Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Don't understand why they torch their own ****.

Go to the nice neighborhoods and torch those
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I can only imagine tomorrow is going to be worse all around the nation
For sure man. Its a sad world we live in.

I read somewhere that the officer got almost 500Gs in donations from people, while he was on paid leave. And that 500Gs is considered "charity" so its tax-free. Not to sure about these facts though.

I can only imagine tomorrow is going to be worse all around the nation
For sure man. Its a sad world we live in.

I read somewhere that the officer got almost 500Gs in donations from people, while he was on paid leave. And that 500Gs is considered "charity" so its tax-free. Not to sure about these facts though.

It did indeed happen.

The comments that accompanied the donations were extremely racist.

GoFundMe was boycotted.
The president doesn't hold any real powers. He's just a figurehead
I hate to bring up Obama again, cause I'm pretty upset at dude right now....But put aside if you like the man's politics or not. And consider this..........

The most powerful man on the planet is a black man. Who after winning a election by a landslide, and getting a mandate from the electorate, was handcuffed but white "progressives" in his own party.

This gave rise to a movement that openy hold protest in DC where the call the man a monkey, the n-word, and sorts of disgustingt things. But are also openly praised by some electioed officials as being "Real Americans" and the "Heart and Soul of the Country"

A man who also is currently being criticized for being a do nothing president, and a tyrant, at the same damb time.

But yeah, be the system, I'm sure it is just that simple.........
at the fact that the Brown family called for peaceful protest and people decided to riot instead.

They know dang well Brown family didnt mean that. What was they suppose to say on live TV, burn the city down... Then the cops would be arresting them for inciting riots
dudes just bum rushed the girl live! Feed went offline when a few dudes rushed the van

What if it's not black people doing the destruction and fires? Theres a lot of people out there and its dark...what if it's just set up to look like black people since they seemingly have 'motive'..

What if this is just being done to reinforce the stereotypes and negative stigma? It's always white people that riot after sports games. Hood black folks know how to make malotov cocktails?
But it's not just black people out there, even in a lot of the pictures of protest before the decision, there were large amounts of white people along with plenty others. It's a black issue but in its entirety a reflection on the system. 

Don't believe that all the looting begins and ends with just the black people
I can only imagine tomorrow is going to be worse all around the nation
For sure man. Its a sad world we live in.

I read somewhere that the officer got almost 500Gs in donations from people, while he was on paid leave. And that 500Gs is considered "charity" so its tax-free. Not to sure about these facts though.

It did indeed happen.

The comments that accompanied the donations were extremely racist.

GoFundMe was boycotted.
I just hate the world we live in. 
I scroll up and down my timeline seeing black people condemning folks for rioting

Nonviolent protestors were met with tanks and dogs.

Nonviolent black men get shot and killed by police.

Nonviolent women got raped on slave plantations.

Nonviolent **** ain't working... But it works for the dominant society.

Violence worked when committing genocide against native Americans.

Violence worked when enslaving Africans

Violence worked when a cop feels played an escalates the situation.

Maybe we should take a page from their book...
But it's not just black people out there, even in a lot of the pictures of protest before the decision, there were large amounts of white people along with plenty others. It's a black issue but in its entirety a reflection on the system. 

Don't believe that all the looting begins and ends with just the black people
There is alot of insurance scams going on tonight
One of the bigger questions in all of this is why did they wait till nightfall to announce the grand jury's decision instead of the morning or afternoon? It's like they did it on purpose hoping there would be rioting so they could show America "look they're savages just like mike brown"
I scroll up and down my timeline seeing black people condemning folks for rioting

Nonviolent protestors were met with tanks and dogs.

Nonviolent black men get shot and killed by police.

Nonviolent women got raped on slave plantations.

Nonviolent **** ain't working... But it works for the dominant society.

Violence worked when committing genocide against native Americans.

Violence worked when enslaving Africans

Violence worked when a cop feels played an escalates the situation.

Maybe we should take a page from their book...
It's for all those who believe in a civilized society... willing to take **** from both ends
One of the bigger questions in all of this is why did they wait till nightfall to announce the grand jury's decision instead of the morning or afternoon? It's like they did it on purpose hoping there would be rioting so they could show America "look they're savages just like mike brown"
August: "Don't protest at night!"
November: "Let's make the announcement at 8pm!"
National Guard is protecting the Uppity areas. Those fools dont have a clue

it should had been 2 houses burning down.. Wilson and the police chief. Then everybody go home and have a good night rest and back to work in the morning
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But it's not just black people out there, even in a lot of the pictures of protest before the decision, there were large amounts of white people along with plenty others. It's a black issue but in its entirety a reflection on the system. 

Don't believe that all the looting begins and ends with just the black people

This. There are white provocateurs setting **** on fire to make it look like black ppl are "destroying their own community". As posted in here earlier, it was confirmed over police scanners that they are looking for a white suspect with an american bandana. Wouldn't hear those facts through the mass media tho. Doesn't fit their agenda.

I'm willing to bet that the black owned businesses weren't burned by the black residents of Ferguson. You would have to be a simpleton to believe that ****.
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