Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Being from Canada this situation boggles my mind. I don't care about the legal loopholes and the juries decision. It's quite simple that cop was a grown *** man and there is no excuse for killing a teenager unarmed. How hard is it? Even if Brown did all those things he alleges, you still don't need to shoot the kid. You can call for back up and wait, and track him down later. You can lock yourself in the car and drive away, whatever. Let the kid runaway, you have already established identity and he is unarmed. If not you will find him later. Why on earth is it worth killing someone over that? That **** just doesn't make sense. 

As for the riots, i get it. We do this over Hockey.
Any updates on the ferguson streets. Is the rioting and stuff still going on?
Majority if people arent doing any thing. Police are not really in ferguson except for guarding the  Clerk build and police and fire stations. There are a few buildings burning and looting but it aint really nothing
in mob situations like that the police go after the ppl that are weak/hurt/nonresisting especially

they out for blood and anyone in their vicinity is gettin beat
you cant be serious? these idiots out here rioting and 'protesting' are starting fires and being reckless throwing bottles and rocks and shooting guns off. cops are trained on how to handle these situations. they aint picking out specific 'weak' people.

these cops aint the ones who shot that kid they are out there doing their job and trying to protect a town or city or neighborhood. they also gave out warnings to disperse before the tear gas got shot off.
no you cant be serious

this whole issue is about a cop "who was trained" yet killed an unarmed teenager

now you tryna tell me in the middle of mobs/protests, these same cops are going to somehow be less aggressive or lethal or act with any kind of human decency towards those ppl out there?

***** w that ******** 
 If you consider burning buildings and looting nothing, what would be your definition of something then Superb?

You make that comment like this is  entertainment, for you,  and it's not living up to the hype of "burn the whole City to the ground"
Poor guy. This is the store that Michael Brown stole from originally. Bunch of rioters went back and trashed it tonight.

Wow. Trash the convenience store that the kid robbed that eventually led to said kid getting killed. Great logic.

He and all the other business owners have insurance

You say this like everything is a-ok for the business owners
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Just now getting back home from work and saw some of Wilson's testimony to the grand jury, sounds like something straight out of a bad Law and Order episode. Did they ever say how the jury voted? I know 9 was needed for an indictment.
America is built on wonton property damage and theft from businesses if anything the rioters and looters are paying homage to Boston tea party .Without the cowardice of pretending to be native Americans so they wouldn't get the blame
Yea it's a whole different thing if he got picked on for the possibility of having something to do with the killing...  that's absurd, but hell they were going to loot anyway
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I have read of so many wars and political crises it is as if I lived through many of them. The first few things to do is to burn the stores of police sympathizers and to make an appeal to the President and ask that his Justice Department to charge Darren Wilson on civil rights charges.

I doubt that either will transpire. This war will be decided by patience and persistence. This is like a long blockade or a siege. Black people and progressives must turn out and vote for the farthest left candidates possible. We should try to produce our own candidates wherever we can.

We must take control of primaries, municipal elections, county elections, State elections and once we capture enough towns and shires, we can select a president of our choosing. This conflict will only end when we have built from the ground up. Placing a genuine progressive on our civic throne is not our cornerstone, it will be our shinning capstone.
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