mike Brown anger unleashed upon that small city. SAD but true. No justice for Martin or Brown. Whos next!!!!! Im actually afraid of 12 nowdays.
almost 2 months? its been 104 days.... well over 3 months.

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