Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Never proven to be the shop owner? You got proof of that?
The guy you assume is MB was never actually proven to be him. But the release of that video of a big black dude bullying some dude for some cheap cigars was a key propaganda tool in defaming Brown.
I doubt that either will transpire. This war will be decided by patience and persistence. This is like a long blockade or a siege. Black people and progressives must turn out and vote for the farthest left candidates possible. We should try to produce our own candidates wherever we can.

The majority of black people have been voting for liberals for 50 years in this country. Maybe they should try something different and go the conservative, free market route instead of the liberal, dependency on big government route.

Liberalism and the Democrat party seeks to hold people of all colors down so they have to rely on government to make it through life.
I have read of so many wars and political crises it is as if I lived through many of them. The first few things to do is to burn the stores of police sympathizers and to make an appeal to the President and ask that his Justice Department to charge Darren Wilson on civil rights charges.

I doubt that either will transpire. This war will be decided by patience and persistence. This is like a long blockade or a siege. Black people and progressives must turn out and vote for the farthest left candidates possible. We should try to produce our own candidates wherever we can.

We must take control of primaries, municipal elections, county elections, State elections and once we capture enough towns and shires, we can select a president of our choosing. This conflict will only end when we have built from the ground up. Placing a genuine progressive on our civic throne is not our cornerstone, it will be our shinning capstone.
I have read of so many wars and political crises it is as if I lived through many of them. The first few things to do is to burn the stores of police sympathizers and to make an appeal to the President and ask that his Justice Department to charge Darren Wilson on civil rights charges.

I doubt that either will transpire. This war will be decided by patience and persistence. This is like a long blockade or a siege. Black people and progressives must turn out and vote for the farthest left candidates possible. We should try to produce our own candidates wherever we can.

We must take control of primaries, municipal elections, county elections, State elections and once we capture enough towns and shires, we can select a president of our choosing. This conflict will only end when we have built from the ground up. Placing a genuine progressive on our civic throne is not our cornerstone, it will be our shinning capstone.
Not to quote myself but just to add, the County and the State elections are the easiest to win if we just turn out.

These are the ones we need in instances like this.

I mean we elect our own Sheriffs for Christ sake.

Ferguson should never have to worry about something like this again, if they Vote, instead of burning ****.

If you can protest for hours, I know you can gather the homies for a 15 minute trip to elect the next Sheriff who will Police your town for the next SIX YEARS.

Come on people, think

If you can get 1000 people to follow and like you on Twitter and FB, I know you can talk 10 people into going and voting with you, right
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The majority of black people have been voting for liberals for 50 years in this country. Maybe they should try something different and go the conservative, free market route instead of the liberal, dependency on big government route.

Liberalism and the Democrat party seeks to hold people of all colors down so they have to rely on government to make it through life.

Remember that while conservatives and the Republicans Party have been able to closely match each other, liberals and the Democratic Party have been drifting apart. The Democratic Party tends to simply shadow the GOP and it is just one shade to the left of the GOP and it tends to win elections that way. Liberals and the Democratic Party are speaking from very different places.

I became a liberal instead of a conservative or a libertarian, in part, because I feel as if I can press my civil libertarian demands from the left of American Politics. Libertarians and Conservatives place too much emphasis on tax cuts and deregulation. While those are important issues for debate, I feel as if big government has manifest itself already on the door steps of black and brown people. When big government has made landfall in our hoods and barrios, I feel that we fight it there instead of continuing to be outraged over minor or theoretical overreaches of big government on the very rich and corporations.

For any community that is currently under siege by law enforcement, we must sweep away the aggressors first and later on we may have a debate over the role of regulators in our economy.
We got black presidents mayors state reps aldermans we been doing this change the system from within crap since forever it does not work
We got black presidents mayors state reps aldermans we been doing this change the system from within crap since forever it does not work
It doesn't have to be a Black person, just a person about change.

There is one real candidate in almost every election,everywhere.

If there is not, then, again, the fault lies with us.

We are capable of creating candidates and then voting them in.

The problem is it takes work and persistence, and we are prisoners of the moment.

We can't say, it didn't work that time, and quit.

To try and fail is not defeat, to completely give up is.

You don't vote for the Black person, you vote for the right person.

The majority of black people have been voting for liberals for 50 years in this country. Maybe they should try something different and go the conservative, free market route instead of the liberal, dependency on big government route.

Liberalism and the Democrat party seeks to hold people of all colors down so they have to rely on government to make it through life.

Is this a joke?

Conservative :lol:

I believe in a third party system, but the republican party is a joke for any minority in this country. Any black person who votes for that party is a fool. You can turn to Faux News and see what they think about you daily.
Melanated people need to stop pledging allegiance to a particular political party. Both sides arewilling to ***** themselves out for money, so just rent whichever politician is willing to promote your agenda. As long as they deliver results, I'd be willing to support anyone from either party. And if they don't deliver we MUST start holding them accountable.

The people of Ferguson should've been held a recall election and cleaned house.
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The verdict was read at night to distract people from the injustice of the decision, because the dumb and major news sources will focus on the riot and destruction.

Why are they rioting?

Yeah, WHY are they rioting. The people who pose that question don't really care, because they aren't angry at the system. They have no reason to be.

Do they wonder why they were rioting after the San Francisco Giants or Seattle Seahawks won. Are they upset at them destroying their own communities then?

I really hate that rhetorical question of why are they rioting, because they really don't give a ****. They don't want an answer and none will be sufficient.

How many people have Isis killed? And people want to declare war on them.........
Even though I'm not surprised this **** is still crazy. It can be a cop or a fake neighborhood watch toy cop, they can kill a young black man and it's all good in this country. We've made progress but when it comes down to it black life means nothing to these people. Again I just can't go over shot 6 times and twice in the head. It's flat out f'ed up. Y'all brothers stay safe.
Disappointed in the decision, but I'm not surprised. Probably been said 100x since last night, but some sort of bill needs to be passed where all sworn-in officers are mandated to wear cameras while on the clock.
I scroll up and down my timeline seeing black people condemning folks for rioting

Nonviolent protestors were met with tanks and dogs.

Nonviolent black men get shot and killed by police.

Nonviolent women got raped on slave plantations.

Nonviolent **** ain't working... But it works for the dominant society.

Violence worked when committing genocide against native Americans.

Violence worked when enslaving Africans

Violence worked when a cop feels played an escalates the situation.

Maybe we should take a page from their book...
I feel u man, but all that would do is make them feel more justified in how they treat us. They get away with killing us for what they think we might do, imagine how bad it would be if we were actually doing ****. We cant fix this with violence BC we can't win that battle. they just waiting for that to happen so they can flex.
I always think it's funny how they brought Africans over to enslave them, then once they were by law free, they started fearing then because they knew what they did was wrong and feared retaliation. I seen a documentary about Aparthied where the Dutch decendants said the same thing.

Ask them why they fear Blacks, bet they give no legitimate answer
I'll tell you what, Darren Wilson better have U.S. Military Scout Sniper training to be able to shoot Mike Brown from 150ft. away, because 9mm guns only have a 25-50yard (max) range. Darren Wilson would have to of tried to chase him down.
After seeing the photos of Wilson, how can anyone in their right mind believe that his life was in danger? It's insane.

I'm not about to paint a broad stroke of all police out there because there are (and I know) some GREAT ones. However, there are officers like Wilson, and the dude who shot the man in the Pink Houses, who should under no circumstance be permitted to carry a gun. If you're going to shoot an unarmed man because you're shook, maybe...juuust maybe, you're in the wrong line of work.

In addition to officers wearing cameras, better psychological evaluations need to be done on all police recruits before they are actually sworn in. I'm all for tax increases IF measures like these are actually put in place. Goodness knows, SOMETHING needs to change. We'll always have police, but we need better trained police out there who will do right by their badge.


I heard on CNN that Wilson has resigned....what's his life going to be like from here on out?
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After seeing the photos of Wilson, how can anyone in their right mind believe that his life was in danger? It's insane.

I'm not about to paint a broad stroke of all police out there because there are (and I know) some GREAT ones. However, there are officers like Wilson, and the dude who shot the man in the Pink Houses, who should under no circumstance be permitted to carry a gun. If you're going to shoot an unarmed man because you're shook, maybe...juuust maybe, you're in the wrong line of work.

In addition to officers wearing cameras, better psychological evaluations need to be done on all police recruits before they are actually sworn in. I'm all for tax increases IF measures like these are actually put in place. Goodness knows, SOMETHING needs to change. We'll always have police, but we need better trained police out there who will do right by their badge.


I heard on CNN that Wilson has resigned....what's his life going to be like from here on out?

Dont eem care. There is a special place in hell for the Prosecutor.
I will ever never understand rioting. Rioting and looting your own neighborhood? What happened last night was embarrassing.

On the other hand, the prosecution did a terrible job of delivering the news in a timely & organized fashion. It's almost like they dared the protesters to show up and cause a scene for America to see on prime time television. To give the perception that they (the state) has done nothing wrong, that the people have turned this into riot.

Sadly the ignorance fell for the bait.
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